Nana Adores MJ


Well-Known Member
LOL... you inspired me so we ordered 72 latex ballons and 15 mylars... LOL we're nuts. I almost did call you back she looked heart broken... it was sad... so i gave her jay's phone and she chewed on it... oops... :lookaroun

:cry: *balls my eyes out* it's so awsome... but so heartbreaking at the same time... :cry:

YAY for balloons...:sohappy:

So funnny...

Next time call me.....Poor Lizzy...

I know....:D and :cry:

LMAO... I love you Nibbs... that was awsome... LOL

Good Lord girly! you better not be! :lol: LOL Just remember... though they are amazing little people... once they're here... they are ALLLLWAYYS here.... FOREVER...

*says in slow drawn out deep voice*



Forever is good.........:sohappy:

I would not want it any other way


This sure has been a stressful week. Today started out good when I was here earlier nothing was going on. Well my oldest son called me. They had called him into work so I went to go get him and take him to work. Saturaday I picked up my new glasses. I wasn't feeling well so I just took them. Later Saturaday I got on the computer and unless I was about a foot away from the screen I couldn't see to read. So anyways today after dropping my son off at work I went try see what I could do about my glasses. All they did was adjust them. She said to come back next week if that doesn't help. It didn't.
I got home an within the hour my son called me from work saying that he fell and he might need stitches in his chin. So I went to pick him up. He works at a all you can eat steak house. He was carring out some plates about 25 to 50 of them. He tripped and went down on his leg. The plates hit his hand and he got cut pretty good but not too bad. His chin also hit the plates and he very likely will need stitches.

Well while I was waiting for his boss to do the paper work my DH called and said one of his coworkers was in an accident in his company van. He was sandwiched in between 2 vehicles. I don't know how he is doing because I could barely hear what he was saying.(too noisy) So I was getting my sons bandages from the store and the school nurse called. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I want this week over with. Hopefully next week is better.:zipit:


New Member
This sure has been a stressful week. Today started out good when I was here earlier nothing was going on. Well my oldest son called me. They had called him into work so I went to go get him and take him to work. Saturaday I picked up my new glasses. I wasn't feeling well so I just took them. Later Saturaday I got on the computer and unless I was about a foot away from the screen I couldn't see to read. So anyways today after dropping my son off at work I went try see what I could do about my glasses. All they did was adjust them. She said to come back next week if that doesn't help. It didn't.
I got home an within the hour my son called me from work saying that he fell and he might need stitches in his chin. So I went to pick him up. He works at a all you can eat steak house. He was carring out some plates about 25 to 50 of them. He tripped and went down on his leg. The plates hit his hand and he got cut pretty good but not too bad. His chin also hit the plates and he very likely will need stitches.

Well while I was waiting for his boss to do the paper work my DH called and said one of his coworkers was in an accident in his company van. He was sandwiched in between 2 vehicles. I don't know how he is doing because I could barely hear what he was saying.(too noisy) So I was getting my sons bandages from the store and the school nurse called. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I want this week over with. Hopefully next week is better.:zipit:

((bear hugs you and your family))

goodness sweetie... i'm sorry


Well-Known Member
This sure has been a stressful week. Today started out good when I was here earlier nothing was going on. Well my oldest son called me. They had called him into work so I went to go get him and take him to work. Saturaday I picked up my new glasses. I wasn't feeling well so I just took them. Later Saturaday I got on the computer and unless I was about a foot away from the screen I couldn't see to read. So anyways today after dropping my son off at work I went try see what I could do about my glasses. All they did was adjust them. She said to come back next week if that doesn't help. It didn't.
I got home an within the hour my son called me from work saying that he fell and he might need stitches in his chin. So I went to pick him up. He works at a all you can eat steak house. He was carring out some plates about 25 to 50 of them. He tripped and went down on his leg. The plates hit his hand and he got cut pretty good but not too bad. His chin also hit the plates and he very likely will need stitches.

Well while I was waiting for his boss to do the paper work my DH called and said one of his coworkers was in an accident in his company van. He was sandwiched in between 2 vehicles. I don't know how he is doing because I could barely hear what he was saying.(too noisy) So I was getting my sons bandages from the store and the school nurse called. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I want this week over with. Hopefully next week is better.:zipit:
Oh...I'm so sorry susan! Hopefully your weekend will be better! :D


New Member
Hi all.

Call backs were today. That was stressful. I don't know who I got (if anyone) until Tuesday, probably. Sighhhh. I'm so impatient.

BUT, today I got my Duke application in the mail which gets me REALLY excited. I'm applying to Duke, even though I don't really think I'll go there. At least, that's what I'm thinking now.

Who knows. I just discovered they have a "make your own major" thing, which would be AWESOME. The only real reason I'm planning on OSU is for the Zoology program, but even that's not EXACTLY what I want to major in. But if I can create my major at the college I LOVE, that would be AWESOME. Duke rules my life.


But I don't know. It's all up in the air at this point.

How's everyone else?


Well-Known Member
Hi all.

Call backs were today. That was stressful. I don't know who I got (if anyone) until Tuesday, probably. Sighhhh. I'm so impatient.

BUT, today I got my Duke application in the mail which gets me REALLY excited. I'm applying to Duke, even though I don't really think I'll go there. At least, that's what I'm thinking now.

Who knows. I just discovered they have a "make your own major" thing, which would be AWESOME. The only real reason I'm planning on OSU is for the Zoology program, but even that's not EXACTLY what I want to major in. But if I can create my major at the college I LOVE, that would be AWESOME. Duke rules my life.


But I don't know. It's all up in the air at this point.

How's everyone else?
well...glad the callbacks went ok! And good to hear about college! (Our Luke-y is growing up! :cry: :lookaroun)

I've been fine...just working all day. So, same old, same old.


Luke I am sorry that it was sooo stressful. But I am happy for you about Duke.

I am doing good right now, after earlier today I wasn't sure if it was going to be okay. hahaha


Well-Known Member
Hi all.

Call backs were today. That was stressful. I don't know who I got (if anyone) until Tuesday, probably. Sighhhh. I'm so impatient.

BUT, today I got my Duke application in the mail which gets me REALLY excited. I'm applying to Duke, even though I don't really think I'll go there. At least, that's what I'm thinking now.

Who knows. I just discovered they have a "make your own major" thing, which would be AWESOME. The only real reason I'm planning on OSU is for the Zoology program, but even that's not EXACTLY what I want to major in. But if I can create my major at the college I LOVE, that would be AWESOME. Duke rules my life.


But I don't know. It's all up in the air at this point.

How's everyone else?

Hi Luke! :wave:
It's been ages since I talked to you!
Sounds like a stressful but exciting day!


New Member
Hi Luke! :wave:
It's been ages since I talked to you!
Sounds like a stressful but exciting day!

Hi Dot and Susan and nibbs!

It's been ages since I talked. This week's been so crazy. And so long. TGtomorrowIF.

This weekend should be fun. I'm treating myself to a Disney trip on Monday. Woooo.

And tomorrow is a Senior Skip Day. But I'm being the good kid and going to school :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hi Dot and Susan and nibbs!

It's been ages since I talked. This week's been so crazy. And so long. TGtomorrowIF.

This weekend should be fun. I'm treating myself to a Disney trip on Monday. Woooo.

And tomorrow is a Senior Skip Day. But I'm being the good kid and going to school :lol:

Disney on Monday. . .Yay! :sohappy:


Hi Dot and Susan and nibbs!

It's been ages since I talked. This week's been so crazy. And so long. TGtomorrowIF.

This weekend should be fun. I'm treating myself to a Disney trip on Monday. Woooo.

And tomorrow is a Senior Skip Day. But I'm being the good kid and going to school :lol:

I did my senior skip day. I stayed home with Nothing to do.:hammer: My mom and dad wouldn't let me go anywhere.:rolleyes:

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