I totally agree that it would be too ambitious for Disney. It would be really great for them to further nuclear power acceptance in the US, though. Politics has really hurt nuclear power over the years, mostly due to gross misunderstandings and misinterpretations that have been generated in politicians and the general public.
From my nuclear engineering background, there are tons of solutions to issues like Yucca Mountain. The reactor plants that we are just beginning to build again are two generations removed from the ones we currently use. From a more philosophical point of view, the US lost a whole generation of public opinion to the incident at Three Mile Island. Chernobyl can never happen in the US because our reactors are of a completely different design, but many don't realize that. Fukushima was bad, but represents a perfect storm of a big earthquake (that didn't hurt the reactor), a huge tsunami (which didn't hurt the reactor), and a massive power outage across Japan (which hurt the reactor in that cooling water pumps needed external power and were therefore offline).
I hope our generation is smarter than our parents and grandparents, and that we don't demonize nuclear power because of Fukushima, especially if we really want greener power. Nuclear has to be part of our energy bridge to the future (where have I hard that one before?). Wind, solar, and hydroelectric are great, but don't represent a steady state of power production like nuclear, natural gas, and coal. If we want to use less natural gas and coal, nuclear has to be the fallback.
There is so much I can talk on this, but I am going to cut myself off.