MyMagic+ MagicBands to begin testing in parks soon


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Key words that you just said... "test upcoming". It seems it was not this one.

Think about it, just using some common sense here (I know radical concept), you think the very first real test (from what everyone has been saying here) would be done with the media? It doesn't make sense.

If anything it looks like the MDE system glitched out and offered to it to folks that wasn't part of the test. It doesn't mean that you were included in the test, I'm sure you would have been notified if you were with NDAs or whatever.

I'm sure they'll be a more public test later... I mean, this was the first real one wasn't it?

He didn't say the "very first real test" was to be with the media, but rather that there was supposed to be an upcoming one to introduce the program to them. He also said he wasn't sure I that that would still be held.....

Burnt Toast

New Member
He didn't say the "very first real test" was to be with the media, but rather that there was supposed to be an upcoming one to introduce the program to them. He also said he wasn't sure I that that would still be held.....

Eh... I'm sure it'll all get figured out in the end. That's why there are beta tests. Ha.


Well-Known Member
So Disney just spent $1.5B so we can do essentially the same thing? If "guests" are getting essentially the same thing, then who really benefits from the $1.5B expenditure?
Well no, there is the ability to do more interactivity on the rides (last scene in small world), there is the ability to book the fast passes prior to arriving (an extension of the current system), there is the ability to have this new "key to the world" also be your photo pass, and have ride pics pushed to it automatically, have all those pics show up on a digital frame in your room (from what I've read.) Also the ability to be recognized by characters, have your dining reservations on it, and get though all of these things quicker and easier. Not to mention things yet announced, or undreamed of.


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. has anyone talked about how the new FP+ will affect park hopping? I was just thinking about it as I try to wind down from my ridiculous day. I think if I utilize FP+ next time I visit--which won't be for a few years-- then I'll forgo the park hopper. What's the point really? More money in my pocket. Just one more thing I have to plan though. I've never worried too much about getting my ADR in the same park/area as the park we visit that day because of the park hopper. My youngest sibling is 15 so hopping really isn't too difficult for us.

On a side note, I need a new way to wind down in the evenings. This all makes my head hurt sometimes.


Keep Moving Forward
Hmm.. has anyone talked about how the new FP+ will affect park hopping? I was just thinking about it as I try to wind down from my ridiculous day. I think if I utilize FP+ next time I visit--which won't be for a few years-- then I'll forgo the park hopper. What's the point really? More money in my pocket. Just one more thing I have to plan though. I've never worried too much about getting my ADR in the same park/area as the park we visit that day because of the park hopper. My youngest sibling is 15 so hopping really isn't too difficult for us.

On a side note, I need a new way to wind down in the evenings. This all makes my head hurt sometimes.
People have suggested using FP+ at the park you will be spending the evening at.


Well-Known Member
People have suggested using FP+ at the park you will be spending the evening at.

Hmmm... I guess but if anything, we decide what park we want to start out at first, then play everything by ear later in the day. Idk, this is something I'm going to have to think about. Of course, my next trip is at least 2-3 years off, so I got a while. ;)


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean but I hate to pass up the empty times in the park early!
I guess it all just depends on your priorities. Reduced EMH will hit us because we like to get to the parks a little before lunch, QS lunch, play until dinner, then back out to the park with evening EMH, staying out late. Of course, we also skip parades and such, taking advantage of the lighter crowds elsewhere. I would be completely okay losing my evening EMH if only it meant that resources weren't stretched so thin and proper maintanance could be done. Alas, that is another topic for another thread.


Premium Member
True enough and I don't know Len at all (I think we may have met sometime in the past though), but if he or any of his staff/associates take things from Disney, then that should be stated. ... I believe @WDWFigment was working for him at the Cars Land opening when he was given a room at the Grand Cali for FREE as well as ticket media, food and booze and admission to the party. Those things always are tricky for bloggers especially the party/pressers/announcements because one could argue there is no price attached, but they certainly have a great value to many.

Also, many times, bloggers are given 'media rates' and they can be phenomenal (would you stay at the GF for $125 a night ... how about Pop for $40?).

It is very grey and is something I like to shed light on.

I think to address this fully would hijack this thread; we can start another if this gets too off the rails.

I pay the same rate as the general public for everything I do on property. That includes transportation, lodging, food, tickets and anything else. For the New Fantasyland event, for example, I drove my own car down, paid for the gas, stayed at Pop Century at public rates, paid for my own food, and used my AP throughout the trip. And that's the general policy for us and the Guide. (I did get a 'goody bag' from FLE and gave it away.) Our team pays the same rates as the general public for virtually everything, too.

I can think of 3 times in the last 15 years in which we use comped hotel rooms during media events: FLE, Cars Land, and Soarin'. The primary reason we use these rooms is to network with other media. It's vastly easier to do this if you're staying with them.

A second reason is that if you don't accept the invitations every once in a while, you stop getting invited. Some readers would start to question why, if you supposedly cover Disney, you're not at these media events.

Finally, the general rule we have on coverage is that the person who writes the content for the book and site doesn't get the comp. So I wrote all of the Fantasyland and Test Track reviews (the restaurants and attractions), and did it before the media event. I don't have my notes handy for Tom's trip last year. Tom did a great job getting us photos, updating Twitter and blogging about the events. Virtually certain someone else wrote the reviews though.



Well-Known Member
I think to address this fully would hijack this thread; we can start another if this gets too off the rails.

I pay the same rate as the general public for everything I do on property. That includes transportation, lodging, food, tickets and anything else. For the New Fantasyland event, for example, I drove my own car down, paid for the gas, stayed at Pop Century at public rates, paid for my own food, and used my AP throughout the trip. And that's the general policy for us and the Guide. (I did get a 'goody bag' from FLE and gave it away.) Our team pays the same rates as the general public for virtually everything, too.

I can think of 3 times in the last 15 years in which we use comped hotel rooms during media events: FLE, Cars Land, and Soarin'. The primary reason we use these rooms is to network with other media. It's vastly easier to do this if you're staying with them.

A second reason is that if you don't accept the invitations every once in a while, you stop getting invited. Some readers would start to question why, if you supposedly cover Disney, you're not at these media events.

Finally, the general rule we have on coverage is that the person who writes the content for the book and site doesn't get the comp. So I wrote all of the Fantasyland and Test Track reviews (the restaurants and attractions), and did it before the media event. I don't have my notes handy for Tom's trip last year. Tom did a great job getting us photos, updating Twitter and blogging about the events. Virtually certain someone else wrote the reviews though.


Thanks, Len. You are, to my knowledge, the first Disney blog/media type person to come here and address this directly.


Keep Moving Forward
I'm reading all these posts about the planning ahead, and planning ahead, and planning ahead, etc. What happens to all the plans that you make 6 months ahead and then the day you planned to go on Thunder Mountain and Splash it is raining or windy and the rides are shut down? Do you get a new time, new day, new vacation?
Same thing thst happens now when a ride is suddenly shut down. They honor all the FPs when the ride reopens. If the ride stays down and you are holding a FP you get nothing. With FP+ you can at least trade your FP+ for something else is you choose.


Well-Known Member
I think to address this fully would hijack this thread; we can start another if this gets too off the rails.

I pay the same rate as the general public for everything I do on property. That includes transportation, lodging, food, tickets and anything else. For the New Fantasyland event, for example, I drove my own car down, paid for the gas, stayed at Pop Century at public rates, paid for my own food, and used my AP throughout the trip. And that's the general policy for us and the Guide. (I did get a 'goody bag' from FLE and gave it away.) Our team pays the same rates as the general public for virtually everything, too.

I can think of 3 times in the last 15 years in which we use comped hotel rooms during media events: FLE, Cars Land, and Soarin'. The primary reason we use these rooms is to network with other media. It's vastly easier to do this if you're staying with them.

A second reason is that if you don't accept the invitations every once in a while, you stop getting invited. Some readers would start to question why, if you supposedly cover Disney, you're not at these media events.

Finally, the general rule we have on coverage is that the person who writes the content for the book and site doesn't get the comp. So I wrote all of the Fantasyland and Test Track reviews (the restaurants and attractions), and did it before the media event. I don't have my notes handy for Tom's trip last year. Tom did a great job getting us photos, updating Twitter and blogging about the events. Virtually certain someone else wrote the reviews though.


I appreciate that in the book and on WDWToday you and your contemporaries never mince words. If something sucks it sucks and you do not shy away from saying that. That sort of unfiltered view combined with this post here (one of the first of its kind) really helps us understand that you can strike an appropriate balance and be transparent. Not everything has to be filtered through "Mongello Colored" Glasses.

Thank you.

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