MyMagic+ Efficiency Update

Just to comment on a few things. I haven't read the entire thread just the first post.

As with anything that is in Beta, it is good to remember that it is in BETA. It's not ready for release and thus there are going to be issues. Speaking from experience, having been in a few video game betas, I've seen things that would make the game unplayable (ie. unable to get past a certain aspect of the game for weeks whereas two days prior it was fine).

The deal with the Cast Members who don't know? Well, I've been in there shoes and know how everything was setup. I won't go into anymore than that, but there is a lot of information that is being thrown out at the CM's and it can be a bit daunting for some.

The first name issue? That currently is a problem with the KttW as well. Have a father/son combo of same names, no charging and both are considered adults? Yep that can cause issues if on the same res or not. The issues with the Magic Bands sounds more technical than personnel wise and if there pin was not able to be setup, well there are things the CM's should have been able to do (worse case scenario is a complete rebooking. It's lengthy but it fixes most problems.

As for known issues: just because it's a known issue does not mean they have an immediate fix. It takes time and patience to find the right line of code that is causing the problem, rewriting it, applying it, testing it internally and then sending it back out. To demand or criticize the people who are also being affected by this (the Cast) who have little to no control over what happens with the Magic Bands is, I'm sorry to say, a little mean. The cast are doing the best with what they have been given. They control neither how the app works or how the programs work. They just, unfortunately, work alongside the program and thus perform as best as the program will allow. Take your frustrations not out on them but instead direct it towards the survey (which you most likely will get). The cast can only do so much. A manager can only do so much. At the same time you're giving these issues to the team behind the program, the cast are as well. The more that is given, the more it can take precedence, but please don't take it out on the cast.

TL;DR version: Magic Bands are in Beta. Problems happen in Beta. We all have to push through it.


Original Poster
I'm not denying people should complain about when there is a problem... but we all have to take a deep breath and remember this is TESTING... testing is to learn new things, fix bugs, apply enhancements... all will be well

No offense, but that's the same excuse the front desk used and a lot of these issues should have never happened in testing phase. That's the issue. It's not that errors occurred, it is the extent of those errors and clearly we are not the only family to go through these problems.

It seems like a really good business model to pin your own company's failures back on the guests and blame them, the same people who are driving your company's quarterly earnings.


Well-Known Member
I'm not denying people should complain about when there is a problem... but we all have to take a deep breath and remember this is TESTING... testing is to learn new things, fix bugs, apply enhancements... all will be well
Testing at the expense of the customer. That is not good. Would it be a good thing if employees paid their employer, to do the job? No it is not and not logical.


Well-Known Member
Testing at the expense of the customer. That is not good. Would it be a good thing if employees paid their employer, to do the job? No it is not and not logical.

are you kidding me? How better to test something of this magnitude than to get it of the hands of some users

those that are testing it today are the ones agreeing to be testers... it's optional


Well-Known Member
No offense, but that's the same excuse the front desk used and a lot of these issues should have never happened in testing phase. That's the issue. It's not that errors occurred, it is the extent of those errors and clearly we are not the only family to go through these problems.

It seems like a really good business model to pin your own company's failures back on the guests and blame them, the same people who are driving your company's quarterly earnings.

good grief... no one is blaming the users... no one (at least not me) is blaming Disney.... why... BECAUSE IT IS THE TESTING PHASE!!!


Well-Known Member
As with anything that is in Beta, it is good to remember that it is in BETA. It's not ready for release and thus there are going to be issues. Speaking from experience, having been in a few video game betas, I've seen things that would make the game unplayable (ie. unable to get past a certain aspect of the game for weeks whereas two days prior it was fine).
Did you have to pay to beta test the game? If so how much did you pay them, to test their product? I am not trying to be arrogant, but point out that these people that are doing the testing, paid a lot of money to be at WDW and are not getting their ROI. And then being told lousy answers, that make it look like the customer is at fault. Bad show....


Well-Known Member
are you kidding me? How better to test something of this magnitude than to get it of the hands of some users

those that are testing it today are the ones agreeing to be testers... it's optional
And from what the OP stated they do not seem to be forthcoming with the magnitude of possible problems and wait times. Give the testers a real reason, say 25% discount on the vacation package, and then I would agree. But make someone pay full price and make them waste their time, time they paid for, no.


Well-Known Member
Because they don't work in IT (yes I do and have for over 20 years) and don't fully understand the dynamics of IT. But they have to have their "hi tech" fix.

Edit: hi tech is fine and dandy, but it should never be rushed at the expense of the customer. To often in the IT world is the opinion of "dam the customer, they will do what we tell them and they will like it, and pay for it." That is a horrible way to do business, but it is happening.
How do you create a database to track millions of peoples movements through hundreds of millions of data points, and NOT make the key field a unique identifier? Thats pure incompetence.


Well-Known Member
And from what the OP stated they do not seem to be forthcoming with the magnitude of possible problems and wait times. Give the testers a real reason, say 25% discount on the vacation package, and then I would agree. But make someone pay full price and make them waste their time, time they paid for, no.

NO ONE IS MAKING THEM - they are agreeing to participate... if they don't know the risks of testing anything... they shouldn't try it


Well-Known Member
How do you create a database to track millions of peoples movements through hundreds of millions of data points, and NOT make the key field a unique identifier? Thats pure incompetence.
I completely agree.
100% Exactly right. The unique identifiers should never be something like person's name, and better yet, not be manually generated at all. Names can be spelt wrong, shortened, abbreviated, etc. Having the same name as someone else should not bring the MM+ system to a screaming halt. How many people with the last name of Johnson or Smith do you think are in the parks at any given time? How many dozens of people each day probably have the same first and last name combination on property?

The Name should be linked to a system generated Magic Band ID, which should be linked to the system generated ticket number and system generated reservation number. The "system can't handle two people with the same name" thing is an elementary issue that should have easily been identified during Alpha (though really it should have been scoped out during the design phase WELL before testing)!


New Member
Whats the significance to Sept 28th? I begin my holiday on the 26th and can make fastpass+ selections up to this point, no magicbands in my account, however i have just had it confirmed all POR guests will have them from sept 2nd.


Well-Known Member
That sounds right.....It's true with any business the low end people aren't told much of anything because in many cases the answer is complicated or does not exist. Smile say you're sorry and move on.....
The old "It's easier to ask for forgiveness, then to get permission first" line.


Active Member
NO ONE IS MAKING THEM - they are agreeing to participate... if they don't know the risks of testing anything... they shouldn't try it

There is the key comment, and wrong assumption, right there. Have you been invited to test? I only ask b/c in the invitations that i've received and the phone conversations that i've had (in which i've almost baited the person on the other end to say that there will be some issues) not once has there been any indication that as a paying customer i would have to spend multiple hours each day with guest services. Hell they never said i'd be inconvenienced at all.

See I'm not complaining b/c there are issues; I expect there to be issues, because it's in Beta Testing. My frustration is the lack of Disney communicating that you may run into issues and the potential time spent in addressing said issues. This isn't someone signing up to participate in a product launch in which you are fully aware of potential problems, for example Google Glass testers. They paid over $1000 for the glass but were well informed that there would be constant software updates and likely lots of bugs. If Disney said this in their communications and solicitation of testers then i'd have no problem and you'd be fully justified in your comments. However, they aren't and they know they can't b/c hardly anyone would agree to participate in something that may ruin their once in a lifetime or once a year vacation. As I and others previously said, they are making this sound like the best thing in the would and that you'd be missing out when they solicit you. Heck someone even mentioned that they tried to prevent him from quitting the test because of the issues. They really aren't taking "no" for an answer. That is the problem.
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Original Poster
There is the key comment, and wrong assumption, right there. Have you been invited to test? I only ask b/c in the invitations that i've received and the phone conversations that i've had (in which i've almost baited the person on the other end to say that there will be some issues) not once has there been any indication that as a paying customer i would have to spend multiple hours each day with guest services. Hell they never said i'd be inconvenienced at all.

See I'm not complaining b/c there are issues; I expect there to be issues, because it's in Beta Testing. My frustration is the lack of Disney communicating that you may run into issues and the potential time spent in addressing said issues. This isn't someone signing up to participate in a product launch in which you are fully aware of potential problem for example see Google Glass testers. They paid over $1000 for the glass but were well informed that there would be constant software updates and likely lots of bugs. If Disney said this in their communications and solicitation of testers then i'd have no problem and you'd be fully justified in your comments. However, they aren't and they know they can't b/c hardly anyone would agree to participate in something that may ruin their once in a lifetime or once a year vacation. As I and others previously said, they are making this sound like the best thing in the would and that you'd be missing out when they solicit you. Heck someone even mentioned that they tried to prevent him from quitting the test because of the issues. They really aren't taking "no" for an answer. That is the problem.

100% agree!


Well-Known Member
Have you gone through the testing phase? Meaning have you participated in it? reply?:rolleyes:

I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with this new system on this forum. I think there are a lot of things to be learned, and I think the way we all learn is by understanding what's in need of fixing. I'm glad that perhaps some people had a good experience...but I personally want to hear about the less than stellar ones, as I can use those in balance to make a much more informed decision if I travel back to WDW and am asked to participate in such a trial. I'd imagine that the solicitation to join the test made it very appealing, and that the reality ended up being very mixed.

In reply to another of your posts...I'm absolutely appalled to think that you were staying at ANY resort at WDW and checked into your room only to find vomit waiting for you. I'm not entire sure, but I may have ended up on the news that night if it'd been mine (or at least in touch with @PhotoDave219 to bring his camera and pencil!). I can say that I've also had issues with rooms at WDW in the past, but nothing that's risen to that level of disgusting.

And, a thanks...thanks for being willing to take a chance and try out the system, and again, for sharing your perspective here. :)


Premium Member
There is the key comment, and wrong assumption, right there. Have you been invited to test? I only ask b/c in the invitations that i've received and the phone conversations that i've had (in which i've almost baited the person on the other end to say that there will be some issues) not once has there been any indication that as a paying customer i would have to spend multiple hours each day with guest services. Hell they never said i'd be inconvenienced at all.

See I'm not complaining b/c there are issues; I expect there to be issues, because it's in Beta Testing. My frustration is the lack of Disney communicating that you may run into issues and the potential time spent in addressing said issues. This isn't someone signing up to participate in a product launch in which you are fully aware of potential problems, for example Google Glass testers. They paid over $1000 for the glass but were well informed that there would be constant software updates and likely lots of bugs. If Disney said this in their communications and solicitation of testers then i'd have no problem and you'd be fully justified in your comments. However, they aren't and they know they can't b/c hardly anyone would agree to participate in something that may ruin their once in a lifetime or once a year vacation. As I and others previously said, they are making this sound like the best thing in the would and that you'd be missing out when they solicit you. Heck someone even mentioned that they tried to prevent him from quitting the test because of the issues. They really aren't taking "no" for an answer. That is the problem.

I think this is the key problem with this testing. Being in IT I completely understand problems coming up during test, even problems that seem obvious. The issue here is that the CM's don't seem to be in a position to quickly help people if they run into problems with this testing. As I mentioned in another post, the problem with the op's father not being able to get into the park should have been a non issue. It should have been clear to the CM that the guest was testing the new magic band and they should have just let them in, no questions asked. The slight chance of someone trying to defraud the system during this testing time is far outweighed by the bad PR it will generate if give them a hassle getting in. Another option, any maybe this was done, is that Disney should have provided all the testers with the Magic Band and a normal ticket/KTTW card so that if there is a problem with the band they can immediately fall back to the old way.


Well-Known Member
It would help if the CMs knew more about the system than most of the general press releases have told everyone. We've seen first hand on this site how out of control the message on this system has gotten in terms of how Disney has been able to control it, and giving the Cast any more information straight up wouldn't help control the message any more. The Cast are being told details very narrow to their specific role, and anything else a CM knows beyond the public fluff and role-specific info, they only know because they've done digging on their own, know people, or keep their ear to the ground. My friends have all been frustrated with the lack of information being put in front of them and the resulting lack of being able to help guests because of it.

Side thought here:

The more secretive and the more you try and control a story, the less control you will have over the story when it comes out.


Well-Known Member
There is the key comment, and wrong assumption, right there. Have you been invited to test? I only ask b/c in the invitations that i've received and the phone conversations that i've had (in which i've almost baited the person on the other end to say that there will be some issues) not once has there been any indication that as a paying customer i would have to spend multiple hours each day with guest services. Hell they never said i'd be inconvenienced at all.

See I'm not complaining b/c there are issues; I expect there to be issues, because it's in Beta Testing. My frustration is the lack of Disney communicating that you may run into issues and the potential time spent in addressing said issues. This isn't someone signing up to participate in a product launch in which you are fully aware of potential problems, for example Google Glass testers. They paid over $1000 for the glass but were well informed that there would be constant software updates and likely lots of bugs. If Disney said this in their communications and solicitation of testers then i'd have no problem and you'd be fully justified in your comments. However, they aren't and they know they can't b/c hardly anyone would agree to participate in something that may ruin their once in a lifetime or once a year vacation. As I and others previously said, they are making this sound like the best thing in the would and that you'd be missing out when they solicit you. Heck someone even mentioned that they tried to prevent him from quitting the test because of the issues. They really aren't taking "no" for an answer. That is the problem.

so are you saying when you buy a ticket today... they should call or tell you:
"thank you for visiting the most magical place on earth... please be advised it may rain, a ride may go down, a show be cancelled, you may experience a line, you may experience Brazilian or teenage tour groups, a burger may cost you more than you like, you may not get ADR's to the restaurant you want the day before, World of Motion and Horizons is no longer with us, there are no monorails to DHS or AK, the animals at AK may poop during your visit, no harry potter and shamu aren't here, you may get wet on splash mountain, and it may be hot" ya know... just in case.

I mean, "Hell they never said i'd be inconvenienced at all."

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