Hey all! I'm new to the Disney forums here, but wanted to let you know about a BIG new feature story on Disney's MyMagic+ that we're set to publish in Fast Company magazine. I'm sure you've all read tons about the company's NGE efforts, but this is the real, untold story of how the program came to life, based on more than 6 months of reporting. Lots and lots of insights and details to come about MM+.
Anyway, keep an eye out for the feature, which goes live online tomorrow (Wednesday) and hits newsstands this week, too. We also have a small preview of the story, linked here, in case you're eager to see what the article will be about. Hope you all enjoy!
UPDATE: As others have since pointed out, the full MyMagic+ story is now online, from our May issue:
I'll be answering your questions too over the next couple days! Feel free to throw out whatever questions you may have about MyMagic+, and I'll do my best to respond asap!
Welcome! Very good article on how this all came to be. For the record, I don't consider it a puff piece in the slightest - looking at you
@ford91exploder! You are my bud, and I agree that he didn't necessarily seem to capture a consensus from a large number of current users, but I thought that the part of MM+ that was covered was very balanced. There is definitely some negative parts that were reported. This article is nothing like that other one published recently. That was a praise piece if there ever was one.
What is amusing to me about
@WDW1974's response is that it is not acceptable to write a jaded or biased article (an article that wasn't even read at the time), BUT, it apparently is acceptable to have a jaded or biased opinion about said article prior to having even read it.
Regarding the hysteria that pervades the forum, let it not be said that the most passionate WDW fans reside elsewhere. The best diehards exist on this site. As well as the best insiders, including
@WDW1974. I may chide him, but he has contacts that run deep within the BRAND (I only capitalized this cause he likes capitalizing stuff).
Regarding this expensive project, the opinion I have formed is simple. A lot of the park guests (including forum members here) with a long history of visiting WDW since the 70s and 80s do not like, and for the most part will never like, MM+. At best they will suffer it, as WDW still holds a special place in their hearts even though they are not in favor of the CHANGE. Much newer visitors, that were not familiar with old FP or how WDW was years ago, seem more comfortable with this mode of park-going. The younger millennial generation, and/or those in their twenties, well, this is how the world interacts with them now. I work with many in that twenty-something range, and they couldn't imagine going anywhere without their phones. A lot of posters here always say that they go on vacation to get away from their phones. I bet there aren't a lot of people saying that in their twenties (there might be some but not many). To me, Disney is changing because the world is changing. How we interact with our created environments changes and evolves. And there are always those for the change, some against it, and some that are simply 'meh' about it.
The last thing I will leave you with is some instructional video as to how we sometimes discuss things in these forums. Enjoy.