My son has a question for all 4yrs old

Magical Dreamer

Well-Known Member
My 5 year old likes to pick new screen backgrounds for our computer every couple of days from the many park photos posted on the WDWMAGIC forum.


Marching along...
Premium Member
Since she was 3, my daughter gets a copy of the Birnbaum for Kids Disney book a couple months before each trip, then goes through ride by ride and draws a smiley face next to the ones she wants to do, a frowny face next to the ones she doesn't want to do, and an 'unsure' face on the rest. She also loves to go through each ride and tell us how it was identified in the book (they have little icons for scary, wet, fast, etc). She loves doing it, it gives her a good idea of which rides are in which parks, and keeps her busy for a while. Then, on our 15 hour drive down, she goes through the book again with us telling us exactly what she wants to do and how much.

Also, we make a paper ring chain from about 50 days out and she takes off a ring each day. When we make it, she decorates each ring with Disney stickers and drawings.


Well-Known Member
Maggie looks at out previous trip pictures and our park maps
She also likes looking at youtube videos of her favorite rides and parades and characters.

We also talk about what we are going top ride and see...we do this all the time though..:D



New Member
Original Poster
thats cute...Mine loves to make a calendar for about 2 months before and cross off the days. He also loves going through the disney maps. Then everyday we talk about what rides we are going to ride first, and he tells me after were done riding we have to go to the hotel and swim! He loves the swimming just as much as the parks.


New Member
Original Poster
He also loves watching the youtube videos, but he can only watch the rides he has rode or the parades he has seen. I don't want to ruin it for him,;)
Aurora watches the Disney planning DVD that we get every year over and over and over.....

We also make a chain to count down the days for our big trips. We don't for our mini trips through out the year though.

She also spends her time trying to convince us to take more mini trips in between the big ones. :lol:


This is a cute topic, but all this stuff sounds like the same things my friends and I do! I guess we're little kids at heart! lol


Well-Known Member
Aurora watches the Disney planning DVD that we get every year over and over and over.....

We also make a chain to count down the days for our big trips. We don't for our mini trips through out the year though.

She also spends her time trying to convince us to take more mini trips in between the big ones. :lol:

We as a family will watch the planning DVD over and over...and as the trip gets closer we will watch it more often. We have 31 days to go so I would guess we will watch it 2 or 3 more times!!!!


Well-Known Member
I record every Disney related show on TV and my kids go nuts over them (so do I :D!!!) Speaking of which...the Food Network's "Unwrapped: Disney Delights" re-airs tonight at 11:30. It was a pretty cool show for anyone that missed it.


Premium Member
My daughter (currently 4) and I make the chain of rings as soon as we have booked and have our definite date to start counting down to. We watch the planning DVD as well as Youtube videos. We have a few favorite vacation videos from youtube that we watch and then we also watch lots of on ride videos as well! When we get about a month out on all our shopping trips DD gets to pick out one toy or activity from the cheapy section and we pack it in her carryon bag so that she has some new things to play with on the plane, in lines, while waiting for reservation times, etc.


Well-Known Member
While I don't think he'd appreciate how my girls debate each day which princess they're going to be at WDW and why :king: (girls will be 4 and 2 when we go in Dec), but beyond that- we try to watch 1 Disney movie each day and talk about the characters they want to see...and we try and find videos on YouTube once a week showing some of the things we're going to do.


New Member
Our 4 year old loves to watch the videos we took from our other trips. He also likes to watch the videos on Youtube of the rides.. His favorite is splash mountain. "which he will be able to ride this year."


New Member
My kids look at pictures and show them to who ever will look. Then they watch the WDW sing alongs withthe real charaters. they seem to like it. we also go on the boards here and look at trip reports and the pictures of the day pic


New Member
I made a countdown calendar for my four year old for our upcoming trip, and I bought some stickers (mainly disney ones) and everynight before he goes to bed he gets to put a new sticker it. Sort of a reverse advent calendar I guess. He also watches the planning dvd and our old vacation videos over and over


New Member
how we get ready

I have never done a calendar before, but this year I might give that a try.

We usually watch our old videos over and over. This is good for us, my son is mildly autistic. If he was scared before, I edit those portions out of the video. He sees only the good, forgets his frightening experience and only remembers the so called "good times." This works like a charm, it also keeps us from riding It's a small world 30 times a visit (his favorite).

This year I have added letters from Mickey. You can install Disney font onto your computer. Do a little search. On these newsletters. I place things we are going to be doing, for instance we always stay at French Quarter. My son loves Jazz and zydeco music. (He is such a weirdo for a four year old.) But, this year we are staying at Coronado Springs. I want to prepare him for the change. So, I have posted pictures of our hotel and other old photos of things we have done before at Disney. This allows him to connect himself to Disney. I usually only add about 3-5 pics, with a letter from Mickey explaining the all the good times they are going to have, and to be good for mommy and daddy. I place it in an envelope with his name on it, add a picture of a pirate mickey (we love pirates), and place it in the mailbox. He is pumped about the letter and connects. I will do about 1 a month before we go in May.

The original post is great. I am looking for other unique ways to get myself, I mean my kid pumped and ready for disney. :lol:


Well-Known Member
We do several things. We watch the planning DVDs over and over (and over and over and over. Ive got an Aspie lol). My son loves to collect the brochures and maps from the ITT on base. He will study them until they tear then insist on new ones. lol. If we are doing something new and unexpected, we have to get the brochures for that and review the websites with him (over and over and over and lol).

There's no prepping him for rides other than telling him what to expect. As he's getting taller, he's qualifying for more rides. Last trip, I ended up having to force him on a few that I knew he'd enjoy. Some of them, he did kick and scream but, once the ride was over, he declared it a favorite. He begged for years to ride ToT. Once he was tall enough, he freaked out. When it was done, (and about 10min later) he declared it fun. hee hee

We dig through online photos and websites. We repeatedly go over the dates. We stock up on new clothes and supplies.

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