My most embarrassing moment at Disney, Share yours!

This is really more embarrassing for my friend, but it is such a great story. I recently went on a trip with her during Mardi Gras holidays, and after a long day of WDW I guess she was just a little out of it, I'm not really sure what she was thinking. We were rushing to get to reservations at BOG and Wishes had already begun so we had a TON of crowds to navigate through-when we made it to Main Street right in front of the castle my friend suddenly stopped running alongside me and just stood there, eyes widening by the second. When I asked her what was wrong she said she had to use the bathroom and insisted she couldn't make it any can all guess what happened next-she peed on herself. In the middle of Main Street. In front of throngs of people watching Wishes. And promptly left her puddle behind and bought pajama shorts, putting her soiled garments in the bag...but hey, we still made our reservations, gosh darnit- that's dedication!


When my now Husband and I went in 2009 for our first trip together I was super excited and just a little obsessed with High School Musical (I was 21 years old) and I made sure that we were at DHS to see the little High School Musical show thing they had infront of the hat. I was in a wheelchair because a couple days before our trip I had twisted my ankle and it was toward the end of the week now and it was really starting to be unbarable from all the walking so my DH insisted that I get a wheelchair before I caused more problems to my ankle. Well I was rocking out in the wheelchair and singing along to every word, when one of the CM dancers came up to me and asked me to join in. I sprung right up out of the wheelchair so I could dance with them and my husband calls it "A High School Miracle" . When it was all done with, I got back in the wheelchair and started crying because I was so excited and overwhelmed! He rolled me behind the hat, so I could finish crying. It wasn't just a happy cry but more like a "I can't breath" cry, and people were staring probably thinking someone died or something. I was just so over come with emotion


Well-Known Member
Here is my embarrasing story.

On my last trip to WDW, which also happened to be on my birthday, my DBF wanted to ride Dinosaur. Now, I have a horrific, irrational fear of dinosaurs (I blame watching Jurassic Park at a very young age) but it being the DBF's first trip and many years since seeing those movies, I thought "Eh, I'll be ok.":cool:
Boy, was I wrong.:confused: Not only did I start to panic thru the que-line (yes, even the skeletons and pictures tend to freak me out) but by the end of the ride I was nearing hysterics.:cry: The best part: as we are getting off the ride, I am sheet white and on the verge of tears. This little girl, no older than 6-7, who had also been in the same time rover as us, points at me and loudly says, "Mommy, what's wrong with that lady? Doesn't she know the dinos aren't real?":facepalm: Uh huh, wanted to die at that point. (Of course, DBF thought this was all hilarious!:hilarious:)

Yeah, the saddest thing is...I'm planning to try Dinosaur again on our next trip in October!:eek:


Well-Known Member
These are kind of difficult to get out of. I don't like them because of that and the tilt when they fly it feels like I'm going to fall out. When I went there on my honeymoon I told hubby that they were kind of scary and I feel like I'm going to fall out and he just laughed at me. When we got off them he looked at me and said you were right they are kinda scary, we haven't been on them since.
I agree besides getting hard to get out. I too find them scary.

party like it's 99

Well-Known Member
i got sick on mainstreet before and about five cast members dressed as random people took out walkie talkies and called custodial to clean everything up, it was mortifying, my family still brings it up!


Well-Known Member
I have posted this before ( as others have said). After riding Kali River Rapids, I was the one who got soaked! My shorts happen to be see through! A guy noticed and said, "hey ! There's a lady w/ pink panties"...
I saw him the next day @ EPCOT, and he said it again!:oops:

Same thing happened to my wife on our last trip. She had light coloured pants on and didn't think anything of it when we went on Kali River Rapids, but after getting off the ride and walking away, I noticed some Chinese people quietly pointing and snickering behind my wife as I came walking up behind her. Turns out you could see right through her pants and almost her panties. Of course she was SUPER embarrassed after I relayed the unfortunate circumstance to her. :facepalm:


New Member
I was pretty young when this happened, but my mom and I had bought Burger King on the way down to Florida. We were staying at the Swan & Dolphin, and I remember I had felt sick for an hour or so in the car. I got up, walked into the lobby, and threw up over the counter when we were attempting early check-in. I ran to the bathroom and my mom came in and said they found us a room. It wasn't a ploy to check in early, I swear.


Well-Known Member
Be glad he didn't knock. The don't politely *knock knock* with the knuckles. It's more of a *BANG BANG BANG!!* with the fist while simultaneously pulling on the door handle with the other hand.


Well-Known Member
Recently, I was married at the Walt Disney World resort and had a great time. We chose the Boardwalk and had a fantastic experience with the ceremony, cake cutting, and photography.

To be honest, most everything was great except for one moment that was very awkward.... The after-after moments of our wedding... allow me to explain.

Staying at the AKL, we were transported back via limo to our honeymoon room where we were going to change, and also "change" into our evening attire for the dinner that we had arranged for our wedding guests. Being the groom, and not in the wedding gown being swooned over by other guests, decided to double check the room and make sure it was all good before my bride entered (even though I had already been checked in etc). This was a good idea as that very day was, unbeknownst to me, the day that new mattresses were being installed in the rooms.

Upon entering the room, which was opened already, I was met by a woman that looked to be from mouse keeping. I said hello politely and asked how long they would be, because I was just married and my new wife and I would like the room. She didn't appear to speak the best English, and so I tried my best to communicate with her. After a few minutes, she went and got the crew of men handling the mattresses, and they swapped them out.

No harm, no foul, and I think everything is good when they leave the room.


Going back to find my wife, whose being photographed, etc., We enter the room together and I decided to lock BOTH locks on the door. Normally I would just do the bolt, but this time I instinctually did the manual "chain/hook" lock as well. This later proved to be smart.

After awhile, my new wife and I were "changing" and the door suddenly starts to make clicking noises! Eyes wide, we wonder what in the world is that, thinking maybe its just an excited child going to the wrong room. NOPE. The door clicks again and this time UNLOCKS AND OPENS UP, getting caught by the manual "chain/hook" lock at the top that I used.

Disney mouse keeping / service essentially had just entered WITHOUT KNOCKING on my door, directly after my wedding. Completely flabbergasted at the idea, I was shocked at the unlocking clicks, and relieved when I realized that the "BANG" of the door being caught on the "chain/hook" didn't allow them to actually enter.

In summery, my wedding night nearly turned into a exhibition.

I really haven't figured out how to tell Disney about this concern without making it more embarrassing, and as time goes on I wonder if it is too late.

Anyway, what's your moment of embarrassment at The WDW?

It's a tie. In 1994, I was 14 and acting like a brat because I was too "cool" to be at WDW with my family. At just the right time, I got covered by seagull droppings..................... And in my September '12 visit, I am walking to Adventureland, minding my business and what should happen.... A duck crashed into the side of my head....


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of people out there dislike the EVC that people ride in the parks. After years of walking the park, my husband is now a EVC person because of health reasons. We love Disney and would hate to have give up our trips. Every time we go to the parks or hotels he has some kind of accident. The 1st was 6 years ago when we took a van to Universal and he backed off the ramp getting out and the EVC and husband went over on the side.

Then on another trip he missed the handicap place on the side walk and did an Eviel Knievel and did a jump and lost his battery.

We were surprising our son when he was getting married at the GF. It was special that Disney was offering and they didn't invite anyone because they were limited to only 4 people so they decided to go by themselves. Husband decided to surprise them, but we couldn't find out exactly where the ceremony was going to be. He was racing around on the EVC and I called his name. He did a quick turn and over he went. The people at Disney were wonderful and we found the area of the ceremony eventually.

There have been others I just can't think of. The last was in October and we had just entered the MK and some kind of way not paying attention he went on the handicap rim of the walkway and when that little area went up over he went for another time.

He has been lucky and wonderful people have helped picked him up and the EVC and off we go again.

If you see a man and his EVC on it's side or and EVC being charged, it is my husband. Since we go from early to late, he is always looking for places to charge the EVC. One time he ran out of charge in the middle of the street trying to get to the Cont. Every trip has a new experience.


Active Member
But I think I have everyone beat ...

I may have you beat.
What I lost was not an article of clothing but my cookies.
Way back before the new millennium(2000) pleasure island was the night time spot. 2 stages with live entertainment, drink venders, waiters and waitress walking around with every shot imaginable, they did the countdown to midnight confetti, fireworks it was a blast. Well we brought my brother and sister in-law and partied like it was 1999. Well pleasure islands closes we go get on the bus we are feeling great. We are sitting on the idling bus waiting for it to fill and my husband says I'm going to be sick, I looking at him and say NO NO concentrate on something else I start looking around, look at the planet Hollywood sign he says where? I bend forward to point at the plant hollywood sign and its gone(which the shut the lights off) Mind you the bus idling and has a constant vibration and is slowly loading with staggering people from the closing bars. As I sit back up these 2 ladys sit infront of us and the inside of the bus starts spinning, I think holy f#@k. I look at my husband and say I'm going to puke(when I say it I do it) I immediately put my hand over mouth,but couldn't catch it all. Yes it went all over the back of the 2 lady's head, they turned around and looked at me said nothing just looked at me for what seem like forever, then looked at each other and said I think we should move, looks like she's going to be sick. NOPE they had no clue. They move, the lights inside shut off and the bus pulls away. I put my head down and waited till we got to our resort. Said nothing to no one. When we got off the bus, asked my husbands if the got off too he says nope.( The bus did a couple of resorts)Thank god.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple embarrassing moments from our last trip.

One entailed too much Oktoberfest and schnitzel. As soon as I got up to use the restroom I knew I was in trouble. I spent about 20 min in the restaurant restroom, then another 20 in the Germany restroom. At that point I thought I was safe....I was wrong. By the time we made our way to Norway I suddenly had to go to the bathroom so bad I was seriously thought I was going to go then and there. I couldn't find the restroom and asked a group of about 4 CM. They appearantly wanted to joke around a bit, pretending like they didn't know what I asked (meanwhile my husband is buzzed big time and finding all of this HILarious). Finally I looked at them and yelled, "Look! If you don't tell me where a bathroom is RIGHT NOW! I am going to die!!" They immediately directed me where to go and I spent an hour in there:(:(. All the while the poor cleaning woman kept walking in and out, in and out.

A second embarrassing moment was running into an old boyfriend during lunch at Epcot. I wanted to find a hole to crawl into. Things did not end well with us. He cheated on me twice before I was smart enough to be through with him. Then when I was dating my now husband he started emailing me with relationship advice and wanted to be friends again(and telling me how he cant keep his hands off his girlfriend, now wife). No dude! No! So when I walked up to the table and saw him talking to my husband I wanted to run away. He said he even saw us the day before at Hollywood Studios. Whhhhyyy?! If we run into him next week on our trip to Disney I will probably just laugh...what are the odds? But it will probably happen...


Active Member
I was 16 at the time and after having a fear of roller coasters, I finally decided to give ToT a go. I sat in between my uncle and mother and I didn't realise that there was handle bars to hold on to. Well the whole ride my mother and uncle we're trying to place my hands on the handle bar but I was holding onto their hands so tightly, screaming and crying. When it was over I had many people come over to me saying 'You did it!', 'See it wasn't that bad!' I was left very red faced and I cried all the way over to RNR. My family have never let me forget it :facepalm: I plan to go back on ToT without crying and giving my family members severe bruising !


Well-Known Member
When my now Husband and I went in 2009 for our first trip together I was super excited and just a little obsessed with High School Musical (I was 21 years old) and I made sure that we were at DHS to see the little High School Musical show thing they had infront of the hat. I was in a wheelchair because a couple days before our trip I had twisted my ankle and it was toward the end of the week now and it was really starting to be unbarable from all the walking so my DH insisted that I get a wheelchair before I caused more problems to my ankle. Well I was rocking out in the wheelchair and singing along to every word, when one of the CM dancers came up to me and asked me to join in. I sprung right up out of the wheelchair so I could dance with them and my husband calls it "A High School Miracle" . When it was all done with, I got back in the wheelchair and started crying because I was so excited and overwhelmed! He rolled me behind the hat, so I could finish crying. It wasn't just a happy cry but more like a "I can't breath" cry, and people were staring probably thinking someone died or something. I was just so over come with emotion

You husband should have started yelling, "Praise Jesus, she's been healed!!!"

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