I haven't heard an answer to that yet, because I don't think Operations has quite figured that out themselves yet! From what I've heard during this latest testing period it has been very much flying by the seat of their pants regarding downtimes, and extended ones have really thrown things into chaos. I know we have some Ops CMs on here, and if they have any insight, I'd love to hear it (PM me if you'd like, instead of sharing it on here, and I'll digest it). If I were a betting man, I'd expect to continue seeing the "re-adds" in paper form for quite a while as their "temporary" fix, even though the analysts behind the system are likely screaming about the idea because it severely impacts forecasts and the desired predictability of the system. I certainly wouldn't want to be the poor ops CMs or even front line managers that have to deal with that. People get nuts enough as it is when rides break down without planning and expecting a particular experience for two months…yeah, I don't expect Guest Relations to be a very happy place.
I'm always reaching out to my friends, though, so as soon as I hear something more concrete, I will let on what I can (when it comes to park operations, a curious mind never stops learning). Looking in from the outside can kind of make things harder, especially when you don't have connections as high as Spirit and others.