My fanboy vs. Animal Kingdom rant


It is a shame that AK is not appreciated as much as the other parks. It's a real great park and there's so much to do there. I love the scenery and the nature there is just wonderful. The animals are also great to observe and for people who like me who don't get chance to go the zoo very much, it's a real treat to be able to see so many animals in one place. I love the rides there too, you have a real mixture of rides which thrill junkies will love and good family rides as well. Can't wait to go back there, I could easily spend 2 days there from opening to close.


Well-Known Member
I would too!

But that's just it - AK falls quite short on that. The point of seeing animals is to...see animals. AK is full of big empty spaces, especially on the Safari - "Hey, look out on that rock! If you look real careful, you can see the ear of an animal perking up above it!"

Would it be cool to see large amounts of animals closely AND in that kind of themed environment? HECK YEAH! But right now, I don't see that option.

I've tried harder than anyone to like AK. The theming IS magnificent. But I don't come to WDW just to walk around and say, "ooo pretty". I live in New England - I am like 45 minutes from Mt. Washington (the area they filmed the exteriors of The Shining), and while we may not have "jungles" we have gorgeous forests and many natural beauties. Natural. Not man-made. I live a few miles from the ocean if I want to see vistas. If I want to just go walk around a lush forest, I just go up to Acadia.


So this whole temper-tantrum of a thread is just because you don't like how people express their opinions? Are you new to the Internet? ;)

Where to start...

1) Anything anyone posts on a message board anywhere should be prefaced or followed with, "My opinion..." It would get rather boring, in my opinion, if every one were constantly having to explain that their opinion on everything was their opinion. Of course, that's just my opinion of course. ;)

2) With all due respect, Disney could place a pile of dung inside a gate and call it a 5th park, and the only attraction is a tire swing going over said pile of dung, and it would still fall in the top 10 theme parks simply because it's in Disney and people already paid for the tickets. (And it's exactly why AK didn't increase attendance at WDW - people seem to think that means NO new gate would have, but all AK advertising did was confuse people more than anything - we've gotten to the point where people know what the Studio's are, but I run into people all the time that don't even get what AK is.)

3) It fails as a theme park compared to the other 3 parks for the very reasons that I and others have stated in other threads, and again here. There is a severe lack of attractions, and Disney knows this. Why do you think it closes so early? They stagger the shows to force people to spend more time there (you can't see FOLK/Nemo back to back because one lets out just after the other begins). This doesn't need to be gone over again - it's been explained over and over. When you look at 1-day ticket prices, if MK is $80, then AK should be like $40. It's less than half the park.

Basically, you started a thread ragging on other people's opinions and how they present them because they do not agree with your opinion. So really, you are just doing the same thing you are accusing others of doing. I'm not sure what you expected here, but as you can see, there are two sides here that seem to have relatively equal support. Some people think like I do, that no matter how much we want to like the place, it's just boring to us because there is so little to do (especially for repeat visitors) and because we can get better animal interaction elsewhere (at any number of regional zoo's). Others think that because it's a lovely place to walk around they don't care about the huge empty spaces and the fact it's the largest of the parks yet has the least to do by most folks standards.

Other people being critical of an attraction, park, or anything else, should not sway your interest or how you feel. You shouldn't let it get to you - other people and how they feel have nothing to do with you. Have the last laugh and enjoy yourself and marvel at what we are missing.


I am so glad you took the time to write all that. I hit some of it in my post (My opinion of course) but the response is right on, and the best part is I didn't have to type it!:lol:

So wizards8507, I support your right to have an opinion, how about giving everyone else the same courtesy.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
There's a real educational aspect to AK that has never been in MK or DHS and has been mostly lost at EPCOT. .

You make a very good point about AK is about education and conservation. Something EPCOT tried to do by being about learning but failed and ended up throwing rides in the park. Something I hope AK doesn't fall into.

People going into the park thinking about rides will be disappointed as this isn't what AK main focus is at this time. People need to appreciate AK for what it is and that is conservation to save wildlife, protect habitats, and educate the community. How many people rush to get on KS and never look at the TV monitor to learn what KS is all about?

A large portion of your park attendance to AK goes towards conservation. What does MK, DHS or EPCOT give back?

Walk Disney himself loved the idea of conservation.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
The sentiment I find myself agreeing with most in this thread is that intricate theming, while great, isn't enough to justify charging the same admission price as a park jammed with rides and shows. Theming should be a baseline expectation for any Disney area, including free walk-around areas like the Boardwalk and the deluxe resorts.


I partically agree with you. Yes theming should be a Disney standard and not charged extra to provide great theming.

As for admission. If I was in FL at WDW for one day with no Park Hopper, I wouldn't go to AK. That theory goes away for me the more days I stay. As you know, the more theme park days you purchase the cost drops drastically. Add on Park Hopper and I don't 1/2 day park being an issue. I don't usually stay at any park for a full day. You can go to AK until 4pm then go straight to EPCOT via bus and enjoy the evening there.


Well-Known Member
I always get to DHS by 9:05 a.m and try to do the fast pass and stand by in line for TSMM depending on the time. I never get 3 TSMM rides in a day because I don't stay at DHS all day. I like to leave theme parks around 1:00 to 1: 30 P.M for a brake at the hotel for resting or going into the pool before going to a table service or back to a theme park later on. I actually get all the attractions that I want to do before I leave DHS for the hotel.

I don't do RNRC or Tot. RNRC is too fast of a coaster for me. I do coasters like Space Mountain, but that not as fast as RNRC or capable of bothering my neck like Primeval Whirl did. .

I actually did TOT in 2000, but I am not big on the ride.

The only thrill ride I do at DHS is Star Tours.

If you actually do it like that you can still leave by 12:30 -1ish. (your last fast pass should be in the 12ish range) If you are not a ToT fan.. shop, stroll whatever but if you want to ride multiple times in a half day this works for us. :wave:


I love how this is a community where you get flamed for daring to say something DOESN'T suck.
Example of this: In another thread when a poster started praising the theme & detail of WWHP at Universal (in their opinion), and asked how it compares to WDW, they were greeted with this response:
The comparison doesn't work. People who boost up WWoHP only like to talk about the good and COMPLETELY ignore the bad.
Prime example. And yet a bit ironic, isn't it? The same can be said for other parks as well...including AK (?)

Back to AK. The concept behind the park was phenominal. On paper, it looked good. But as budgets were cut and more e-ticket attractions were shed from the original proposal...I feel it was dampened down too much. The *original* park design included Beastly Kingdom, a wooden, prehistoric-themed coaster in Dinoland U.S.A., boat rides, and a much more impressive version of CTX (Dinosaur). Does the park have potential to be great? Most definitely. I still am keeping hope alive for Beastly Kingdom, a clone of Journey To The Center of The Earth from DisneySea, and Lord knows what else that can be fit into the elaborate landscape of this beautiful park. And yes, it certainly is beautiful. Had AK opened the way it was originally planed before budget cuts...I'd probably be living there by now. But they took off too much and wittled it down to, I hate to say it, but a well-themed zoo with a few rides thrown in. Just my two cents if they are allowed to be spent here.

Not saying the park isn't going to grow & evolve into greater things in the future.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I partically agree with you. Yes theming should be a Disney standard and not charged extra to provide great theming.

As for admission. If I was in FL at WDW for one day with no Park Hopper, I wouldn't go to AK. That theory goes away for me the more days I stay. As you know, the more theme park days you purchase the cost drops drastically. Add on Park Hopper and I don't 1/2 day park being an issue. I don't usually stay at any park for a full day. You can go to AK until 4pm then go straight to EPCOT via bus and enjoy the evening there.

You're right, Sherman. I doubt very many people ever pay the full admission price for AK alone. But your point also illustrates that AK (probably...and in my opinion :lookaroun) couldn't hold up as a single destination park, the way Disneyland and Magic Kingdom had to do for a time. (Some could argue DL still does. :lookaroun)

If the only reason people are willing to swallow AK's admission price is by having it bundled in with Park Hoppers and diluted through Magic Your Way's sliding price scale, it seems to say something about the park. (I think the same thing could be said of DHS, for what it's worth.) Disney seems to have recognized that it doesn't have to try as hard when it adds parks to resorts with already strong anchor parks (DCA, DHS and AK being examples), because they can get people through the gates with discounted admission.


Well-Known Member
The real problem with Animal Kingdom is that it's the one theme park that seems to consistently take steps backwards.

The safari rides have constantly had major (and cool) elements removed from it.
The Everest attraction once had an impressive robot that no longer moves.
The entrance to the park once had huge mist generators that were turned off.

Everything about the park is constantly downgraded or scaled back.

I would mention the way the Dinosaur ride only has about 1/3 of the intended decoration and themeing installed, but I guess that doesn't count because it opened half-finished and stayed that way. The only thing that's been downgraded about it is its name.

The need to re-name Kali River Rapids "raft," re-name Kilimanjaro Safaris "elephant" and re-name Expedition Everest "train."

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
You're right, Sherman. I doubt very many people ever pay the full admission price for AK alone. But your point also illustrates that AK (probably...and in my opinion :lookaroun) couldn't hold up as a single destination park, the way Disneyland and Magic Kingdom had to do for a time. (Some could argue DL still does. :lookaroun)

If the only reason people are willing to swallow AK's admission price is by having it bundled in with Park Hoppers and diluted through Magic Your Way's sliding price scale, it seems to say something about the park. (I think the same thing could be said of DHS, for what it's worth.) Disney seems to have recognized that it doesn't have to try as hard when it adds parks to resorts with already strong anchor parks (DCA, DHS and AK being examples), because they can get people through the gates with discounted admission.
Mk had to be built as a single day destination. There was nothing else around :lol. I wonder how many people thought EPCOT was a single day destination when built. I never went back in the 80's but read that EPCOT was a failure to many people because EPCOT didn't seem like a theme park to them. Sound familar?

I can't speak about DHS but it has become stale due to lack of attention.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? So if Epcot were the "worst" of the three, would it "fail as a theme park compared to the other three"? Just because you don't think it's as good as the other three means it fails as a theme park? Does that mean every Six Flags and 95% of the theme parks in the world fail because you don't think they're as good The Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disneyland, and Tokyo DisneySea?

Oh gosh, some of you guys, LOL.

It's hilarious that you can't just let me have my opinion, which may differ from yours, and take some personal offense to it and nitpick like this.


Six Flags is NOT A THEME PARK.

Seriously, how about addressing the ACTUAL points I have made as to why I believe so, instead of just arguing semantics and making me spell everything out like I'm talking to a five year-old?

But, no, they don't.

Well, I guess we disagree then. Like many in this thread have shared, I find the actual animal viewing and interaction at AK to leave a lot to be desired. There are far better ways in the US to see more and get closer to animals than speeding past them on the Safari with an annoying "storyline" forced on you. The live animals are so limited that they can't even begin to compete with an actual Zoo experience.

Your experience does not describe mine.

Well you are very lucky. Every time I have been on that dang safari the poor CM tries so hard to make excuses, but it's very rare to get more than a glimpse at the animals. And, on the rare occasions you do, they speed past them (I was told by one CM on that attraction that they speed up MORE when the animals are visible, so more ride vehicles get to see them while they are actually out). I have yet to see the cats out there - every time they are either simply not there, or the CM is like, "Well if you look behind that huge rock up there - you can see the ear of a sleeping cat..."

I lived literally across the street from this most of my life, and have since spent my life largely in Washington at the base of Mount Baker with the North Cascades down the road.

Clearly having beauty around me hasn't stopped me from enjoying DAK, so obviously it doesn't fail.

Obviously, since you are the only one who is allowed to have an opinion or make conclusions based on them. :)

I'm SO GLAD that you enjoy AK. It's fabulous that you do.

Many of us have tried very hard to. There is just such a lack of things to do there, which includes a lack of attractions/rides as are expected at a Disney theme park by most of the guests, and the animals, while in beautiful surroundings, can't begin to match what you can see and experience at a real zoo.

So you like it. YAY! But when someone starts a thread attacking those that think it's lacking, you have to expect people to explain their positions as I have here. It's only natural. AK needs a LOT of work before it's a real theme park on the level of the other parks. Quite a few of us feel this way as you can see from this thread.

This is a place where critical discussions happen, just like any special interest site. Sure, there are people who just like to "hate", but you won't find many of those here. I love WDW, and many, MANY things about it. AK just doesn't live up to my expectations, so I discuss it.

In a word, I think the OP needs to just get over it. ;)

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
But when someone starts a thread attacking those that think it's lacking, you have to expect people to explain their positions as I have here.

Exactly, the OP was calling out all the people who think AK is a half day and lacking attractions. Of course people are going to defend their positions, its only natural.

It seems to me that the people who think AK is a whole day, feel that the ones who call it a half day (myself included) think it stinks. I dont feel that at all. The feeling I get is the people in the half day camp want the park to be great and see the potential that to them is not being lived up to. I LOVE the AK so does that mean I cant think its a half day and needs a few more attractions at least? Or do I have to pick a side? Ahhhhhhhhh what do I do! :hammer:


Active Member
Original Poster
Obviously, since you are the only one who is allowed to have an opinion or make conclusions based on them. :)

Dude you just quoted me and I wasn't the one who said what you quoted. Please tell me that you didn't do that on purpose to make me look bad. You put my name as saying something that "Mansion Butler" said.


Active Member
Original Poster
Example of this: In another thread when a poster started praising the theme & detail of WWHP at Universal (in their opinion), and asked how it compares to WDW, they were greeted with this response:

Now we're pulling in quotes from other threads?

If you must know, the poster in that thread was trying to compare all of WWoHP to single attractions at WDW (specifically Expedition Everest). I stand by my statement that such a comparison does NOT work, and if you included the entire conversation (which I note, you haven't), you would have seen that I followed up by saying that a more appropriate comparison would have been WWoHP and all of DAK's Asia.


Well-Known Member
Dude you just quoted me and I wasn't the one who said what you quoted. Please tell me that you didn't do that on purpose to make me look bad. You put my name as saying something that "Mansion Butler" said.


Yes, I was trying to make you look bad.


Actually, it was an error because I was quoting multiple posts. My sincere apologies.

It was not intentional, and certainly wasn't meant to make you "look bad" - why would I when you do such a great job yourself. ;)

Exactly, the OP was calling out all the people who think AK is a half day and lacking attractions. Of course people are going to defend their positions, its only natural.

It seems to me that the people who think AK is a whole day, feel that the ones who call it a half day (myself included) think it stinks. I dont feel that at all. The feeling I get is the people in the half day camp want the park to be great and see the potential that to them is not being lived up to. I LOVE the AK so does that mean I cant think its a half day and needs a few more attractions at least? Or do I have to pick a side? Ahhhhhhhhh what do I do! :hammer:

LOL, exactly.

Some people can't separate those two things - a critical discussion and their personal experiences. Just because I'm critical, like many, of AK's standing in the theme park world, and discuss it's dearth of attractions and what it needs to be a great park besides looking good, does not mean I hate it. Or that I hate everything, or am generally disgruntled about Disney, etc.

I love Dinosaur. It's one of my favorite rides ever. Easily top 5, probably top 3. ITTBAB is a fun movie. But compared to my experiences at zoos across the nation, the animal interaction is the LEAST memorable thing about any time I have spent at that park. When thinking about the Safari (which I've done probably 20-25 times) I have a hard time recalling the animals I ever actually saw - mostly what I remember is long stretches of land and being hold about all the "hidden" fences and captivity that kept the mostly invisible animals in their spots. And, as I said above, the few times where we DID see something neat we were rushed away by the lame-o storyline.

It's so World Showcase to me it's not even funny. There are two ways to look at World Showcase : a big shopping mall/food court that happens to be really well themed, or as this cultural bastion of knowledge and information and enrichment. It just depends on how you look at it. But even people who do generally like it often have to admit it is woefully short of updates and enhancements that it could sorely use, so it wasn't just for people who just are happy with good theming without any meat under it.


Well-Known Member
When I originally posted this, I fully expected that it would lead to an already-discussed can of worms, but I'm amazed at the emotions people are throwing around... The existence of Animal Kingdom actually makes you angry?


What a LIE.

The purpose of this entire thread is to spark a fire. Now you are fanning the flames.

Scoffing people and implying how pitiful you think they are. Nice.


Well-Known Member
What a LIE.

The purpose of this entire thread is to spark a fire. Now you are fanning the flames.

Scoffing people and implying how pitiful you think they are. Nice.

You gotta love the "hey I'm going to flame all kinds of people who hold a different opinion of mine", start a thread with a title using the loaded "fanboy" term, and admitting it was a rant - then acting like the poor little boy who lives under the stairs who is getting "attacked" and doesn't know why.


I especially love :

Now we're pulling in quotes from other threads?

When this entire thread was bashing what other people have said in...other threads. ;)


Well-Known Member
Just to fill you in

Main characters

Barbara Gordon (Barbara Gordon) — formerly the original Batgirl, Barbara is the office manager of the Birds of Prey. She was paralyzed from the waist down as a result of an ambush by the Joker, ending her career as Batgirl. She possessing an information network, a photographic memory, and common hacking and programming skills. . Barbara is also a skilled hand-to-hand victim and a master in weaponry, though she is rarely shown in a physical fight.
Black Canary (Dinah Lance) — a tough, but good-natured and idealistic streetfighter who is the Birds of Prey's star character. Barbara and Dinah are close friends (Barbara having helped Dinah through low periods in Dinah's life). In addition to her superpower, an ultrasonic attack known as the "Canary Cry", she is also a highly skilled martial artist. She departed the team in issue #99, and returned in issue #1 of volume 2.
Dove (Dawn Granger) — a strong-willed, but calm young woman, and the avatar of peace. A former member of the Teen Titans, Dove was granted superhuman strength, durability, and reflexes by the Lords of Chaos and Order and used them to fight alongside Hank Hall. Following the events of Blackest Night, Dawn was invited to join the Birds.
Hawk (Hank Hall) — a violent and conservative young man, and the physical avatar of war. Granted superhuman abilities by the Lords of Chaos and Order, Hawk fought crime alongside his brother Don and later Dawn before being driven insane by the wizard Mordru and becoming the villain known as Extant. After his murder at the hands of Atom Smasher, Hank was resurrected during the events of Blackest Night. During the Brightest Day crossover, he was offered an invitation to join the team.
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) — vigilante. Prone to use of excessive force, this former mafia princess was devastated at a young age when her family was killed in a mob hit. Trained by her assassin cousin in the art of violence, she declared war on the mob in the name of justice. Following Black Canary's departure, Huntress became the team's field commander. She was also the second crimefighter to go by the name Batgirl.
Lady Blackhawk (Zinda Blake) — time-displaced 1940s character, Zinda serves as the team's aviatrix and pilot of the Aerie One and Two. She is an expert marksman, well trained with handling various types of firearms.

It could make an interesting attraction in the AK. Oh wait its DC not marvel. :lol:

Such a sweet post. Lady Blackhawk has my heart.


Well-Known Member
I would pick Busch Gardens in its current state over Animal Kingdom anyday.
Why would I do that? Because yes I LOVE the coaster lineup...but I also see some GREAT themed play areas in Jungala and Sesame Street Safari of Fun...along with a number of flat rides, water rides, shows, a train, a skyride, great restaurants, AND animal exhibits. There's so much more to do at Busch then at DAK, so even though I like the theming done by Disney, and enjoy some of the stuff there at that park, it's nowhere near the full day park it's competition is.

When DAK adds a full new land, or at least 5 or 6 more rides and shows, then we can look at it differently.

Spot on. 5-6 new attractions are a must.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
The real problem with Animal Kingdom is that it's the one theme park that seems to consistently take steps backwards.

The safari rides have constantly had major (and cool) elements removed from it.
The Everest attraction once had an impressive robot that no longer moves.
The entrance to the park once had huge mist generators that were turned off.

Everything about the park is constantly downgraded or scaled back.

Heck, the park was downgraded and scaled back before it ever opened. Before I found this message board, I wondered why they had a dragon silhouette at the park entrance and in promotional materials with nary a fire-breather in sight inside the gates. :lol:

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