Multiple Adrs a no-no???

Todd L

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey everyone.............I know its a point of contention around here But I wanted to ask...........

I am going to WDW on the dining plan and am trying to not be a slave to my adrs.............

If I make adrs for epcot and decide to go to Mk instead Id like to know I have that option and still be able to eat at someplace nice.

Is there a policy against Having multiple adrs?

If i dont cancel an adr will they take the points from my didning plan?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
From what we have been told Disney runs an audit program over ADR's. If a guest is found to have multiple ADR's at or around the same time all of the ADR's will be canceled.


Well-Known Member
I say make the multiple ones..and bring your mug to each restaurant and get refills for free..:D



Just joking!..Like Master Yoda said...they will cancel them when they see you have multiples...unless you book them under someone else in your partys name..:D



It is unknown when they cancel the ADR's. To be safe, don't make multiple ADR's. Just finalize your plans and make 1 set of ADR's so you don't risk showing up without any reservations.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
When do they cancel them? I've got multiple ADRs now, but only because we're still deciding where to go.
What I have heard so far has been pretty sketchy and I have not been able to 100% confirm any of it but the audit system supposedly runs somewhat randomly.


Active Member
I just spoke to Disney because I had two ADRs for the same night. I had one at 4:45 for dinner and then Sci-Fi at 8:50 for the same night because we planned on getting dessert or a snack. We don't really like the food at Sci-Fi but my daughter loves the atmosphere so we thought we could have dinner earlier and then dessert. I was told that I couldn't even have that and that the system is purged would be purged this week. no Sci-Fi unless we can walk in at some point.


Well-Known Member
I just spoke to Disney because I had two ADRs for the same night. I had one at 4:45 for dinner and then Sci-Fi at 8:50 for the same night because we planned on getting dessert or a snack. We don't really like the food at Sci-Fi but my daughter loves the atmosphere so we thought we could have dinner earlier and then dessert. I was told that I couldn't even have that and that the system is purged would be purged this week. no Sci-Fi unless we can walk in at some point.

hmm.... that's like 4 hours apart, what if your foreign and eat lunch around 3-5 and dinner around 9:shrug: I can see purging if it's 2 hours apart though... You "could" make one in your name and the other in a different name to cheat the purge... :D

Just don't do it for making multiple resies for the same lunch... or same dinner... or else the locals will hunt you down. :drevil:


Active Member
I was told that you had to be within the lunch time and the dinner time for the restaurants if you were to have two in the same day. Because both of mine were during the dinner time I couldn't do it. She said it wasn't fair to other guests.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I just spoke to Disney because I had two ADRs for the same night. I had one at 4:45 for dinner and then Sci-Fi at 8:50 for the same night because we planned on getting dessert or a snack. We don't really like the food at Sci-Fi but my daughter loves the atmosphere so we thought we could have dinner earlier and then dessert. I was told that I couldn't even have that and that the system is purged would be purged this week. no Sci-Fi unless we can walk in at some point.
That's excessive IMO. Why is it anytime a good idea comes along (no concurrent reservations or you lose all of them) it gets taken to the other extreme — thus becoming a bad idea?

They could have just stuck with the other poorly functioning system and saved a lot of effort. :lol:

Todd L

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow........does anyone know if they will alert you to the cancellation ahead of time Or do you show up and get turned away? Geeze sound a little harsh dosnet it? I mean your supposed to be ther 20 mins. before your adr time and Im pretty sure that they will not honor a reservation if you show up late so Wheres the harm really? its not like there not gonna use that table if you dont show.


Active Member
That's excessive IMO. Why is it anytime a good idea comes along (no concurrent reservations or you lose all of them) it gets taken to the other extreme — thus becoming a bad idea?

That's why you have to agree with a "terms of agreement" just for making a dining reservation. This might be why it took WDW so long to add online ADRs, they feared there would be too much abuse of the system so they decided to punish violations to the extreme.

Wow........does anyone know if they will alert you to the cancellation ahead of time Or do you show up and get turned away? Geeze sound a little harsh dosnet it? I mean your supposed to be ther 20 mins. before your adr time and Im pretty sure that they will not honor a reservation if you show up late so Wheres the harm really? its not like there not gonna use that table if you dont show.

You enter your email when you make the ADR so I assume the system will send you a message when a cancellation is made. The 20 minutes is more of a recommendation. We have shown up for Chef Mickey's several times only a few minutes early and had no problem getting in on time. The 20 minutes is there to encourage you arrive on time. (Think "if we tell him to show up 20 minutes early he might actually be on time" type of situation). It also gives them the opportunity to seat you earlier if a table is a available. The quicker they seat you, the more likely they will squeeze in a few walk-ins and take in more money for the night.


Well-Known Member
We often make a couple reservations for two different parks around dinner time to cover our bases. We make one in my name and the other in my wife's. I always call and cancel whatever one were not using and that way no one is being inconvenienced. I don't think it's a big deal to do as long as you cancel what you're not using. We've never had a problem.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I hope this auto purge thing is a fallacy as we have our party split across two restaurants on two or three occasions on our forthcoming trip as we dont all like the same food.

Also is there a place to cancel on line if your plans change?


Well-Known Member
We often make a couple reservations for two different parks around dinner time to cover our bases. We make one in my name and the other in my wife's. I always call and cancel whatever one were not using and that way no one is being inconvenienced. I don't think it's a big deal to do as long as you cancel what you're not using. We've never had a problem.

When do you cancel ?? An hour before you eat or several weeks ???

You may not have a problem - but what about the hundreds of other guests all fighting over what's left and you're sat on two knowing full well that you're not using one :mad:

Make your plans - pick your dining spot and make one reservation for one meal time at one place only


Well-Known Member
When do you cancel ?? An hour before you eat or several weeks ???

You may not have a problem - but what about the hundreds of other guests all fighting over what's left and you're sat on two knowing full well that you're not using one :mad:

Make your plans - pick your dining spot and make one reservation for one meal time at one place only

Nope, I don't feel bad at all because when i cancel an hour before, that means some lucky person is A. Able to make an ADR for a meal at a nice restaurant in the next hour or B. someone who just walked up to the restaurant without ADRs was able to get a table who otherwise wouldn't have been able to. Either way it rewards a guest for having some spontaneity, something that has been sorely lacking with regards to dining ever since free dining and the DDP became so popular. Later that evening we might even use some "expired" FPs to go on a ride:p


Well-Known Member
I hope this auto purge thing is a fallacy as we have our party split across two restaurants on two or three occasions on our forthcoming trip as we dont all like the same food.

Also is there a place to cancel on line if your plans change?

I usually just call the wow dine number or if we're close to the restaurant, I'll stop by and cancel in person.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I usually just call the wow dine number or if we're close to the restaurant, I'll stop by and cancel in person.

Turns out you can edit your reservations on line. It just seems in an ongoing battle to destroy the system, that like my resort bookings my reservations throw the system into chaos and I have no alternative but to call.

Luckily I have been able to use the DVC AT&T free access number from the UK and the CM has been able to sort out the cancellations and confirm the reservations the on line system wont retrieve. Most importantly she has been able to confirm that I do have resort reservations.

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