Well-Known Member
For me, this isn't about the $30 for Mulan. If I took my daughter to a theater, we'd pay more than that for tickets and concessions.
The problem I have with this is Disney monetizing content on a service I'm already paying a subscription price for. This is an extension of "freemium" games on your phone, or the extra-fee dessert party for the extra-fee MVMCP.
I am wary that the next thing is "We're glad you love the Mandalorian. New episodes drop weekly for the low-low price of $4.99, or you can subscribe to the season for just $44.99."
Slippery slope is slippery.
Would you prefer they develop a completely different platform solely for the purpose of VOD?
The movie is not (in September) going to be “on” Disney+. It is not content on the service that costs extra. Rather it’s content being sold directly to consumers that is just using the app as a platform and means to distribute. In fact, it doesn’t sound like a person will need a Disney+ subscription to order it.