

Premium Member
This all reminds me of the recent Bob Iger interview with Kara Swisher on her podcast SWAY. Bob literally makes a terrible joke that I'm sure he means quite seriously:

And then it eventually ends with Kara making a very real joke about paying CEOs less so that they can pay their people more.

Labor shortage is a facade for not paying people a living wage. We lost people during this pandemic, but we have plenty of humans to staff roles. But companies are paying their people in Cost of Labor instead of Cost of Living. and if they'd kept up with it before the pandemic, people would be more willing to return to their old positions.

All to say, companies are realizing (like some have said in this thread) that they can 'get the job done' with fewer people and less labor hours. Guests/consumers are willing to accept it—sometimes unknowingly—and therefore, the standard of service decreases.
Bob Iger
And you’d better quickly address what your immigration policy is, or you’re going to run out of people to—

This all reminds me of the recent Bob Iger interview with Kara Swisher on her podcast SWAY. Bob literally makes a terrible joke that I'm sure he means quite seriously:

And then it eventually ends with Kara making a very real joke about paying CEOs less so that they can pay their people more.

Labor shortage is a facade for not paying people a living wage. We lost people during this pandemic, but we have plenty of humans to staff roles. But companies are paying their people in Cost of Labor instead of Cost of Living. and if they'd kept up with it before the pandemic, people would be more willing to return to their old positions.

All to say, companies are realizing (like some have said in this thread) that they can 'get the job done' with fewer people and less labor hours. Guests/consumers are willing to accept it—sometimes unknowingly—and therefore, the standard of service decreases.
You can reduce service to an extent, yes. However, at a certain point, there will be consumer pushback (and the pandemic/"labor shortage" can no longer be used as a cover). The Hilton CEO was interviewed last year about this and talked about "retraining" consumers to expect less-to-no housekeeping, no more complimentary breakfasts etc. The risk with cutting service down so completely is if you're the only company that does that and no other company follows suit, the consumer quickly learns to avoid your company's product and use another's. Like for us, we've learnt that Disney's hotel product is no longer worth the money so we're using the Loews' product at Universal and skipping Disney for the foreseeable. We're also avoiding Hilton products because they seem especially keen to up prices and provide less.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
And then it eventually ends with Kara making a very real joke about paying CEOs less so that they can pay their people more.
In fiscal year 2021, Bob Chapek's total compensation package -- salary, stock options, benefits, etc. -- was worth approximately $32.5 million.

The Walt Disney Company as a whole employs approximately 223,000 people.

If Bob Chapek's entire compensation package were cut and he was paid $0, you could give each employee an extra $145.73. For the entire year.

CEO salaries are not why employees are not being paid more. Not by a long shot.


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
In fiscal year 2021, Bob Chapek's total compensation package -- salary, stock options, benefits, etc. -- was worth approximately $32.5 million.

The Walt Disney Company as a whole employs approximately 223,000 people.

If Bob Chapek's entire compensation package were cut and he was paid $0, you could give each employee an extra $145.73. For the entire year.

CEO salaries are not why employees are not being paid more. Not by a long shot.
I wonder how many of the 223,000 people (a) work in the theme parks or (b) make $14 an hour...


Well-Known Member
In fiscal year 2021, Bob Chapek's total compensation package -- salary, stock options, benefits, etc. -- was worth approximately $32.5 million.

The Walt Disney Company as a whole employs approximately 223,000 people.

If Bob Chapek's entire compensation package were cut and he was paid $0, you could give each employee an extra $145.73. For the entire year.

CEO salaries are not why employees are not being paid more. Not by a long shot.
but, it's not just the CEO's salary that's at issue here. Let's re-calculate using the executive team's salary. But, Let's pay them a livable wage too. What do they get paid then?

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
In fiscal year 2021, Bob Chapek's total compensation package -- salary, stock options, benefits, etc. -- was worth approximately $32.5 million.

The Walt Disney Company as a whole employs approximately 223,000 people.

If Bob Chapek's entire compensation package were cut and he was paid $0, you could give each employee an extra $145.73. For the entire year.

CEO salaries are not why employees are not being paid more. Not by a long shot.
But the CEO's salary is indicative of a warped set of priorities that makes the rank-and-file employee the last thing considered and places the experience of the paying guest only slightly above that. Wall Street's perception of the company - based on a whole host of warped criteria, from stock buybacks to executive salaries - dominates everything.

There are other ways to run a theme park company. Take a look at, oh, say... Tokyo Disneyland for an example of how a different corporate philosophy yields much more positive results for workers and guests.


New Member
I have stayed at several deluxe wdw properties since March of 2020. Housekeeping has been abysmal and embarrassing. I am shocked it isn’t being addressed directly esp at deluxe resorts. Have also stayed at ritz, je Marriott, 4 seasons and autograph hotels across the country during the pandemic. No other brand has had this issue. It’s ridiculous and we will be staying at the swan u til it improves. It’s offensive for the prices not to come back to an empty trash and a made up bed. Sorry this sounds like a rant but there is no excuse. If you can’t provide the service you have in the past be direct about it, offer a discount and APOLOGIZE. Explain it isn’t your to your standards and is being addressed. Head in the sand is so much worse and, as customers that use “deluxe” resorts brands around the world this is the ONLY place that hasn’t recovered on this issue. They should be embarrassed but clearly they don’t care. It’s BAD


New Member
I have stayed at several deluxe wdw properties since March of 2020. Housekeeping has been abysmal and embarrassing. I am shocked it isn’t being addressed directly esp at deluxe resorts. Have also stayed at ritz, je Marriott, 4 seasons and autograph hotels across the country during the pandemic. No other brand has had this issue. It’s ridiculous and we will be staying at the swan u til it improves. It’s offensive for the prices not to come back to an empty trash and a made up bed. Sorry this sounds like a rant but there is no excuse. If you can’t provide the service you have in the past be direct about it, offer a discount and APOLOGIZE. Explain it isn’t your to your standards and is being addressed. Head in the sand is so much worse and, as customers that use “deluxe” resorts brands around the world this is the ONLY place that hasn’t recovered on this issue. They should be embarrassed but clearly they don’t care. It’s BAD
Absolutely agree. As a DVC, Passholder, and 32 year attender of WDW properties we have never seen our rooms not taken care of perfectly until the last 3 years or so. Even the DVCs are very lacking but our complaints fall on deaf ears. So much has changed the “magic” we’ve felt for so many years is waning badly. So discouraging and disappointing. Complaining only gets the standard, “Covid, Covid, Covid” BS. Not acceptable. But like a DVC neighbor said, they already have our money so…..


Well-Known Member
They did straighten up, wiped down counters, etc., every other day.

I'm just saying, I was bothered by the lack of housekeeping until we actually experienced it. Just wasn't that big of a deal for us, we were satisfied with the light cleanings.

I'd love it back just because I like seeing the bed made, but we survived. :D
So your okay with paying more and receiving less? This kind of thinking makes no sense to me. I just returned from destino and my experience was a little different. All they did was change the towels and empty the trash. Nothing was wiped down except the bathroom vanity.

After my last stay at Contemporary I refuse to stay Deluxe again until housekeeping returns. The cleanliness has gone downhill in the resorts. I’ve noticed declines at Yacht/Beach, Grand and contemporary. I don’t get why Disney fans keep making excuses for it. There are quite a few offsite resorts that are now much better then Disney’s.

Ninja Mom

Well-Known Member
There are a ton of hacks on YouTube to set your thermostat to "VIP" mode which overrides the motion sensor. I have used them a WDW and many other places.
The whole point is that you should not have to do that. It's very condescending to the guest to put the operation of the room A.C unit behind an aggrevation/ special access needed wall.

And for those that like to complain about how using the AC is bad for the environment, the energy costs are higher when you have to initially start it up to cool off a hot room rather than set the thermostat to a warmer temp (NOT off) and then lower it when you return to the room.

If people want Disney to change then they need to stop drinking the Disney Kool-Aid and quit going. People need to stop apologizing for Disney. I always look at it like any pro sports team. If the owners of a pro sports team are not putting a good product on the field and won't spend money on free agents and continue to lose the fanbase won't show up and then when they start to see revenues go down maybe they will think about why and start spending money again. Stop going people!! My family of 4 have had AP's since 2014 and we are not renewing and they are set to expire next week. We are taking our last trip this weekend to Pop and then we are done and it feels so good.
I strongly suspect that SOME of the "Disney Apologists" work for 3rd party social media providers subcontracted by Disney.

I know of 2 "power" posters on a different large Disney fan site that disappeared completely in March of 2020. These were both people who had over a 1,000 posts a year on multiple boards, including, primarily, the resorts and theme park boards.

One was contacted because we thought she died/became severely ill from Covid. This was a person who bragged that she had enough DVC points to stay deluxe at least 6 times a year. She would post all the time and argue with people who complained about Disney.

As it turns out she was fine, and she "just decided not to go to, or post about Disney anymore".

That didn't make any sense and when questioned (kindly) about it further, she stopped responding. Some of us then thought she might have been working for a social media company as her degree was in communications.

Most people that develop friendships on these boards don't decide to ghost everyone all of a sudden and completely stop posting for no reason. (They were not blocked from that board).

Perhaps no longer receiving a paycheck from a subcontractor to Disney to try to control the narrative on social media is the real reason.

That was the consensus from her "board friends" about what really happened to her. It's been two years and still nary a peep from her.


Well-Known Member
So your okay with paying more and receiving less? This kind of thinking makes no sense to me. I just returned from destino and my experience was a little different. All they did was change the towels and empty the trash. Nothing was wiped down except the bathroom vanity.

After my last stay at Contemporary I refuse to stay Deluxe again until housekeeping returns. The cleanliness has gone downhill in the resorts. I’ve noticed declines at Yacht/Beach, Grand and contemporary. I don’t get why Disney fans keep making excuses for it. There are quite a few offsite resorts that are now much better then Disney’s.

I'm sorry you aren't satisfied with my experience.


Well-Known Member
I have also noticed a big decline in housekeeping on property. I was always that person who would wipe down high touch areas in my room (prior to COVID) and I also travel for business quite a bit. The amount of dirt that came up during my last stay at WL was insane. And these are from areas that should be throughout cleaned. Might have been a one-off but I've had better experiences at Swan Reserve (along with a better price).


Well-Known Member
In fiscal year 2021, Bob Chapek's total compensation package -- salary, stock options, benefits, etc. -- was worth approximately $32.5 million.

The Walt Disney Company as a whole employs approximately 223,000 people.

If Bob Chapek's entire compensation package were cut and he was paid $0, you could give each employee an extra $145.73. For the entire year.

CEO salaries are not why employees are not being paid more. Not by a long shot.
The stock options is the one that annoys me. Some places give huge discounts on the stock to the higher ups (not sure of Disneys specifically), yet regular employees are not offered the same.


Well-Known Member
I just posted on the resorts page but thought I would chime in here as well.
I was at Music last week. Service was exactly as stated on the website. I checked in on a Saturday. So on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, mousekeeping came in, emptied my trash, replaced my coffee and towels, vacuumed, and one day even made my bed. Of course I miss full mousekeeping but overall, I was very pleased. I saw a few members of the mousekeeping staff out and about during the day. They were always friendly, said hello, how are you, have a wonderful day. I made sure to leave small tips on MWF and of course a larger tip Saturday when I checked out. They did the job that was asked of them very well.

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