Today, I went over to the mailboxes in my apartment complex. I threw on my Mickey Crocs and while I was there a mother of two little ones (one looked to be about 4 and the other about 2) said to me. I can't wait to go to Disney. We are going the week before Christmas week while the prices are cheaper. I said, great, where are you staying. She said, We haven't decided yet, but probably one of the value resorts. Since it was only three months away, I asked if she had made any ADR's yet...she said no, they would just go someplace after they get there. They knew that they wanted to do a character breakfast, but other than that...had no idea what they might do. Fortunately, she seemed to think that counter service would be OK. (That's good). I tried to explain that even though it seems like a long way off, it might be a good idea to make some reservations now.
We chatted a little about the things to do there for small kids and then I mentioned to plan for Fastpass on the rides that were the busiest. She said, "We aren't going to do Fastpass. It costs to much! I read somewhere that it was $20.00 for each Fastpass." (Gasp!)

I explained how Fastpass works, at least how it works now, and she was almost giddy with delight. I said, the only advice I can give you right now is go on line, at least to and look at what is available and then if she had any questions, I would be happy to try and help. That lady is in for one huge surprise.

She had apparently been to Disneyland, many, many years ago and that was what she was basing her thoughts on.