It's also shocking how some people can't grasp the fact that it is a different world today than in 1971. Those halcyon days of Mad Men advertising and Disneyland TV specials are gone. A simple Orange Bird face character in the park or in your face sponsor of Carousel of Progress are no longer anywhere near the standard for advertising. Sure, Walt could get away with his TV show to propose the Florida Project, some TV spots and a boatload of other mass media marketing. Today we're blasted with marketing every time we look at our phone, do an internet search, post on our favorite web forum, walk through the airport, etc. The minor, and very minor indeed, advertising that is a well-done bus wrap or monorail wrap is just not something to get worked up over. We praised the idea of TCM coming in to update the films in The Great Movie Ride, while adding their name and logo to the theater. Wrapping the busses is not one of the many ills of Disney World. It has many ills right now, but this just isn't one of them.
It's smart marketing. My kids wanted to wait and take the next bus, the one with Disney Infinity on it, when we were there. The busses themselves are and always have been filled with marketing materials. Every place that they can, Disney is self-promoting itself. This is not some poorly done sign on the side of a city bus.
Now, I know someone is going to say that you'd like to take a break from advertising while on a Disney vacation. It just isn't happening. Not in today's day and age. The world has moved on. Blame the world at large here, but don't say that Disney of old wouldn't have done this if the technology had been available. They would have. Ask Orange Bird. He'll tell you different.