The problem is the media doesn't know the difference from the routine issues and the ones that are actually significant problems. A train being towed is a somewhat normal occurrence. The system losing power for three hours is not, I'm pretty sure the other night was the first time an evacuation had been initiated since the fire in the 80's. I think the power failure would have made the news even if the crash had never happened, the towing would not though.
As someone who is actually a member of the local media, I assure you my organization tries very hard to get these things right. We correctly reported last night's incident as a very minor inconvenience and played it down. However, there IS interest in the community. This is the second computer-related system issue on the monorails in less than a week. That's what makes the towing newsworthy. Not the crash. While Sunday's incident was a far greater problem, it raises questions of what is going wrong with a system I've been using very regularly for 38 years now. And one I love to ride at any opportunity.
To the poster who asked the difference between Space Mtn going 101 and this, Disney Monorails are a major public transportation system -- One that is routinely cited by Disney as a model of safety and efficiency. And until the past few years, it has been.
As one poster pointed out, the Mark VIs are nearing the 20 year mark where Disney has previously retired (or in Disneyland's case rebuilt and rebuilt) trains. Around this time in my beloved Mark IVs lives -- a big announcement was made about the future.
There are no signs now of any similar announcement about the Mark VIs. Given Disneyland's woes, I am not sure that is a bad thing.
Nevertheless -- if a hard drive crash cuts power to the beams, it doesn't matter if the train is from the 50s, 70s or warped from the future. So why wasn't there a backup to that computer. Or if there is, what happened? And why did it take nearly 3 hours to get everyone out?
Like many of you on this blog, members of the local media live here. Many of us are big fans of Disney, especially. While there may be a handful "out to get" Disney - the vast majority of us are not. We are just doing our jobs. Do we screw up? Sure. But most of us try very hard to get things right and put them in context. In the 24 hour news cycle / Internet Age that is not easy.
P.s. Are we sure Bombardier is going to do the work rebuilding the cabs and damaged cars for Monorail 12? I thought Disney sued years ago and was returned all materials related to its version of the Mark VI - including the molds for the cars.