MontyMon's August Adventure to WDW - 8/23 - 8/31 And Kingdom & Kungaloosh!

Prelude & Day 1

After a week in Niagara Falls for a Union Convention, I made the mad dash back Friday afternoon [22 August] to Ottawa to pick up DS13 from his mother and headed home to quickly re-pack and get ready to leave at the crack of ridiculous the following morning. Much to my great annoyance, on arriving at my house I discovered that the air conditioning had died while I was out of town! Much melted chocolate and a very hot night’s sleep later…

We left the house at 5:30 to head [a little late] to the airport. We managed to check in and headed to our gate with about ten minutes to spare before they started boarding. I worried a bit that our checked bag might not make the plane, but when we arrived in Toronto, it was there waiting for us as we went through U.S. Customs. Off to Orlando!

We arrived MCO at about 1PM and despite being initially put on the wrong DME bus [along with about 20 other guests], we were moved to the correct bus and headed out to WDW! We were at the resort [POFQ] and checked in by 2PM. Then it was off to DTD and some shopping.

We had great sandwiches at the Earl of Sandwich and then headed to the shops. We wandered through World of Disney, but nothing jumped out at me [DS was amazed… I always buy stuff in that store!], then we went to the Lego store and got DS a monstrous Bionicles set. We wandered on to West Side and bought another book for DS [a voracious reader] and we got caught in the Disney Quest store by torrential rains. We waited a while, thinking this would be typical Florida rain, but it lasted quite a while. We decided to make the mad dash across the street to La Nouba so we’d be able to dry a bit before the show at 6PM.

We wandered through the Cirque store, but try as I might I couldn’t convince DS to buy and wear a clown nose for the show.

We had our customary seats in the front row of the upper level in Section 204. Although every seat has a great view, we’ve found these to be fantastic for seeing the pre-show and the parade, getting up-close with the performers of both adds to the magic of La Nouba. Our third time seeing the show, we’re both noticing different elements we’d never noticed before. As always, a wonderful experience!

After La Nouba it was time to crash so we returned to our room at French Quarter [first floor, building four – perfect for bus access and very short walk to the main building].

Tomorrow: Tonga Toast & MK!


Brilliant...and Canadian
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 2

While DS showered and got dressed, I headed to the front desk to re-check-in. We booked our first night as room-only, because Free DDP started today. They were all set up for numerous guests doing the same and it went smoothly.

Then we were off to Kona for our favourite Disney meal: Tonga Toast!

Me before we ate it:


DS13 after it was gone:


Then we were off to MK. We saw the park opening show and once they let us in we stopped at City Hall to have them turn off the biometric scan for my ticket. Not having fingers makes the finger scan a problem… As it turned out, whatever they did didn’t work, but since only twice during our trip were the biometrics turned on when we entered the parks – it wasn’t a major problem.

Park Opening:


On our way in:


Off we went to Space, grabbed FPs then rode right away with no wait. We rode TTA twice, and then went to Buzz and MILF before returning to Space for our FP window. From there we headed to Haunted Mansion, but it was 101, so we got FPs for Big Thunder, intending to ride stand by on Splash, but Splash was 101 as well. We headed to Pirates of the Caribbean and rode with no wait. We decided to have Citrus Swirl Root Beer Floats for our first snacks.




Citrus Swirl:



We took in the Tiki Room then got FPs for Jungle Cruise. We headed to Big Thunder, but now it was 101 and Splash wasn’t, so we rode Splash. The wait was posted as 50 minutes, but it was only about 30 before we’d completed the ride. When we came out Big Thunder was running again so we used our FPs. From there we returned to JC and used our FPs.

We went back and Haunted Mansion was back running so we rode. We went to watch Philharmagic next, lots of fools stopping mid row… I only stepped on the adults. We had lovely seats at the end of the row and the show was great from there, AND we made it out first. Then we had a lemonade slush from the Enchanted Grove [we had hoped for Strawberry Swirl, but…].

We headed back to Tomorrowland and rode Space with little or no wait, then CoP, MILF, TTA and Space again before leaving to catch the boat to Wilderness Lodge for dinner at Artist Point. We both had wonderful meals and the service was fantastic. After dinner, I bought Wilderness Lodge polo, guess now we’ll have to stay there some trip soon!

Our boat:


The Wilderness Lodge:


We returned to MK and rode Pirates twice with no waits at all. Then we headed to Splash, but the wait was over 70 minutes and Big Thunder was over 50, so we didn’t bother. We rode Haunted Mansion again and then went to find a spot for wishes. DS decided that the area right in front of Philharmagic would be a good change from being in front of the castle, but it turned out to be horrible, you couldn’t figure out which way to look, fireworks were everywhere! We gave up on trying to get pictures and headed out… Stopping at Casey’s for a pop while the majority of the crowds left the park.

Tomorrow: DHS


Brilliant...and Canadian
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 3

Breakfast at Sassagoula then off to DHS

Toy Story Midway Mania standby posted wait 50, we got FPs and rode actual wait was under 30. This ride is an absolute must-do! It is an incredible ride, lots of fun and really worth making the effort to ride.

Mr. Potatohead:


Then we headed to Great Movie Ride, good as always. I finally convinced DS13 to ride TOT!

On our way!



He’s been on it on previous trips, enjoying it every time, but then on subsequent trips he’d freak out and refuse to ride at all. I think we’re now finally over that. After that we bought some shirts in the store, had them shipped and headed for Rockin’ Rollercoaster. I went to get FPs and discovered I’d left the TOT shop without my Keys to the Kingdom card! I ran back, but the CM who’d served me was nowhere to be found. She’d realized she still had my card and went straight to lost and found. I got there moments after she’d left and retrieved it without a problem [while I was madly running around, DS used his card to get a pop and waited patiently for me]. We got FPs and then rode twice, while in line for the first ride, a family of four came to the back of the stand-by line asking if there were any parties of four… there weren’t, so they asked it there were two parties of two and gave us two current FPs. They said they’d just been four times in less than an hour by riding single-rider and didn’t need their FPs any more. We rode using the FPs and then tried single-rider… We didn’t enjoy not riding together, so we didn’t do that again.

We then took a lunch break, I had a pulled-pork sandwich and DS had a tuna salad sandwich along with desserts and drinks… way too much, we couldn’t eat it all.

We tried Star Tours but the wait was too long, so we headed back to TSMM for our FPs. The FPs were gone for the day and loads of people were complaining how unfair it was they didn’t get any. The wait was posted as 120! We quietly rode using our FPs and didn’t try to rub it in…

From there we went to Backlot Tour, I always enjoy the ride and this one was good, but the CM who was our guide had the most monotone voice imaginable! His information was great and the jokes were good, but it was really strange in such complete deadpan.

After Backlot, we headed over to One Man's Dream, I always try to pay close attention, but every trip I pick up different things I’d never noticed before.

Then we rode Rockin’ Rollercoaster again on our own FPs. After that we popped into Beauty and the Beast in hope of catching Four for a Dollar one last time, but either they’d already performed or they weren’t on that day, the show started up as we sat down. Our seats were in direct, hot sunshine, so we didn’t stay for the show. We headed for TOT again and rode twice with virtually no wait.

After TOT, we headed to the Brown Derby for dinner. I was rather confused because they kept repeating how it was a two-credit restaurant, but then our server said that the Fantasmic! Package over-rides the Dining Plan, so we could order appetizers. I finally figured out that if I’d booked regularly, we’d have had to pay OOP for appetizers on DDP, but because I’d booked the Fantasmic! Package, I could get appetizers as well and they still charged it to DDP as two credits without the extra charge for the appetizers! Strange, but true!

While we were eating dessert, a family of four walked in shaking to water off their ponchos, I remarked to DS we might be in trouble because it looked like it was raining. The father over-heard me and said “No, it would have to slow down a lot to be just ‘raining’” I looked out and you couldn’t see other buildings at all… The skies had opened up! We decided Fantasmic! would likely be cancelled and we waited a while for a break in the downpour, but it wasn’t happening… So we made the mad dash for our locker and then to the bus. We got back, soaked, but satisfied we’d had a good day so we stayed in.

Tomorrow: EPCOT


Brilliant...and Canadian
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 4

We started with Kona for our favourite Disney meal: Tonga Toast! After breakfast, we stopped in the resort store and found a Polynesian Resort polo, so I bought it [along with a couple of “Por favor…” Monorail t-shirts and had them shipped to our resort. The salesman said it would take 4-5 days [Resort-to-Resort shipping apparently confuses their otherwise excellent shipping system]! I actually thought he was joking!

Tonga Toast!


Then we headed for EPCOT. Per tradition, we headed straight to Soarin’, grabbed FPs and then rode immediately. They had the wait posted as 20 and it wasn’t far off. From Soarin, we headed over and I finally got to see the EPCOT 25th display. Wow! Lots of stuff from before my time that I’d never really heard about.

A quick stop at Club Cool to try and trick DS into drinking Beverly… I think he’s finally caught on to my evil ways. After that, we headed over to ride Ellen, a nice relaxing period in A/C. We went to Test Track, but it was 101 – all the doors were closed and it didn’t look promising, but we got FPs just in case… And headed for Space. 20 minute wait for Orange and 40 for Green! First time I’d ever seen that. We ride Orange all the time, we started riding when there wasn’t a choice and never had any problems so we’ve never even tried Green.

We did a walk-through of Innoventions East and West looking for the Storm thingy… Never saw it, didn’t bother asking. Then we rode Soarin’ on our FPs, got more FPs, had lunch at Sunshine Seasons and headed for SSE. There was a five-minute line.

Then we headed into World Showcase. We rode Gran Fiesta, Maelstrom and saw Reflections of China. Wandered the other countries as far as the U.S. and there we listened to the Voices of Liberty and saw American Adventure. We took the boat to Futureworld and headed to Test Track for our FPs. The ride was 101 again [but this time there were people in line], we decided to wait. The FP line wait was only 15 minutes because of the 101, so it wasn’t a big deal.



From there we headed the other way into World Showcase and watched O Canada! Great show as always. By now we were getting close to our ADRs at Tutto Italia, so we headed over there. The meal was good, the service was good, but less than we’re accustomed to at Disney. The Canoli for dessert were to die for though! Then we wandered through Japan’s store [I saw a nice wall-hanging, but didn’t buy it]. After that we headed for Soarin’ for our second set of FPs. As we came out, Illuminations was just starting, we decided we probably would miss a lot trying to get there and find a spot, so we headed out instead. We watched bits and pieces on the way out.

Tutto Italia:


Tomorrow: AK


Brilliant...and Canadian
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 5

Breakfast at Sassagoula again, then off to AK, but not before witnessing a double-whammy of bus-rage! The AK bus arrived while two other buses were already at the stop. The driver couldn’t see the regular loading area and started letting people board without knowing there was a wheelchair waiting for AK. The bus quickly filled to capacity and then the gentleman [I use the term loosely] accompanying the wheelchair came to the door and complained that the driver hadn’t loaded the wheelchair first. The driver apologised that he hadn’t seen them there or he certainly would have and radioed to request another bus ASAP and that the next bus be informed that there was a wheelchair waiting. Then, a woman started screaming from the back of the now-full to the gunnels bus that she needed to get off and demanding he open the back door. She proceeded back to the front door and chastised the driver for not letting her family onto the bus to join her! Again the driver apologised. She then hollered that she would be reporting him to his superiors. As we pulled past the wheelchair, the driver stopped to again reassure that he had requested another bus and asked that the driver be made aware she was waiting. The woman in the wheelchair started yelling at him and told him he’d be reported as well. The driver [Elliot] had done everything he could, but was being threatened by two groups with being reported. I gave him my business card and told him his supervisors could call me for specifics if needed and I reassured him that he had done nothing wrong and that I would be happy to stand up for him.

Off we went to AK. First stop, Expedition Everest, got FPs then rode stand-by three times and finished with our FP ride! Love that ride, even with a “B” mode Yeti!

The lift:


Then we each had a Mango-flavoured frozen tea at the tea company.


We got FPs for Kilimanjaro Safari and walked the Pangani Forest Walk while we waited for our FP time. The wait was 30 and FPs became valid after 40, so it was a net-sum slight delay but we got in the forest walk in the middle. Love FPs!

A Gorilla:


Rode the Safari with a great guide, excellent sense of humour and clearly enjoyed his job! I gave him a CM appreciation card after the ride and he was overjoyed! Obviously not as many people hand them out as I would have thought.

Our ride:


A giraffe that was interested in our truck:


Then we crossed the park to Dinosaur and rode 4 times back-to-back with little or no wait. They’d removed the FP line and machines [though the FP return sign and distribution times still were working]. They were working on replacing the floor in the queue area and had mats all over during the day. CMs said FPs would return once they’re finished.

We went past EE, but it was 101. So we did the Maharaji Jungle trek instead. The tigers were not out today, but the rest of the trek was still pretty cool! It was Evening EMH that day, but by this time we were too hot and tired, so we went to Contemporary to shop for a polo shirt [Since WL and Poly both had had them, I was hopeful] and sure enough, they had them. So I got it and we headed to MK to get the bus back to POFQ. We had a message that packages were ready for pick up, so I stopped in at the store. I had two receipts, but they only had one package [the Poly package was not there yet – the CM had said 4-5 days]. They were more upset than I and started contacting people and making a fuss… I was content to wait until it was closer to my departure [still 3 days away] to worry.

We rested up, cooled down and headed out to AKL for dinner at Boma! I started with the Carrot-Ginger soup as always, DS pretended to eat some food before switching over to the desserts table. We both could barely waddle out after we finished. Then, I made my worst decision of the trip… I decided to take the DTD bus and then transfer to a POFQ bus to get to our resort. There were four MK buses, three EPCOT buses and a few DHS buses before a DTD bus finally showed up. The drivers then tried to load a wheelchair, but was too far from the curb, he tried to re-position his bus twice unsuccessfully before finally getting it the third try. He finally loaded the now very self-conscious wheelchair rider and we started loading when another DTD bus arrived! We boarded the original one anyway, but the total time from finishing dinner to getting to our resort was an hour and forty minutes!

[FONT=&quot]Tomorrow: AK again![/FONT]


Brilliant...and Canadian
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 6

After our late arrival the night before, I decided to sleep in a bit. We had breakfast at Sassagoula again, then off to AK again…

This time we only rode EE stand-by twice before using our FPs. “B” mode again. Then we rode Dinosaur three times with even shorter waits than yesterday! CMs started to recognise us as multiple repeat riders! We grabbed FPs for the Safari again, had a fruit cup and a huge dill pickle and then did the forest walk again.

A cooperative Gorilla:


We rode the safari again, this driver wasn’t as ‘into’ it, but it was still fun. We went and got more FPs for EE and did the Jungle Trek while we waited [again, no tigers]. We went over and rode Dinosaur four more times, then went to EE. The wait said 20, so we rode once stand by and then again using our FPs. Then we decided we’d had enough heat for the day and headed back to the resort.

We saw a baby giraffe:


and got ‘up close and personal’ with a White Rhino:


When it came time to head for dinner at Poly, the rain started… I wasn’t sure what it takes to cancel the Luau, so I stopped at the Concierge desk and they assured me there had to be “significant thunder and lightening” to stop the show. The guest tables were all under cover, it would just be the performers that got wet!

We ended up almost an hour early for dinner [I am wee bit obsessive…], so we grabbed a couple of drinks at Captain Cook’s while we waited. When we went to check in, the girl radioed our names in and Rain [Rainfully here on WDWMagic] said to say hi! The girl was totally thrown that Rain knew me! Rain texted me a few minutes later apologizing that she hadn’t been able to come see us at check-in because she was busy, but she’d drop by later once we were seated.

We were seated, front row with an absolutely perfect view of the stage [thanks to my favourite Luau Fairy taking special care of her friends] and ordered a couple of frou-frou drinks [mine was a Fire Blade Extinguisher – or something like that]. Dinner and the entertainment were divine! Rain dropped by during dinner and we chatted a bit. She’s obviously very proud of the show [justifiably so!] and she promised to drop back again later. We took hundreds of pictures of the show, but very few turned out [new camera, low lighting and fast-paced action on stage lead to a lot of blurry pictures]. Rain dropped by again after the show, but had to run off for work fairly quickly. As we were getting ourselves organised to head out, who should return but Rain! She had been scheduled to drive some guests to the front of Poly in a golf cart, but when she got there they said they hadn’t requested that and didn’t want it. So she drove me and DS instead! I felt like Polynesian Royalty! I gave her a hug and told her she was far to nice to us…

The Luau dancers:


And the fire guy:



Brilliant...and Canadian
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 7

First stop Kona for our last Tonga Toast [did I mention it’s our favourite Disney meal?]

Then off to EPCOT.

Grabbed FPs for Soarin’ and rode stand by.
Rode Living with the Land
Saw Turtle Talk [one little boy spoke only Spanish, Crush didn’t understand, but they chatted back and forth… it was hilarious]. Then we rode Soarin’ on our FPs and headed to Test Track for FPs and rode Space twice. We headed into World Showcase and had QS at China. We rode Maelstrom and Gran Fiesta before returning to Test Track for our FP time and got two more.
After that we wandered from Canada to France, watched Impressions de France and the headed to SSE and rode twice with no wait at all. Then we rode Test Track for our last FPs and headed to Canada for our Le Cellier ADRs Cheddar soup and Filet were the meal for both of us, but DS had the Mousse Moose while I had Maple Crème Brulee for dessert.





Then we took a leisurely stroll around WS looking for a spot for IllumiNations. We found a fairly nice one in front of American Adventure and slightly to one side. DS took lots of pictures.





Tomorrow: MK for the WDWMagic Kingdom and Kungaloosh Meet!


Brilliant...and Canadian
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 8

Today started with transportation problems… Buses weren’t showing up or were breaking down… We got to MK in time, but much later than my obsessive self liked.

We started with a group gathering outside the gate and proceeded to Crystal Palace for breakfast. James [NemoRocks] wandered about aimlessly while our breakfast ran long. Fortunately, he was posting on WDWMagic at the time and was advised through the power of mass communications connectivity that we were still coming… {OK, we texted someone and they posted the info]

Crystal Palace breakfast:


As a group, we met at the appointed spot a wee bit late, schedules were distributed and we started off. First stop was Pirates [we sent runners to get FPs for Splash and didn’t go in until they’d returned]. Then we did a mass sailing on Jungle Cruise with an absolutely hilarious skipper before heading to Splash grabbing Big Thunder FPs on the way. There is evidence to prove we did ride:


After Splash, we went to Haunted Mansion then the group split up, Katie and Shannon headed to Columbia House to set up for our trivia challenge while those who had Big Thunder FPs headed there. The wait for FPs was outside the building, so we decided to skip it. We saw Country Bears instead… Some of our crew had never seen it, their reactions were the best part! We headed over to Columbia House and while some of us ate a bite of lunch, runners issued forth to get FPs for Space.

Madame Leota’s grave:


The Country Bears wall hangings:


After eating and the FP runners return, we played a great trivia game [ I did horribly, worse on 50/50 yes/no, t/f questions], but it was still fun. DS13 seemed to get preferential treatment solely because the judges thought he’s cute…

By the time we finished trivia, the skies had opened yet again. We made a somewhat soggy trek to Tomorrowland and decided to ride TTA… Space Mountain was 101 as we went through with all the lights on and riders precariously perched at the top of the lift hill. Many pictures were taken, none of mine were very good. We scurried over to CoP and rode it. When we exited, the rain was worse! They were loading people onto the ride, but people leaving were not leaving the exit platform. It got very crowded very fast.

Finally, we all collectively threw in the towel and headed for resorts to dry off. We met later at Raglan Road for dinner at 5. Dinner was great and dessert better… Then we were off to the Adventurers’ Club to cap off our meet.



The best scallops ever:


The Shepherd’s Pie:


This dessert was so good we’d eaten it before we could take a picture:


More of our group, that’s James in the forefront:


And last, a shot of our organisers [and Tom] Katie on the left, Shannon in the middle:


AC was great, but very crowded [seems others have heard of her upcoming demise] and after only some getting into the first library show and seemingly less getting into a second, when none made it into the third, we decided to call it a night. All in all a wonderful Meet despite the rain and the crowds at AC and kudos to Shannon and Katie for organising it [and us].

Tomorrow: Homeward bound…


Brilliant...and Canadian
Original Poster
In the Parks
Day 9

I used up the last of our snack credits for treats on the trip home. We watched the Resort TV “Must Sees” while we waited for our DME departure time and off we went to MCO.

We had lunch at Chili’s Too in the airport and headed for our gate. Security funnelled us into the “Families” queue for screening, it was the fastest we’ve ever gone through security in an airport!

We flew home through Montreal. Customs there looked daunting. The line seemed to snake back and forth 30+ times… But salvation was at hand! The snaking line was for people staying in Montreal, those of us connecting domestically had a different, much shorter line.

Got home to our un-airconditioned house around 10PM.


Well-Known Member
Excellent report Monty! I've said it (more than) once and I'll say it again... DS13 is one handsome fella! Glad you guys had a great time! :sohappy::sohappy:


Naturally Grumpy
Think I'll be packing my raincoat for next week! :shrug:

Monday, Sep 8 Chance Thunderstorms 88°F 77°F 28% 56%
Tuesday, Sep 9 Rain Showers Likely 87°F 78°F 41% 60%
Wednesday, Sep 10 Rain Showers Likely 89°F 76°F 40% 49%
Thursday, Sep 11 Chance Thunderstorms 91°F 76°F 31% 43%
Friday, Sep 12 Chance Thunderstorms 91°F 75°F 20% 38%
Saturday, Sep 13 Chance Thunderstorms n/a 76°F 20% n/a


Brilliant...and Canadian
Original Poster
In the Parks
Think I'll be packing my raincoat for next week! :shrug:

Monday, Sep 8 Chance Thunderstorms 88°F 77°F 28% 56%
Tuesday, Sep 9 Rain Showers Likely 87°F 78°F 41% 60%
Wednesday, Sep 10 Rain Showers Likely 89°F 76°F 40% 49%
Thursday, Sep 11 Chance Thunderstorms 91°F 76°F 31% 43%
Friday, Sep 12 Chance Thunderstorms 91°F 75°F 20% 38%
Saturday, Sep 13 Chance Thunderstorms n/a 76°F 20% n/a
My mother always said: "You were born wet, no doubt you'll get wet again!" :lol:

Just go with it, it's Florida! How bad can wet be?


Well-Known Member
Another great report Monty! Glad you had a great trip - thanks for sharing it with us. I think your son looks even more grown-up since the last time I saw his pic - still loving the hair:animwink:! I can't even think about my kids turning into teenagers!:eek:


New Member
Great report! I'm totally exhausted reading it!

By the way, have you ever tried the Tonga Toast at Kona for breakfast? I've heard it's pretty good ;)



Brilliant...and Canadian
Original Poster
In the Parks
Great report! I'm totally exhausted reading it!

By the way, have you ever tried the Tonga Toast at Kona for breakfast? I've heard it's pretty good ;)

Nah, can't be bothered trekking all the way over there just for breakfast, specially when I can have a nice dry granola bar in the comfort of my room... :lookaroun

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