Yes, as those posts indicate, I think there is every reason to be skeptical of Villains Land. And, as I said, it is likely that the Monsters door coaster, AK, and Cars additions occur, albeit with cuts (and despite the fact that two of them are awful ideas). If you feel that position is absurd, feel free to explain why. Be sure to reference historical experience.
That leaves the Muppets RnRC overlay. It’s such a fundamental mismatch between ride system and IP that skepticism is warranted, but there are business reasons that make it more likely than not. I’d say there’s about a 75% chance we see a very unimpressive shoe horning of the Muppets into the coaster.
This whole discussion is particularly relevant because, with the exception of the AK plans, the “first round” of looming changes are so disappointing to so many posters that the “second round” was widely used to sweeten the medicine. There were many posts essentially saying, “Sure, the loss of Rivers isn’t great and the Cars addition wouldn’t be my choice, but we’re also getting Villains Land at some point!” Those reactions are EXACTLY why Disney structured these announcements as they did and should invite immediate skepticism about the clearly pandering “phase two” projects simply as a matter of principle.