Modifications to the Jungle Cruise


Right now, the poor bumped-so-many-times-in-the-refurb-queue Jungle Cruise will be getting major structural work done to the dock and load/unload, and the AAs will continute to be completely overhauled. No news on any additions.

If anything, it`ll be like October 1971 again. With more foliage.

Yeah...what he said.
Except that last I heard the piranha scene and the gorilla's with explosives were still on the agenda.


New Member
just a little info on the jc. there will not be adding anything from lion king. they will be pulling up the old dock that was built for the old boats, and as of now it will be a dock that will be pre poured and laid in sections, the boats right now are being pulled one at a time getting new motors that make them sound like air boats:brick: if anyone wants to see one that has been done look for the ida, it is loud and out there. they will be putting up to date audio, and theam painting the boats one at a time, with the ride is still up. so other then the dock and freshening up the aa's in january that is gonna be about it, and in the 70's the plants were fake, so it will never be as thick as it was back then, but the plan is for the trees to have the jungle totally covered from above in about another year, if there is no more big storms that is. but other then that there is nothing else to report other then they might redo the wait line and do little bits of theaming up front were the truck use to be before the take over of fp.


New Member
actully i heard the pyro is a no go in the camp, and the rumor about the hipo pool retheam was tosed out with the install of rockers under the boats are a no go either with the lack of battery space on the boats.


New Member
*if* they ever do a Jungle referb I would like to see new animals all clean and fresh smelling, better sound system so skippers don't loose their voices so often and blue water. I am way jealous that Jaws has blue water and the jungle has brown water.

Other than that I think it's fantastic! Kungaloosh!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah...what he said.
Except that last I heard the piranha scene and the gorilla's with explosives were still on the agenda.

Piranah scene? Is this in DL only, bc I don't know what you're talking about. How do they do a piranha scene??


Active Member
what are the ew scenes in DL's JC?

anyone got any pic or links to vids on youtube i can watch.

i like the idea of realistic warthog and meercat AA's and having the skippers make various jokes relating to the lion king,that would work well.

i too think that the cave needs something interestic to happen in it,its just a boring ride throgh a dark tunnel at the moment.
uit almost doesnt go with the rest of the ride,i love JC but the cave/temple bit just seems pointless to me,i only like the "shirleys temple" joke.

Why not have Scar in the Cave???? They already have Hyenias (sp) ....

head mouse

Many rumors seem to point to the idea that the Jungle Cruise and Space Mountain are to follow the Haunted Mansion on the list of long-needed Magic Kingdom refurbishments. MAJOR refurbishments.

So I'm interested to know, what creative ideas for new or imaginative Jungle Cruise scenes can we come up with? To be honest, the animatronics are tired, the humor is old, and the attraction itself is not what it used to be. With the upcoming Jungle Cruise movie, what could be done to the ride in a Refurb?

I'd like to see a scene prominently featuring a spectacular tiger audio-animatronic jumping at the boat in the cave. I feel the entire cave could use a bit more action in terms of scale. Right now, the boat basically rides past openings in the cave featuring animals. How cool would an entire large-scale tiger animatronic be with life-like movement???

That's what makes it the JC and the best attraction ever.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think the simple effects and horrible puns are what makes the Jungle Cruise the Jungle Cruise. I can't imagine the ride any other way, to be honest. I would welcome some sprucing up a bit though, as long as the cheese factor remains in place. :D


Well-Known Member
Except that last I heard the piranha scene and the gorilla's with explosives were still on the agenda.

Good. Things like that are why DL's version is currently much better than what is in the MK (which is pretty common for attractions in both parks)


*if* they ever do a Jungle referb I would like to see new animals all clean and fresh smelling, better sound system so skippers don't loose their voices so often and blue water. I am way jealous that Jaws has blue water and the jungle has brown water.

Other than that I think it's fantastic! Kungaloosh!!
Jaws was a great white shark that lived in the Ocean....A cruise down a bright blue "Amazon River" would not be very authentic at all, and would seem very out of place.


Original Poster
My only issue is, I'd like to see something more unique than just the Disneyland elements. The piranhas scene and the gorilla effect sound spectacular, but why not add something else to make the MK version more unique? I think the first portion of the ride in the Amazon can be boring. Any ideas on fresh scenes involving Amazon animals?


New Member
Monkeys, chimps, baboons, gorillas, apes, gibbons...there are so many species they could put in. Have them swinging from the trees, howling, playing, etc. A gorillas in the mist type of thing might be kind of cool (ie. a charging gorilla stops near the shore and the tour guide insists everyone look down to indicate the gorilla is dominant. It then moves away). Of course, as I mentioned before, I'm not into changing it into something frightening, so this might not work.
I've always thought the veldt idea should be expanded on, too - more animals in a larger area, perhaps on both sides of the boat.
But guys, don't downplay your Jungle Cruise. As I also mentioned before, you've got a temple Disneyland doesn't have, as well as a downed airplane, and couple other things I'm forgetting right now. Honestly, I thought Disney World's put Disneyland's to shame. I wasn't really all that impressed by the pirahna part, and the ape scene is okay...but it's not all that different from the camp scene you've already got. There's just an ape shooting a gun and hitting a box of explosives. They're nice and all, but I think your differences make it a better (and longer) Cruise.
I love the ride the way it has been. Just change the way it is narrated...we had the loudest "captain" that wouldnt do anything but screem at everything , it was really irritating. Im sure theres something that can be done to the script. And how about pirhannas eating Timon and Pumba.

Justin Jones

New Member
I would welcome any changes to the Jungle Cruise. Sure, the ride in its current state is loads of fun for me to ride. But, as I consistently take people to Disneyland and Disney World for their first time, I get the feeling (from the newbies) that the attraction is just "okay, and a little out of date." Walt Disney was good at utilizing the latest technologies and effects in his attractions. If he could have had A-100 tigers leaping at boats and other epic effects (which have been shot down in this thread by Disney purists), he probably would have put them into the original attraction. With that said, I'd love to see an all new Cruise, with the heart of the original attraction, but updated with elements that everyone can enjoy.

Remember, Nostalgia doesn't have the same effect on someone who visits the resort for the first time in 2007. :)


Active Member
*if* they ever do a Jungle referb I would like to see new animals all clean and fresh smelling, better sound system so skippers don't loose their voices so often and blue water. I am way jealous that Jaws has blue water and the jungle has brown water.

Other than that I think it's fantastic! Kungaloosh!!

The water is purposely made brown, for effect.

Disney puts in a special additive in the water, which is turned by Schweitzer Falls (where you see the "back side of water").

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