Everything I've seen, read, and dissected about Fastpass+ tells me that scheduling your day in advance is about creating false value for guests. More importantly, what's going to happen is that it's become a significant burden on cast members and require substantial infrastructure improvements. The dumbest part is, us Fanboys will understand the system well before the casual fan and it will still be us Fanboys that get the benefits of it.
Unless myself and everyone else reporting on this have a significant amount of misinformation, I see this as having the opposite effect that DCA 2.0 had on the Disneyland resort.
Some of the components of Next Gen are positive, if they are indeed enacted. If you can order your food at a QS restaurant from your smart phone, that can improve efficiency. It could be at the cost of that human interaction with the cashier, but if it's an added
option then it's an improvement. If you can get Fastpasses for attractions from anywhere in the park on your smart phone and choose from available return times, that's an improvement. But is everyone going to have to rent a smart phone if they don't have one? What are they going to do about charging stations? Are people really going to want to leave their cellphones with a cast member for 45 minutes while it charges?
I wrote a
small dissertation on Fastpass+ last month. In it, I spell out many of the benefits and problems of the program.