MK 2/18 - TTA Evac (my first!) Pics + few HM updates


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So it finally happened. My very first emergency evacuation of a ride. On the PeopleMover nonetheless.

It's a little after 9pm. We get on and get right next to the tv monitor just before you accelerate away from the loading area and the ride stops. We sit there. And sit there. And sit there. They keep announcing that the ride will begin momentarily. We're still basically at the edge of the loading belt and are pondering if we can hop over the door and walk off when, after around 15 minutes, it starts up.

Everyone applaudes.

We get into Space Mountain. And are coming past the signs inside when we see the car in front of us. Which we then promptly ram into the back of. The car behind us rams into us a few moments later and the car behind that one....


(Did you know every time a SM rocket goes up the tracks, the astronauts vibrate from it? Neither did I until I watched it for over a half an hour.)

We are now right underneath the astronaut working on the space craft watching the SM trains roll up the climb. Which is where we sit until 10pm. It's loud in there from the theme sounds and the SM trains and so if they made any announcements during that time, we couldn't hear them. They finally come walking along the small walkway between the cars and the walls of SM and tell us to hold on, they'll be right back. They walk up to the first car in the row and work back, using a manual door release on each car. Everyone piles out and starts walking behind the CM's.




One of the girls was either tipsy, high or just an idiot because instead of sticking to the path that the rest of us walked on, she decided to step on the grey plastic part in the center - and promptly cracked it. Quite badly.

They let us to the stairs on the side near the Toontown pathway and down and out.

At this point, we'd been stuck for about an hour. And we missed Wishes. (I went to Guest Services at the end of the night and told them we were stuck for an hour and missed Wishes and the CM - named Jeff - was an absolute dear. He gave us tickets to come back another night. We were there for Love's birthday and Jeff said that no birthday was complete without Wishes. I couldn't believe it. He was so nice. And I'm thrilled because now we can go back another day. Which I was totally not expecting.)

So, all in all, quite an adventure. The TTA didn't come back up the rest of the night. The cars were scattered all around the track, some lone ones, some bunched all together like mine was. I'd never seen such a complete breakdown of the system like that. I think they should have gotten us off sooner but it was an experience to be sure though one I'll pass next time.

Outside of my TTA {mis}adventure, I noticed Haunted Mansion's horseless carriage outside was missing and whomever reported about the scrim in the stretching room being cleaned was right. It was amazingly clean and you could see the Ghost Host hanging with striking detail. Well done! It had gotten so bad in recent months that you were hard pressed to figure out what exactly you were supposed to be looking at. Now, there was no doubt and the lighting was working really well and throwing excellent shadows to highten the look.

Quite a night! And a first at WDW. Something you forget can happen after going there a dozen or so times a year. :lol:


Rain(fully) and I had our first evac off Splash Mountain a couple weeks ago. It was hilarious. We were stuck on the darn ride for 30 minutes - soaking wet, and we were the only people on the whole ride. It was SOOO creepy. They took us backstage to get us off the ride. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.

Yes, Jeff is very nice, isn't he? :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
huh, did anyone else notice the cracked part.? thanks for the report, i kind of wish that i would get an E-vac on some attractions. the only one that ive been lucky enough to witness is CoP 3 times in a row. :rolleyes:


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I think one of the CM's saw her do it but I don't know what impact it'll have. But she put her foot right through it and it cracked quite a bit away from the hole she made as well.

brertigger said:
Did they have to turn on the Space Mountain worklights, or does the TTA have its own work lights in Space Mountain?
They didn't turn on any lights. It was quite dark in there. I actually brightened the photos quite a bit so you could see more. Though when you walk out backwards, you can see they have these mounted, infrared/red laser round disks every six feet or so. They're painted black normally so I never really noticed them before.

It was a short but interesting walk out there. A little freaky being on the track and everything since there's not a lot of flat footspace to walk along.


Well-Known Member
What an interesting "ride" on the TTA!! :lol:

I'm impressed that they gave you tickets for another day. They didn't have to do that and it shows how much they want their guests to enjoy their time at the parks. I've always been impressed with Disney's Customer Service, and this once again proves how Disney puts their customer's happiness as a primary focus.


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wannab@dis said:
I'm impressed that they gave you tickets for another day. They didn't have to do that and it shows how much they want their guests to enjoy their time at the parks. I've always been impressed with Disney's Customer Service, and this once again proves how Disney puts their customer's happiness as a primary focus.
I know! We talked about that the entire ride home! It really is the major difference between Disney and other places. They honestly go out of their way to help make sure you have a great time all around. I stood there with my mouth open when he said it and was Ok! Wow! :lol:

Such a nice guy. I actually need to send an email thanking him for really making our night and ensuring he gets the kudos he deserves. It gives you the warm Disney fuzzies, you know?


Well-Known Member
MissM said:
So it finally happened. My very first emergency evacuation of a ride. On the PeopleMover nonetheless.

It's a little after 9pm. We get on and get right next to the tv monitor just before you accelerate away from the loading area and the ride stops. We sit there. And sit there. And sit there. They keep announcing that the ride will begin momentarily. We're still basically at the edge of the loading belt and are pondering if we can hop over the door and walk off when, after around 15 minutes, it starts up.

The TTA didn't come back up the rest of the night. Quite a night! And a first at WDW. Something you forget can happen after going there a dozen or so times a year. :lol:
Yep, we were in T-land when the ride shut down. Kept hearing that announcement over and over, so we figured some idiot was standing up on the ride and my wife saw a CM running along the track. We watched Wishes and noticed when it was over that it still wasn't running.

But, it did run again that night. We were going to ride about 10:30 and it was still down, we did CoP instead, and at 11:00 it was running. CoP shut down on us--second time in two trips that has happened.


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SpongeScott said:
We were going to ride about 10:30 and it was still down, we did CoP instead, and at 11:00 it was running. CoP shut down on us--second time in two trips that has happened.
Did it start up again? We came back by there about 10:45ish and the cars were all still stuck exactly where they had been left. All haphazard like I said, one car alone, then several clustered together, etc.

I rode CoP earlier in the day without any problem. Good crowd throughout the day it seemed. We rode TTA earlier in the day and there was a long line for CoP then and when we rode it in the evening, the theater was about 80% full.

The CoP CM made us laugh. He said that it has the best song in the park. They know, they get to hear it all day long. *laughs*


what happend on the TTA is called Trains Ahead. it happends at least once a week. a lot of times during Wishes because it's the end of the night and the trains become out of sync.


Well-Known Member
MissM said:
Did it start up again? We came back by there about 10:45ish and the cars were all still stuck exactly where they had been left. All haphazard like I said, one car alone, then several clustered together, etc.

I rode CoP earlier in the day without any problem. Good crowd throughout the day it seemed. We rode TTA earlier in the day and there was a long line for CoP then and when we rode it in the evening, the theater was about 80% full.

The CoP CM made us laugh. He said that it has the best song in the park. They know, they get to hear it all day long. *laughs*
We just missed getting on by about three minutes. We had been in a delay at Philharmagic and that was going to be our next ride. Glad we avoided it. We would have gotten on around 9:15-9:20.


Active Member
this happens ALOT

I actually do miss running the track!

It does tend to happen more after there has been several handpack or e train wont start moving with the rest...usually at the entrance of Space Mountain.The next train will come and hit that car...the first car moves...leaving the second...and eventually it gets all backed up. Sometimes you cannot tell if it is happen...till you realize that are NO trains in the station.


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spacemtnfanatic said:
I didn't realize the cars would hit each other...I would think they would all space themselves out when the ride stopped. How hard do they hit?
Not that bad actually. I mean you felt it but it wasn't overly hard. The funny thing was that you could feel this vibration and a...tug sorta feeling in the car. Like it wanted to move forward but couldn't. Ever have an electronic item where the battery is not quite but almost dead? It sorta whirs or hums like it can almost work but not really? That's what it was like as we sat there. It was certainly odd coming in and realizing we were getting closer and closer to the train in front of us! :lol:


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TiggersPooh said:

Oh how I miss it!
:lol: From what I heard from one of your coordinators (who I used to work with) TTA actually breaks down a lot more than people think.


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MicBat said:
:lol: From what I heard from one of your coordinators (who I used to work with) TTA actually breaks down a lot more than people think.
I've been stopped for a few minutes before, but never for so long. Or, well, twice. Or have to evac from it. Heh. It's definitely an...interesting experience to walk through Space Mountain and out to the track, that's for sure!

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