MJ's very, very ungood night...pixie dust please....


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MJ's Status 6-15 UPDATED

MJ had a full blown, not breathing seizure....she had never had one before, it started small (just in one arm), I called Andrew to come home, but before he got here, I had to call 911, so he arrived home to fire trucks, ambulances and 6 EMT types in our house... We spent all night at the ER, had a horrible drug reaction (BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T LISTEN TO ME), tests showed nothing, we have to follow up with the neurologists this week. She is asleep now, we're gonna see how she feels when she wakes up to decide wheter or not to take her to see Mickey today. The Dr said it is ok if she seems up to it and Goodness knows she deserves it. So, now we have something totally new to worry about....my poor baby....


Active Member
Oh, poor MJ. I'm glad she is doing better now.
To tell you the truth, I would skip heading down to the parks today. You don't want her to have another problem. Having a problem is never fun, but having a problem in the most magical place in the world, must be worse.


Oh wow, what a night- I am sorry to hear about it. I hope today goes better and that whatever the neurologists find is easily dealt with. Good luck and take care.


New Member
Sorry to hear that. If MJ is up for a trip to Disney then maybe it's recuperative powers will do some good. I'll keep you all in my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you all had such a bad night. God bless the EMS workers (esp the volunteers) who are so dedicated. If the dr gave you the go ahead and she is up to it, I say head out to the parks but be prepared in case she should have another seizure. (((HUGS)))


Well-Known Member
Seizures are never a fun thing. I should know, I used to have them when I was younger. If you need anything, I'm actually not far from where you are, so just send me a PM.


New Member
Wow, you guys sure went through something last night. The most important thing is MJ gets better. I agree with Barnum’s post, maybe a trip to Disney to see Mickey will help recuperate her powers.


New Member
Wow.. that's something.. I'm so sorry and I hope MJ is getting better! I also agree with Barnum's post about a Disney trip. Mickey has healing powers.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Oh dear! Glad to hear she's doing better. Perhaps just a slow, easy day at the park might do some good, but don't overdo it after that.


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When we got home this morning we all passed out for about 6 hours and then got up and went to MGM for just a few hours (nothing strenuous, shows only) She is resting comfortably right now, of course everytime she twitches my blood pressure goes through the roof....Even though we knew seizures might be possible for her someday we weren't really prepared for it....I guess you can't ever be...We'll know more after we see a neurologist (hopefully next week) until then all we can do is pray for no more seizures. Thank you for all of your support, prayers, good wishes, pixie dust, etc.... I don't know what we would do wothout our Dinsey 'family' right now....


New Member
I'm glad you and your family were able to enjoy a relaxing time at Disney today. I'll keep your family in my thoughts tonight and hope your daughter stays well.


New Member
Nice to know you got a little Disney Trip in. With a little luck the blue envelope should be with you any day now - post usually takes a week to get from here to there :wave:


Well-Known Member
My little cousin got hit in the head with a baseball when she was little and developed seizures from that.
It is the scariest thing to have someone be there with you one second and then seizing the next.
How old is she?

I wonder if there is some kind of alarm they can put by her, like they do with babies when they have apnea...just so maybe you can get a little sleep?

Big hugs to you and your husband and an especially big one for her. They must be so scary.


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Well, crud.....Turns out there are only THREE ped nueurologists for all of Central FL...one of them had a cancellation for...... JULY 13th.....this month is gonna suck!

We are to watch her closely, call 911 if she seizes again, they told us which hospital to take her to and were assured that the neuro she is scehduled to see will come to the hospital if needed, otherwise it is a waiting game....

I did talk to her Physical Therapist this morning who had seizures so she was able to at least tell me sort of what MJ goes through when it is happening....This really sucks....

We also can't get in to see an Orthopedist for her new braces and wheelchair until July 19th. If you have special needs kids, I can give you one piece of advice, Don't move to Florida....Sigh.....

Thank you all for your support, I am sure I will be asking for it more as the month goes on.....


Well-Known Member
Poor thing. :( Give her a big hug from me, and take it easy yourself, as well. I hope you have plenty of people to help you out, and give you a little rest.


Well-Known Member
Glad your time in the parks went well.

Hang in there, nobody ever said being a parent was easy... worrying is what we do best (doesn't matter how old they are).

I'm glad the dr's office gave you the info to use for emergencies. I'll pray you won't need to use it. ((HUGS))

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