MJ's Family of Friends


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Today I do.....

For the first time ever, I am almost in tears because I just realized that she is never going to grow out of most of this behavior or stage of growing up...

Andrew keeps leaving out things that she can get hurt on (today it was a pin project)

She is strong enough that I can't *make* her do things that she needs to, like bathing, getting her bangs cut (I haven't seen her eyes in months), putting her bangs up if she won't let us cut it (she tears anything out of her hair if I try to put it in.

To top it all off, all she wants this week is Daddy and I have no way to explain wh3en he'll be back in terms that she'll understand, so she says Daddy, daddy every three minutes while crying.....


New Member
Oh, I forgot, she wopn't let me brush her teeth either....

None of the ways of *making* a child do something will work on MJ.



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MommytoMJM said:
Today I do.....

For the first time ever, I am almost in tears because I just realized that she is never going to grow out of most of this behavior or stage of growing up...

Andrew keeps leaving out things that she can get hurt on (today it was a pin project)

She is strong enough that I can't *make* her do things that she needs to, like bathing, getting her bangs cut (I haven't seen her eyes in months), putting her bangs up if she won't let us cut it (she tears anything out of her hair if I try to put it in.

To top it all off, all she wants this week is Daddy and I have no way to explain wh3en he'll be back in terms that she'll understand, so she says Daddy, daddy every three minutes while crying.....
I know it's difficult Bonny, but things will get better. As far as the bangs go, try cutting them while she's asleep - it's not easy, but it can be done. I know the bathing is always anissue. Would she splash around in a little inflatable ppol? Maybe that would be a start, espefcially if it's a Disney one. Just put it on the kitchen floor with a lot of towels and try to make a game out of it.
I used to measure time for the kids by movies. They were into VeggieTales at the time, so I'd tell them that their Dad would be home in "2 Veggies"! :lol: It worked for a while anyway..... Can Andrew call her from work to appease her?


New Member
This will pass. We just need to think of something fun to do in the tub. Matthew uses goggles because he will not get his eyes wet. Must wear them to wash his hair. You should see me trying to get him to put his face in the water at swimming lessons. But we are slowly making progress.
Btw my girls used to like bathing in the tub with me. They got to wash my hair and give me the bath.
also when I'm there maybe we can bribe her with putting on some of my make-up. I use mineral makeup so you just brush it on.


New Member
Nemo14 said:
I know it's difficult Bonny, but things will get better. As far as the bangs go, try cutting them while she's asleep - it's not easy, but it can be done. I know the bathing is always anissue. Would she splash around in a little inflatable ppol? Maybe that would be a start, espefcially if it's a Disney one. Just put it on the kitchen floor with a lot of towels and try to make a game out of it.
I used to measure time for the kids by movies. They were into VeggieTales at the time, so I'd tell them that their Dad would be home in "2 Veggies"! :lol: It worked for a while anyway..... Can Andrew call her from work to appease her?

She used to like to swim, but the last two times we tried to take her she said no :( We're going to try a water park Thu or Fri

She doesn't even seem to be able to comprehend the movie thing....I tried it. :(

No, Andrew calling just makes it worse, she thinks she can just tell him to come home and he will.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm sorry to be a downer


New Member
lisbetgabrielle said:
This will pass. We just need to think of something fun to do in the tub. Matthew uses goggles because he will not get his eyes wet. Must wear them to wash his hair. You should see me trying to get him to put his face in the water at swimming lessons. But we are slowly making progress.
Btw my girls used to like bathing in the tub with me. They got to wash my hair and give me the bath.
also when I'm there maybe we can bribe her with putting on some of my make-up. I use mineral makeup so you just brush it on.

Washing hair?!?!?!?!?!? Oh, don't even go there!

I tried bribing her into the tub with me today, no dice, so I took a bath and she sat there on the toilet....:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

We can try, it's not like anything I've tried has worked


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Got to go teach ASL class. Be back after 6. No swimming lessons tmw as Valeri has surgery. It is outpatient and I will probably be doing the rest of the lessons and Val will sit on the side and watch. at least as much as she can watch with her limited vision. TTYL.


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Don't get discouraged Bonny - she will outgrow some of this. Our friends from VA have a boy who had tremendous difficulties as a kid, most of them complications of his autism. It was to the point that my own kids were afraid of him. He was always very strong for his age, and very stubborn. Now, he's the sweetest young man you'd ever want to meet - not entirely social, but certainly well on the road to independence. Hang in there honey!:kiss:


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Back again - sorry about that - phone call from Mom!
Anyway - autism is not easy - just keep as much "routine" as you can with her though...and remember, she loves you too!:)


New Member
We learned a little about autism in my psych class. But we didn't go into too much detail about it. It wasn't anything that I didn't already know from observing the autistic people at school.


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It's been quiet around here without you guys (Connor's away, Dan was at CP, Freddy just got back from NE,Nibbs had a big storm and we haven't heard much from her since then, Susan's on a girls' weekend...,) so it's just us hardcores here (with no lives! :lol: )

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