Mj 2.0!


Well-Known Member
Goodnight all.:wave: I am officially on Spring Break (no classes tomorrow)!! Now I will be glued to the house for the next 10 days waiting for a certain letter to come (hopefully:lookaroun ). Well, it's off to bad for me. Hope you get good news from youf friend Bonny. Night!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. At my parents now. My dad looks better than I thought he would. :) Anyway, I'll give him a big hug from all of you!!! :wave:


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Good Morning Juggles everyone else....


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Morning Betty :)

UGH, MJ is having a rough morning... :( sigh....kicking, fever (low)

Our freind Daina got termmed last night, she'll be leaving this weekend, MJ is going to miss her :( We're waiting to hear from Nana about the rest of the weekend.


New Member
MommytoMJM said:
Morning Betty :)

UGH, MJ is having a rough morning... :( sigh....kicking, fever (low)

Our freind Daina got termmed last night, she'll be leaving this weekend, MJ is going to miss her :( We're waiting to hear from Nana about the rest of the weekend.

Here are some *hugs* for MJ, hoping she gets better quick.

And some big HUGS and Juggles for you, Bonny! :wave: :wave:


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stranger said:
Here are some *hugs* for MJ, hoping she gets better quick.

And some big HUGS and Juggles for you, Bonny! :wave: :wave:

Thanks Rox! It isn't anything serious, just a small fever, I am sure she'll be fine. :animwink:


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No word yet Betty, still waiting. Andrew took the car to work, I wasn't feeling up to driving, especially since tomorrow I need to if Nana and Grandpa Jim are here.

I see Dot online but haven't seen her here yet.... Huggles Dot!


Well-Known Member
Good morning Bonny and MJ! :wave:
*Get-better hugs for MJ*

Good morning Betty! :wave:
Good morning Roxxy! :wave:

Anyone else here . . .Good morning! :wave:

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