Mission Space


Well-Known Member
it spins, creating centrifical forces, which push you back, and create g forces.

or...something like that.

Hey, I am a finance guy, not a scientist.

Anyway, it is fun.


New Member

Hi Everyone,

I just got back to my 18th annual trip to Disney World. I was really looking forward to going on Mission Space to see if it would live up to the hype and be a decent replacement for one of my old favorites, Horizons. Lets just say, it ruined my day. It made me so nauseaus that I spent the next hour throwing up and was knocked out and dizzy the rest of the day. I was not the only one sick on the ride as my boyfriend pointed out three other people with their heads in sick bags. When you get in the ride, the cars actually have sick bags in them. Throughout the rest of our trip, we met many others who were sickened by the ride and spent hours recovering. The video itself is ok, but the constant spinning and super close up screen is a recipe for disaster. You are a car on a giant centerfuge that just spins and spins and tilts to give you the feeling of 0 gravity pretty much the entire ride. You can not look left, right or close your eyes because it may disorient you, but looking forward seems to make a good precentage ill as well. I have gone on MANY big rides and simulators and never got sick before, but Mission Space made me loose a whole day of my vacation. Just wanted to give a heads up.


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53

Getting "dizzy" from spinning is because you actually see the surroundings around "going around" and your eyes try to catch up to it and when you stop...you get the dizzy sensation because your bearings are trying to come back to you.

In M:S...you ARE spinning...but you can't see your surroundings around you...so the "dizzy" feeling will be far less (if at all).

That is only partial true. For some of us, our inner ear, the true balance center, can get thrown off by the spinning regardless of visual signals. Visual signals make the problem worse, but true dizziness is actually inevitable when you are actually spinning.


New Member

Originally posted by detecdiva
Hi Everyone,

I just got back to my 18th annual trip to Disney World. I was really looking forward to going on Mission Space to see if it would live up to the hype and be a decent replacement for one of my old favorites, Horizons. Lets just say, it ruined my day. It made me so nauseaus that I spent the next hour throwing up and was knocked out and dizzy the rest of the day. I was not the only one sick on the ride as my boyfriend pointed out three other people with their heads in sick bags. When you get in the ride, the cars actually have sick bags in them. Throughout the rest of our trip, we met many others who were sickened by the ride and spent hours recovering. The video itself is ok, but the constant spinning and super close up screen is a recipe for disaster. You are a car on a giant centerfuge that just spins and spins and tilts to give you the feeling of 0 gravity pretty much the entire ride. You can not look left, right or close your eyes because it may disorient you, but looking forward seems to make a good precentage ill as well. I have gone on MANY big rides and simulators and never got sick before, but Mission Space made me loose a whole day of my vacation. Just wanted to give a heads up.

aHA! I knew it!


Active Member
Originally posted by MKBurn15
Whoa. I don't understand at all. but that seems pretty cool.

Doesn't it? ;) It IS truly awesome... I read many reviews of the attractions and I always felt that people who didn't like it were sick on it. I can understand them, but that doesn't mean the ride isn't good, it means that is is very realistic and can make people unconfortable if they don't follow the warnings or/and if they are prone to motion sickness (although you don't feel you are spinning, but some bodies must feel it anyway...)

But for me the attraction is truly one of the best. It is so advanced, a ride for the new century I guess. Furthermore it is unique, you won't find a M:S type ride anywhere else, combining a story, advanced video system, realistic themeing, awesome sound effects, and centrifuge technology, as well as interactivity.

I believed the hype and it delivered. I was afraid to be disappointed, but I wasn't (I have been for many rides, such as Test Track, Dinosaur etc)

For more reviews, check that site:


Naturally Grumpy

Originally posted by General Grizz
If you read back to the context, you'll realize I was being sarcastic. :animwink:

Grizz, I understood the sarcasm, I'm just confused about you being a he/she...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disney2002
That is only partial true. For some of us, our inner ear, the true balance center, can get thrown off by the spinning regardless of visual signals. Visual signals make the problem worse, but true dizziness is actually inevitable when you are actually spinning.

How was I partially wrong? I said without seeing your surroundings...the dizziness would seem far less...(if at all)...

you say...it's inevitable...but visual signals make the problem worse...just like I did.

For some...(the "if at all" part) you don't "feel" dizzy...
For some...(the "far less" part) you will "feel" it...just not as bad as if you were in an open air carriage or ride vehicle.

Was I partially wrong about something else?

(also, if you want to go into the "motion sickness" aspect of it...even though you don't "know" you're spinning...your stomach will)

Mr. Toad

Active Member
d'Isigny, I would definately recommend trying it. You sound exactly like me - I hate the sensation of falling. Not real big on spinning (like the Tea Cups) either. I still haven't tried Tower of Terror and I don't even like the drop in Pirates of the Caribbean (wow that sounds really wimpy :lol: ) Oddly enough I do like RNRC, mostly because of the launch.

The first time I went on M:S I was so nervous about getting sick I almost got sick before the ride started. But once it started I had too much fun to even think about being sick. I loved it so much I got right back on line for another ride. The only member of our party that felt even a little nauseous was my wife (who happens to like rides like Tower of Terror) and she still went on it again and was fine the second time. My mother hates all thrill rides and even she liked it.

Since then I have been on it about 5 more times and I have never felt sick. I know some people do have problems with the ride but I do not believe it is the majority. Most people I see getting off the ride are smiling and laughing.

Now I can't wait to get to WDW and ride it again.


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
How was I partially wrong? I said without seeing your surroundings...the dizziness would seem far less...(if at all)...

you say...it's inevitable...but visual signals make the problem worse...just like I did.

For some...(the "if at all" part) you don't "feel" dizzy...
For some...(the "far less" part) you will "feel" it...just not as bad as if you were in an open air carriage or ride vehicle.

Was I partially wrong about something else?

(also, if you want to go into the "motion sickness" aspect of it...even though you don't "know" you're spinning...your stomach will)

What I ment by partially true was that it was only 1/2 of the total picture. I never said you were wrong at all. I just said that there are other components. Also note that I preface the comment with 'for some of us'.

I, personally, am extremely susceptible to spinning. I can sense it regardless of visual cues. Fortunately, it doesn't make me feel sick at all. My problem is with the g-forces.

I know many people experience negative reactions to the g-forces. Mission: Space features sustained g-force that can actually force people to black out. Unlike many other rides, you experience the sustained force from one direction for a prolonged period of time (not terribly long in the grand scheme of things, but longer than most other rides). This can temporarily affect blood flow, etc.

I've experienced the same thing on several coasters, namely Nitro and Medusa at Six Flags NJ. I must say, it is extremely unpleasant to black out on a ride.


New Member

Originally posted by detecdiva
Hi Everyone,

I just got back to my 18th annual trip to Disney World. I was really looking forward to going on Mission Space to see if it would live up to the hype and be a decent replacement for one of my old favorites, Horizons. Lets just say, it ruined my day. It made me so nauseaus that I spent the next hour throwing up and was knocked out and dizzy the rest of the day. I was not the only one sick on the ride as my boyfriend pointed out three other people with their heads in sick bags. When you get in the ride, the cars actually have sick bags in them. Throughout the rest of our trip, we met many others who were sickened by the ride and spent hours recovering. The video itself is ok, but the constant spinning and super close up screen is a recipe for disaster. You are a car on a giant centerfuge that just spins and spins and tilts to give you the feeling of 0 gravity pretty much the entire ride. You can not look left, right or close your eyes because it may disorient you, but looking forward seems to make a good precentage ill as well. I have gone on MANY big rides and simulators and never got sick before, but Mission Space made me loose a whole day of my vacation. Just wanted to give a heads up.

Mission: Space simulates space flight. Thus, it is an intense attraction in an enclosed space. You won't find a "better" space simulator anywhere. However, there is a definite reason for the ride's enclosed feel.

Also, Mission: Space is the most heavily warned attraction in all of Disney property. You can't walk five feet without seeing a warning sign describing the physical effects of M:S. Disney isn't trying to hide the fact that it has the potential to give people ill effects.

I'm sorry that you got sick, but the majority of people who ride (including myself) feel just fine. It is impossible to denounce the a ride as being good just because you are unable to physically take it. Some rides are better suited for others...
It is truly a fantastic thrill ride. Quite frankly, it is the BEST motion simulator anywhere.

I didn't find it intense. There is no "Dropping" sensation. Mainly, it just feels unique.:)


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by imagineer99
I'm sorry that you got sick, but the majority of people who ride (including myself) feel just fine. It is impossible to denounce the a ride as being good just because you are unable to physically take it. Some rides are better suited for others...

Well said!

On that note, I rode ToT on Saturday, and I had a five'ish yr old girl behind me. Of course, she started having a fit when the drop sequence began....why do parents do this to their kids...selfishness?


Active Member
Originally posted by Disney Hog
This isn't your day JJ.:)

I didn't like it too much. I never understood all of the hype around it.

In my opinion, good but not great.

Yup...I was very glad that I didn't have to wait to ride. This ride is not worth a long wait. Definately could/should be more intense.


New Member
I would have to call Mission Space my favorite. The first time I rode it was unreal.... with a little (very little) imagination you feel like you left the building.

the second time I rode it was so-so as I knew what to expect.....GO FOR IT! - Steve


New Member
Originally posted by Testtrack321
Here's some advice, don't think about it anymore. People who didn't fall for the hype loved it, people who hyped it up for years didn't. So just rest.

i disagree-i hyped it up for a year and i thought it was the best.


New Member
Originally posted by Testtrack321
Here's some advice, don't think about it anymore. People who didn't fall for the hype loved it, people who hyped it up for years didn't. So just rest.

i disagree-i hyped it up for a year and i thought it was the best ride at WDW.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by speck76
Well said!

On that note, I rode ToT on Saturday, and I had a five'ish yr old girl behind me. Of course, she started having a fit when the drop sequence began....why do parents do this to their kids...selfishness?

M:S wasn't open when we were there in 2002 so we are so looking forward to trying it this time.

As for ToT my daughter was 5, she was scared at first but after that first time her and I went on it 5 more times. She wasn't forced, but she was still a bit scared. This trip coming up she is 7 now and already planning how many times we can go on it.:lol:

18 days and counting!!:sohappy:


New Member

Originally posted by Raven66
M:S wasn't open when we were there in 2002 so we are so looking forward to trying it this time.

As for ToT my daughter was 5, she was scared at first but after that first time her and I went on it 5 more times. She wasn't forced, but she was still a bit scared. This trip coming up she is 7 now and already planning how many times we can go on it.:lol:

18 days and counting!!:sohappy:
Have a great trip Raven!:sohappy:

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