Mission: Space tragedy


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Bluewaves said:
M:S is not a death trap, it only puts pressures on you that would feel i=on some of the most extreme coasters and nothing more. I remember a few years ago when a pier down in wildwood built a new coaster and a couple of people got injured adn then someone got killed , a maintence worker, doesn't mean that the ride is inherently dangerous just that the rules need to be followed and some people need to use common sense. A 4 year old has no buisness on a roller coaster or an extreme thrill ride like M:S. While I fel the greatest sympathy for the parents and family and the cast members because it is a terrible thing but I must also say that Disney World is the one place I will go on rides because they unlike other companies maintain their attractions and they make sure they are safe if you follow the directions. Corporations should not in any be held responsible for the idiots they entertain not using a little of common sense. A 4 yr old would have no buisness on a major coaster, than they have no buisness on M:S.
If they have no business on a M:S then why does Disney allow little kids to ride? The road goes both ways.....


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
Absolutely correct. I'm soooo sick of all the Disney fan boys on here that blame everyone and everything BUT Disney. Sorry fan boys but Disney's death trap of a ride is to blame here! I went on M:S last summer and it put so much pressure on my chest and heart that I felt that I was going to die right then and there. I was sick for 3 hours. I can't believe Disney would allow a ride like this to go on. It's reprehensible!
The fact is that the pressure on M: S is no more G forces than can be found on many Roller Coaster at Disney, Universal, and many other places. And speck was not saying that the loss of human life is no big deal. He was just saying that the ride almost certainly was not the reason the boy died, and that there is no reason to be concerned about riding M: S. And not to sound rude but if you seriously felt like you were going to die on M: S you should seriously consider getting your self a check-up. The effects of M: S are nowhere near intense enough to make a completely healthy person feel like they were going to die.


New Member
Very unfortunate that this happened. It's was very sad to hear this.
There are a ton of posts here and I dont know if this was said, regardless......

I think ALL THRILL RIDES (that have so many restrictions on them), ALSO NEED AGE RESTRICTIONS!!!

Four years old is way to young to be riding such a ride. My daughter is 18 months and very tall for her age, she's bound to be at the Disney hight resctriction of 44"-48" in by the time she 2-2 1/2 years old. There is NO WAY she will be on ANY thrill rides at ANY park until she hits 7-8. There are plenty of other things/attraction she will be able to do until that age.

That is just my opinion on the age thing.


New Member
Shanice said:
If they have no business on a M:S then why does Disney allow little kids to ride? The road goes both ways.....

You misunderstood what he said. He said that if a 4 yr old has not business on a major rollercoaster, THEN they do not have any business on MS.

Please completely read someone's post COMPLETELY before arguing with them


Active Member
Shanice said:
Absolutely correct. I'm soooo sick of all the Disney fan boys on here that blame everyone and everything BUT Disney. Sorry fan boys but Disney's death trap of a ride is to blame here! I went on M:S last summer and it put so much pressure on my chest and heart that I felt that I was going to die right then and there. I was sick for 3 hours. I can't believe Disney would allow a ride like this to go on. It's reprehensible!

I'm not a doctor, and I'm not a professional in this field....but it's a thrill ride. It IS an intense ride, but calling it a death trap is ridiculous. Go ride a gravitron @ a state fair and talk to me about Mission Space. The pressure that it put on your chest and heart is a lot, but typically not nearly enough to put your heart into arrest for most people. Your body has to naturally tighten up and your blood flows a bit faster, and your balance may be off for a bit, but it's NOT a death trap. You said you were sick for three hours....well, then you might have gotten dizzy, or you're body can't handle situations like that (which a lot can't, it's not bad), but this doesn't mean you are dying, so don't start on that. If you were that sick, you should have (I'm assuming you didn't, but you may have) seen someone about that.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...it's not anyone's faultfor now. Stuff like this, unfortunately happens. It sucks, and it would kill me if it were my child. I guess instead of even adding fuel, I should just say again that my thoughts and prayers are with the family. This is tragic, but pointing fingers doesn't do anything, in either direction. If you don't like the ride, don't ride it. If you think it's "reprehensible" and Disney isn't right for putting out this ride, then don't go to Disney. People (including myself) enjoy this ride, perhaps that's why it's so popular.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
jcat2312 said:
You misunderstood what he said. He said that if a 4 yr old has not business on a major rollercoaster, THEN they do not have any business on MS.

Please completely read someone's post COMPLETELY before arguing with them
Please stop correcting each other, we're going way off topic like this...



New Member
Corrus said:
Please stop correcting each other, we're going way off topic like this...

You are absolutely right. I am sorry for getting off topic. I am going to choose to stop posting on this thread for fear of saying something I am going to regret.
End The Fighting!

Wow. This is out of hand, I think this topic should be locked. A loss is tragic regardless of fault or situation, especially when it is a young child, but all this bickering is way out of hand.

I do not think anyone is being insensitive when they question the situation regarding the mother's discretion or Disney's liability, they are simply baffled at how this could happen after so many guest's have experienced the ride, both young and old.

Above all, a life was lost and a tragedy is looming over the "Happiest Place on Earth." Let's simply pray for the family and keep the child in mind. No more arguing, no more debating.


Well-Known Member
Hi folks, please check out this website http://www.texaschildrenshospital.org/allabout/newscenter/ArticleDisplay.aspx?aid=996 for some of the possible reasons of death of this child. I do not believe that Disney is at fault and nor do I believe the mother is either. This is a very sad isolated incident that would be very difficult to prevent and unfortunately if the aforementioned causes are the reason for death, he may very well have still died as a child, just at a later date.


Active Member
lnsemsf said:
It's sad the kid died, but think about it, how many kids die on I-4 in an average year... Driving is a heck of a lot more dangerous. People die on thrill rides sometimes, it happens, it's rare and not worth worrying about. It's a freak accident that I doubt is going to be repeated. I mean good lord even Body Wars killed a kid and that's hardly intense. It's a fluke. Don't blame the ride for being intense, and don't tone down future rides because of a freak occurance. Life is dangerous, you live till you die and that's it. You can live in fear and worry or enjoy every minute. If people worry that rides are going to kill them, they're already dead inside. None of my family will ride this ride, because they get horribly dizzy, but they were warned and know not to do it, not because they're scared it'll kill them, but they know it'll get them sick and dizzy. It's definitly always worth pushing the bounds of ride technology, without innovation all you'll end up with is stale monotonous rides.

Hey Steve or Mr. WDWMagic or whatever your name is.... Why is it that your picking on Shanice and not some of these other very insensitive members?
The media spoke with his neighbors. They expolained how the boy was born premature and had issues with his head/brain development. Not a conclusion, but at least another clue in this tragic mystery.


Well-Known Member
I agree that this should stop. This is as bad as the News stations have done. Until we have the information, these discussions are going too far. If results come back that the ride was to blame, that is Disney's cross to bear. If it was a medical anomaly, it is tragic but part of life. Doing reporting and heated debate without all the information is immature and simply rude. Let's keep our thoughts with the family, find some form of positive from the situation in that awareness is heightened (not trying to be cynical here. Simply trying to find some sort of light in a highly tragic situation), and keep our discussions informed and civil.


Active Member
dr_teeth90210 said:
*** Bring on the flames, but I hope Disney gets sued. WDW is about family rides... and the reason why Walt built Disneyland was so that families could enjoy attractions together.

The very premise of Mission Space alienates 50% of visitors to Epcot. The only good thing that might come out of this very unfortunate incident is Disney might rethink building rides that just target the teeny-boppin', adrenaline junkie demographic and focus more on why people come to Disney in the first place, imaginative, family-oriented rides.

You make extremely unjustified comments. This will be brief as I don't want to take away from the nature of this thread, it is very sad what happened to this boy and family as I have already expressed. However, you Dr_Teeth are very naive. Mission:SPACE G force is 2 G's. The Incredible Hulk coaster is 4.5 G's at maximum, thats more than twice as intense. The sick bags on Mission space have nothing to do with the intensity. Sick bags are there due to people moving on the centrifuge, but cannot visualise this, the inner ear and eyes go out of sync, you feel sick, same as sea sickness. The reason for the slightly higher than normal hospital visits is because the ride doesn't look intense. A roller coaster deters people by the visual look itself. I believe the Disney warnings (and plenty of them) are more than enough to get across the intensity of the ride, even though it is not as intense as some feel, its just the sickness impression that gives this idea. More people are alienated from a roller coaster suck as RnRC than Mission:SPACE, because firstly its a coaster, and because of higher height limits, etc.People just need to read the warnings. (I'm not saying this family did or didn't, we don't know the facts and I don't want to speculate, its a tragedy either way, mistakes can happen) Overall your claims really aren't justified.


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AndyP said:
You make extremely unjustified comments. This will be brief as I don't want to take away from the nature of this thread, it is very sad what happened to this boy and family as I have already expressed. However, you Dr_Teeth are very naive. Mission:SPACE G force is 2 G's. The Incredible Hulk coaster is 4.5 G's at maximum, thats more than twice as intense. The sick bags on Mission space have nothing to do with the intensity. Sick bags are there due to people moving on the centrifuge, but cannot visualise this, the inner ear and eyes go out of sync, you feel sick, same as sea sickness. The reason for the slightly higher than normal hospital visits is because the ride doesn't look intense. A roller coaster deters people by the visual look itself. I believe the Disney warnings (and plenty of them) are more than enough to get across the intensity of the ride, even though it is not as intense as some feel, its just the sickness impression that gives this idea. More people are alienated from a roller coaster suck as RnRC than Mission:SPACE, because firstly its a coaster, and because of higher height limits, etc.People just need to read the warnings. (I'm not saying this family did or didn't, we don't know the facts and I don't want to speculate, its a tragedy either way, mistakes can happen) Overall your claims really aren't justified.
Sorry to burst your bubble but it is NOT about the G forces. I rode the Hulk coaster 3 times in a row and loved it, but after M:S I felt sick for 3 hours and felt painful pressure on my heart. Everyone that I have talked to, even strangers at WDW all agreed that M:S made them extremely sick and they said they were the type of people who love rollercoasters. How many people need to get sick or injured on this ride before Disney realizes what a mistake it is?


Premium Member
I just want to clarify my point of view.

I DO agree that a 4 year old should not be riding Mission Space, but I do NOT agree that it's the mom's fault her child is dead. I took my kid on Test Track when he barely touched the bottom of the sign because I thought he'd enjoy it, but once we actually got on the ride I was able to see it was a little "too" rough for him. Obviously if the mother knew it would hurt her kid to ride she wouldn't have taken him on! I know when I read warning signs I think to myself "ok that's for old people and pregnant people, so I'll ignore it".

And even if you believe it is the mother's fault I don't see the need to keep saying over and over "it's the mom's fault, I blame the mom" etc. If you wouldn't look that grieving mother in the eye and tell her "This is all your fault" then I don't think you should be saying it behind her back either. This is a loving mother who took her child to Disneyworld to show him a wonderful time, and I'm sure this child died on one of the most fun days of his life. I think its disrespectful to go on gossipping about this family and making assumptions when no one has any idea what the true cause of death is. It's just wrong to send so much negativity to this family instead of sending them sympathy. That's just how I feel.


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
Sorry to burst your bubble but it is NOT about the G forces. I rode the Hulk coaster 3 times in a row and loved it, but after M:S I felt sick for 3 hours and felt painful pressure on my heart. Everyone that I have talked to, even strangers at WDW all agreed that M:S made them extremely sick and they said they were the type of people who love rollercoasters. How many people need to get sick or injured on this ride before Disney realizes what a mistake it is?

Maybe you felt sick because you basically go in a CIRCLE a bunch of times. Think of it like that game when you put your forehead on the end of a baseball bat and turn around the bat 5 times. Basically the same thing. Where on the HULK coaster do you do that? You don't. So your comparison is null and void.


Premium Member
I don't consider something that has caused the death of 0.0000116% (that's a little more than one hundred thousandth of ONE PERCENT) of its riders to be a death trap. That's assuming that the ride actually was the cause of this incident, and that CNN's figure of 8.6 million riders is correct.

This event, while unfortunate, is not deserving of all this attention.


Active Member
Wow... Just wow...

A few questions and observations (sorry for the length):
- Why is it that the people who hate the ride and got sick on it feel the need to prosthelytize about the supposed evils of this ride? Why is it that everyone who loves this ride is so very quick to dismiss people's clearly extreme adverse reactions to it? Everyone is bound to have a different reaction to it! It strikes me as odd to assume that one's love of it is the norm, and equally as odd assume that one's intense adverse reaction to it is also standard. Everyone experiences things differently...

- Whenever a tragedy involves a child, people get upset and, when it's something as clearly senseless as this event, then people are going to second-guess everything that happened. Since this board, as per usual, is operating based on suppositions and conjecture, it stands to reason that everyone is going to make some pretty huge assumptions based on their perception of the world and post accordingly. It's what people DO when they're faced with the unexplained (as this case is right now). (Please note that this is not meant as an apology for the statements of people who are blaming the mother involved - just as a reason why I think people are getting so passionate about this!!!!)

- Finally, I don't think that this thread should be closed. I have actually read every single post on all 21 (as of right now) pages of this thread. There are some very intersting discussions going on in here, posted among the B.S. namecalling and other behaviour that has become, well, not surprising around here during passionate debates. I would like to see this thread remain open, if only because it gives us all a chance to debate what is clearly a very hot topic right now. I just wish everyone wasn't taking everything so darned personally!!! Yes, there is some stuff in here that I really object to, but it's not going to lead me to call people out directly. If I felt that strongly, I would take it to PM, because that's what it's there for!!!!

*sigh* Glad to get that off my chest.

Finally, another observation, this time about the media's reaction to the case. Once this initial firestorm dies down, I sincerely doubt that any news outlet outside of Central Florida is going to post the results of the autopsy. That's unfortunate because, whether you like M:S or not, it is going to leave the impression that WDW is not a safe park.

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