Mission: Space tragedy

Miss Bell

New Member
From TigsMom:I t was reported that the child was born prematurely... many of these children suffer long term effects though we do not know if this is the case here.

Now you're freaking me out--my daughter was a preemie. This is another point to think about. All rides have height requirements, but not usually weight requirements. My daugher is 13 years old. She is five feet two inches tall, but weighs less than 70 pounds. She lifts off her seat on Big Thunder Mountain. Height is not the only thing that Disney or a parent can take into consideration when judging whether or not a ride is best for each individual.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
It was reported that the child was born prematurely... many of these children suffer long term effects though we do not know if this is the case here.

There is also a chance that a pre existing condition was present that the family was not aware of. (yes that can happen)

I for one am stepping back from this thread. I have stated my opinion.
I do not blame the parents for the child's death. I do not blame WDW for the child's death. This is just a tragic occurrence. I have seen people walk of M:S and then faint. I have seen people taken off in wheelchairs and I have seen people run off to get in line again. Two members of my family have tried this ride and have decided to never ride again while two others had decided never to ride it at all. Our choices and you can second guess them if you want, but it really doesn't matter.

I am sure if that mom could do it all over again she would not get on that ride, she can't and now how to go thru life having experienced something I would not wish on my worst enemy... to have to bury one of her children.
Amen to that!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there is no one around that can blame that poor woman more then she blames herself. As a mother no one could tell me it wasn't my fault some how. That I could have forseen it. In my head I would know that I couldn't have known, but my heart would tell me otherwise.


Well-Known Member
DisneyInTN said:
would it really be worth creating a ride in an amusement park that requires SO MUCH warning and caution before riding? Many of the previous posters acknowledged how many warning signs are visible through out the queue line.

Food for thought: If you were Walt Disney for a day and imagineers came to you and said "We have designed a ride so intense that it requires extensive warnings and barf-bags" would you (as Walt) approve this ride to be created?
Just curious.


It's sad the kid died, but think about it, how many kids die on I-4 in an average year? The ride is intense, but not dangerous. Driving is a heck of a lot more dangerous. People die on thrill rides sometimes, it happens, it's rare and not worth worrying about. It's a freak accident that I doubt is going to be repeated. I mean good lord even Body Wars killed a kid and that's hardly intense. It's a fluke. Don't blame the ride for being intense, and don't tone down future rides because of a freak occurance. Life is dangerous, you live till you die and that's it. You can live in fear and worry or enjoy every minute. If people worry that rides are going to kill them, they're already dead inside. None of my family will ride this ride, because they get horribly dizzy, but they were warned and know not to do it, not because they're scared it'll kill them, but they know it'll get them sick and dizzy. It's definitly always worth pushing the bounds of ride technology, without innovation all you'll end up with is stale monotonous rides.
Was just at the intersection of 535 and hotel blvd., and am so glad to see they have totally bombarded the place with news satelite trucks (<<sarcasim)covering every channel on the planet with this tragedy...


Stop pointing the blame - would you have saved the child????!

OK, I'll be honest and let you know that I haven't read EVERY SINGLE POST on this thread but I have read the majority of them and most seem to say...in lengthier versions...Disney can't be to blame so it must be the mother's fault.

I wondered when reading the story if the mother understood what the ride would be like (yes I know they have warnings) but remember most of you saying "I would NEVER let a 4 year old on that ride" have BEEN on the ride. If she has a 4 year old who rides roller coasters, thrill rides and has never gotten sick she may not have known that anything could go wrong.

I don't believe that the mother would have let her child ride if she thought (well, it looks really dangerous and someone could die but let's give it whirl)

Also, for all of you with your 20/20 hindsight...if you saw the mother and child in line up would you do anything to let them know that the ride isn't appropriate for a child that young? After all, you guys are the experts having been on the ride before.

Saying that...if it's such common knowledge that a child that young shouldn't ride then why didn't the Disney Cast Members approach the woman and say, "I understand your child meets the height requirement to be strapped into the seat but I would recommend that you don't get on this ride"

So unless you are willing to blame every person in line, every person who worked on the ride and YOURSELF (because if you had the chance to stop the child and didn't you would be just as much to blame...if not more...than the mother) then just offer sympathies and leave it at that.

Sorry for being long winded...my two cents sometimes adds up to 16



Premium Member
lnsemsf said:
I mean good lord even Body Wars killed a kid and that's hardly intense. It's a fluke.

I think we need to be careful of the language we are using here. Body Wars didnt kill anyone. Unfortunately someone may die on a ride, but that does mean the ride killed them. With 12 million+ guests a year at WDW, there will be deaths through natural causes at WDW. That is the unfortunate truth. When this happens, it does not mean that Disney, parents, or rides are to be blame. We certainly shouldnt be using phrases such as "the ride killed the person" when in the vast majority of cases that is not the case.


Active Member
I really feel deep condolences for the family.

I read the yahoo story and this paragraph brings tears to me.
The boy from Sellersville, Pa., was on the ride with his mother and a sister. During the ride, the mother noticed that Daudi's body was rigid and his legs were stretched straight out. She told detectives that she thought he was frightened, so she took his hand. When the ride was over, he had gone limp.

That is so horrible, I couldn't imagine my feelings if that was us. God, it's horrible.


Account Suspended
speck76 said:
I would say most likely caused by a pre-existing condition.....happens once or twice each year....

Considering millions have ridden it, and now there is 1 death.......I don't think there is anything ot be concerned about, except about your own pre-existing conditions.
Typical that your first reaction to this tragedy was to act like this death is no big deal. This was a human life, not some statistic. I'm so sick of you spewing your negativity all over the boards. You make me sick....:hurl:


Account Suspended
Elonwy said:
OK, I'll be honest and let you know that I haven't read EVERY SINGLE POST on this thread but I have read the majority of them and most seem to say...in lengthier versions...Disney can't be to blame so it must be the mother's fault.

I wondered when reading the story if the mother understood what the ride would be like (yes I know they have warnings) but remember most of you saying "I would NEVER let a 4 year old on that ride" have BEEN on the ride. If she has a 4 year old who rides roller coasters, thrill rides and has never gotten sick she may not have known that anything could go wrong.

I don't believe that the mother would have let her child ride if she thought (well, it looks really dangerous and someone could die but let's give it whirl)

Also, for all of you with your 20/20 hindsight...if you saw the mother and child in line up would you do anything to let them know that the ride isn't appropriate for a child that young? After all, you guys are the experts having been on the ride before.

Saying that...if it's such common knowledge that a child that young shouldn't ride then why didn't the Disney Cast Members approach the woman and say, "I understand your child meets the height requirement to be strapped into the seat but I would recommend that you don't get on this ride"

So unless you are willing to blame every person in line, every person who worked on the ride and YOURSELF (because if you had the chance to stop the child and didn't you would be just as much to blame...if not more...than the mother) then just offer sympathies and leave it at that.

Sorry for being long winded...my two cents sometimes adds up to 16

Absolutely correct. I'm soooo sick of all the Disney fan boys on here that blame everyone and everything BUT Disney. Sorry fan boys but Disney's death trap of a ride is to blame here! I went on M:S last summer and it put so much pressure on my chest and heart that I felt that I was going to die right then and there. I was sick for 3 hours. I can't believe Disney would allow a ride like this to go on. It's reprehensible!


Account Suspended
mikeb_86 said:
That Is really sad but that 4 years old to me Is young to ride MS!!!
Not according to Disney! They are the ones who let the child on the ride, they are the ones who let him die.....


Premium Member
Shanice said:
Typical that your first reaction to this tragedy was to act like this death is no big deal. This was a human life, not some statistic. I'm so sick of you spewing your negativity all over the boards. You make me sick....:hurl:

Lets refrain from the personal insults.


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
Typical that your first reaction to this tragedy was to act like this death is no big deal. This was a human life, not some statistic. I'm so sick of you spewing your negativity all over the boards. You make me sick....:hurl:
Shanice quote:
Absolutely correct. I'm soooo sick of all the Disney fan boys on here that blame everyone and everything BUT Disney. Sorry fan boys but Disney's death trap of a ride is to blame here! I went on M:S last summer and it put so much pressure on my chest and heart that I felt that I was going to die right then and there. I was sick for 3 hours. I can't believe Disney would allow a ride like this to go on. It's reprehensible!:
Don't you think you are being a bit harsh? Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but you might want to tone it down a bit. :(


Premium Member
Shanice said:
Not according to Disney! They are the ones who let the child on the ride, they are the ones who let him die.....

Let's wait until we get the medical reports before we start making major assumptions on where blame lies.

If a person dies in a car due to a medical condition, are you going to blame the maker of the car because that person happened to die in a car built by that manufacturer?

Let's wait till we have facts.


Premium Member
Shanice said:
Sorry fan boys but Disney's death trap of a ride is to blame here! !

Shanice, to be blunt, you are talking absolute nonsense. You know nothing of the facts of this case, so either wait until we have the facts, or quit posting.


Account Suspended
wdwmagic said:
Let's wait until we get the medical reports before we start making major assumptions on where blame lies.

If a person dies in a car due to a medical condition, are you going to blame the maker of the car because that person happened to die in a car built by that manufacturer?

Let's wait till we have facts.
I understand your point of view but how many people have to be injured, get sick, or god forbid die before Disney realizes that this attraction was a major mistake?


New Member
Shanice said:
Absolutely correct. I'm soooo sick of all the Disney fan boys on here that blame everyone and everything BUT Disney. Sorry fan boys but Disney's death trap of a ride is to blame here! I went on M:S last summer and it put so much pressure on my chest and heart that I felt that I was going to die right then and there. I was sick for 3 hours. I can't believe Disney would allow a ride like this to go on. It's reprehensible!

First of all, aren't you a CM? According to your signature, you are. Why are you working there if you feel Disney is operating "death traps"?

Second of all, there are a lot of rides at WDW and other Theme Parks that could cause physical harm or even death. People have gotten hurt on Space Mountain by falling debri. I hurt my ribs on Body Wars 10 years ago. You could get whip last from Splast Mountain.

Disney has the warnings up about the type of ride it is. I am not blaming the mother for taking her son on the ride, but it is the parent's decision on whether their child can tolerate the specific type of ride.


Shanice said:
Absolutely correct. I'm soooo sick of all the Disney fan boys on here that blame everyone and everything BUT Disney. Sorry fan boys but Disney's death trap of a ride is to blame here! I went on M:S last summer and it put so much pressure on my chest and heart that I felt that I was going to die right then and there. I was sick for 3 hours. I can't believe Disney would allow a ride like this to go on. It's reprehensible!

Honestly, I'm not blaming Disney either...I just would like the blaming on both sides to stop but on this site...being a Disney fan site...the blame seems to go more towards the mother.

The fact is that some people can take certain rides that others can't and height and age is not necessarily a factor. I realize a lot of people enjoy the ride ( I enjoyed it every time and never felt sick) but when Disney decided to provide air sickness bags they obviously consented to the fact that a certain percentage of riders will feel sick after the ride...this is a VACATION spot. NO ONE wants to feel sick at WDW. They may have to consider toning the ride down a bit.

But do I blame them for the childs death...nope, I don't have all the facts (and no one else here does) so I refuse to blame anyone.

Sometimes accidents are just accidents and tragedy doesn't have to result in vengeance or blame


Well-Known Member
M:S is not a death trap, it only puts pressures on you that would feel i=on some of the most extreme coasters and nothing more. I remember a few years ago when a pier down in wildwood built a new coaster and a couple of people got injured adn then someone got killed , a maintence worker, doesn't mean that the ride is inherently dangerous just that the rules need to be followed and some people need to use common sense. A 4 year old has no buisness on a roller coaster or an extreme thrill ride like M:S. While I fel the greatest sympathy for the parents and family and the cast members because it is a terrible thing but I must also say that Disney World is the one place I will go on rides because they unlike other companies maintain their attractions and they make sure they are safe if you follow the directions. Corporations should not in any be held responsible for the idiots they entertain not using a little of common sense. A 4 yr old would have no buisness on a major coaster, than they have no buisness on M:S.

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