Mission: Space tragedy


New Member
I cannot believe you guys are having disagreeances in a thread like this. You never seem to disagree. I think we just have to wait for the auptopsy to come out...

All I can say in this thread is my condolences to the boy's friends and family.


Account Suspended
There are, however, people who see such "emotional outpouring" to an incident which is entirely disconnected from the life of the person lamenting it as merely an attempt to gain attention.

The incident then becomes a means to become a "champion" of a sort of cause and often becomes removed of any real meaning toward the lost individual. Often a scapegoat is determined and blame is placed firmly there-upon by the emotionally charged, who ironicly are now so "charged "by feeding off one another is attempts of one-up-manship to be more distressed, heartfelt, what have you.. than the others.

Eventually someone will come along and say this is all rather ridiculous and demeaning to the vicitm, and that person will be quickly deemed heartless and the target of much bile and spitting and the occasional nastey comment about their weight.

Occasionally there will be invasions of free-states, genocide, and long winded telethons benefitting the rich rather than those left behind.

In the end - those not really involved will simply forget, those truly invovled will grow from the experience, and the powers that be will try to sort out the technicalities of the rest.


New Member
angelfaerie52 said:
I don't think it's the ride's fault nor do I think it's the parents fault... just a freak occurence, like when you hear about young athletes collapsing. Things happen due to stress... and the spinning could have put too much pressure.. But who really knows.
Excellent point. We will all just have to wait and see where the investigation goes.


Well-Known Member
There's so many "it's the rides fault" or "it's the parents fault", as it's been said on here many times, no one knows the details so at this point no one knows who's fault it is.
My husband is big on "put thick tennis shoes on him" or "spike his hair" so that my 3 year old 40" son can ride more things. No way would I allow this. As said in previous posts a lot of people have been desensitized by multiple warnings. I was pregnant last time we went to WDW so I haven't ridden M;S yet. DH did and he felt a little sick the rest of the day. Even id my son did meet the requirements to ride this ride. I, personally, would not let him on. He is a dare devil and would love to ride it. I just don't think he is ready for something so intense it made my husband sick.
Many people are born with abnormalities, especially in the heart, and either never know it or find out later in life. Also, heart murmors can develop in children and are actually quite common. Sometimes, they are not born with them, but develop them around 3-6 years old. My son did and we promptly jumped on it and had a cardiologist do an echo. Luckily it is an innocent childhood murmor. Myself on the other hand, I was cleaning up dinner dishes one night and felt very faint. My heart seemed to be racing. It stopped suddenly as it started. 2 weeks later I was sitting down at work and it started again. I work on a cardiac unit so I hooked myself up to a heart monitor and I was 267 beats per minute. After a few minutes of this a coworker wheeled me to the ER and my heart rate stayed between 240 and 270 for 45 minutes straight. The next day, I took some strips of what my heart did and showed them to a cardiologist and he said it looked like I had an extra "wire" in my heart and the impulses started looping on it. He said it was something I was born with and now 29 years later, the conditions were just right and it happened. There were no clues leading up to it, nothing any Dr. or test could have diagnosed.
I guess, my main comment is, please don't condemn the ride or the parents, no one knows the details to make any judgements. Children do not come with an instruction manual that tells you what rides to let them on, or what is wrong with them at any given point. Boy life would be a whole lot better it they did.


Well-Known Member
It's a tradgedy that someone died. It happens every day, just not on a ride in WDW. Just because someone died in a traffic accident on their way to WDW and it wasn't reported, we will not feel any grief. However, many people died around the Orlando area today.

If that same family had went home the next day and death had visited them in their car somewhere between FL and PA, we wouldn't know about it and we wouldn't grieve. Several here understand that point and post logical posts concerning the ride, the safety, and the warnings. Don't attack them for being human. Think about things a little before you go and attack someone for their posts. I do not know that family and therefore I don't truly grieve for their loss, but I do feel very sad knowing that something similar could happen to someone I love when I least expect it.


New Member
Shanice said:
You act like this is some isolated incident. You seem to be overlooking the fact that people are getting sick on the ride on a daily basis and several people had to visit the emergency room because of the ride. When's the last time you saw someone have to go to the emergency room after a trip on PotC? Get real....

OMG... I've read through every page and I am SO freakin' sick of your complaning about "death traps". YOU WORK THERE! Why don't you quit and go work someplace safer?! Heck, if I had a CM that told me Splash Mountain was a death trap I'd probably get her fired...

So just quit talking. You have NO basis on what your saying, no statement... quote me something, show me SOMETHING. Don't just say stupid, completely ludarcris things like that.

Geez... I reallly REALLLLLLLLY hope nobody who knows the mother or the child stumbles across this thread.

EDIT: Oh and stop flaming Speck and the others because they have something you don't have... logic.


New Member
I first heard about it on a flight from Syracuse to NYC on the inflight entertainment. I saw the headline, then the flight attendant came on the intercom, so the entire length of the segment was audio-less! I was freaking out....all I saw was 'Epcot Death"-this was on CNN Headline News at about 11:30am EST on the day it happened.
Of course I wish condolences to the family and friends of the victim, and hope that everything can be figured out as soon as possible! :( :wave:


Active Member
Christina said:
OMG... I've read through every page and I am SO freakin' sick of your complaning about "death traps". YOU WORK THERE! Why don't you quit and go work someplace safer?! Heck, if I had a CM that told me Splash Mountain was a death trap I'd probably get her fired...

So just quit talking. You have NO basis on what your saying, no statement... quote me something, show me SOMETHING. Don't just say stupid, completely ludarcris things like that.

Geez... I reallly REALLLLLLLLY hope nobody who knows the mother or the child stumbles across this thread.

EDIT: Oh and stop flaming Speck and the others because they have something you don't have... logic.

Wow... Christina.... That was insightful!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I can't believe I just read all 32 pages. It took a couple hours and I skimmed through half of it, but, wow. I heard about this incident while working at Target tonight and came straight home to my computer after work to see what was being said. This is a horrible tragedy and I can't imagine the pain that the parents must be feeling. My thoughts and prayers go out to them as they deal with such great loss.

And, I must admit, my first thought was the same as many here. Why on earth was a 4 year old on such an intense ride? I'm sure the mother is probably asking herself the same question, why on earth did I let him ride?

Snapper Bean said:
I don't know why either of you should expect the parent to have better information about the ride and its stresses than Disney, the company that operates its. Disney sets the height requirement. If 4 year old bodies shouldn't be on the ride then Disney should raise the height limit, it shouldn't count on the parent of every 4 year old being more cautious than Disney is telling them they should be.

Actually, I'd be willing to bet that the state of Florida sets the height requirements for the rides and attractions. That's generally how it works. Inspectors from the state of Florida inspect the rides yearly and determine what the minimum size is that the restraints can handle. Then, the park has to abide by what the state sets. Theoretically, the same ride can have different requirements depending on which state it's housed in. Non-disney related, but for example, we get guest complaints periodically that children are turned away from rides at Six Flags that they can ride at Kings Island. It's quite possible that Ohio set a different limit than Kentucky. My point is that Disney did not set the requirement, therefore technically, it's not disney's fault if the height requirement is too low. In terms of the height requirement, most likely, disney did nothing wrong (unless the kid was improperly measured, which I believe it was stated that was not the case).


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
It's a tradgedy that someone died. It happens every day, just not on a ride in WDW. Just because someone died in a traffic accident on their way to WDW and it wasn't reported, we will not feel any grief. However, many people died around the Orlando area today.

If that same family had went home the next day and death had visited them in their car somewhere between FL and PA, we wouldn't know about it and we wouldn't grieve. Several here understand that point and post logical posts concerning the ride, the safety, and the warnings. Don't attack them for being human. Think about things a little before you go and attack someone for their posts. I do not know that family and therefore I don't truly grieve for their loss, but I do feel very sad knowing that something similar could happen to someone I love when I least expect it.

Great Points!


Account Suspended
tigger248 said:
Actually, I'd be willing to bet that the state of Florida sets the height requirements for the rides and attractions.

As far as I know, it's not the state. More of a big industry-wide book-o-safety standards. Like the books the metal industry uses for ratings.

Like, if the ride moves at this speed and exerts this force, the requirement must be "this."


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
As far as I know, it's not the state. More of a big industry-wide book-o-safety standards. Like the books the metal industry uses for ratings.

Like, if the ride moves at this speed and exerts this force, the requirement must be "this."

Perhaps different states have different laws, and if that's the case then I apologize for wasting space. I do know that in Kentucky, the state sets the height requirements for theme park rides. I just assumed that it was the same elsewhere. Of course, you know what they say about those who assume... :lookaroun


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Different legal jurisdiction. Disney has reedy-creek and is exempt from several local laws because it is its own entity. For example, the living seas has blue "EXIT" signs an din Energy they turn on and off with the show - something Universal studios cannot do and has problems in their rides/shows with.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
Different legal jurisdiction. Disney has reedy-creek and is exempt from several local laws because it is its own entity. For example, the living seas has blue "EXIT" signs an din Energy they turn on and off with the show - something Universal studios cannot do and has problems in their rides/shows with.

Okay, thanks for the clarification. I knew that they sorta stood out like that and were run like a separate city, but hadn't realized all the differences. I just was comparing to what I know to be true of my local park. Now I feel kinda silly. :hammer:


New Member
Just listening to the news - a high school football player who was conditioning just died of unknown causes during practice. It is a fact of life, it does happen. No one knows these things are going to happen, only God.

I do have a MAJOR problem. On this same news report they stated a 4 year old boy was KILLED at Disney. Headlines like that are uncalled for. It makes it sound like someone was responsible. No one wanted this to happen - not Disney, definately not the mother and that sister, what she must be feeling. You know in your logical mind, death is a part of life - but to hear a child that young died does something to everyone....it makes them think of their own mortality.


Well-Known Member
Well, after reading the 20+ pages that sprouted since I last was here, last night, these were the best points made:

speck76 said:
Some people don't feel the need to post "My thoughts and prayers go out to his family,,,what a terrible tragedy".....as in the end, it does not mean jack, except maybe it makes the member that posted that feel a little better about themself. Good for you. You have a spot reserved in the good part of heaven.

Now, if you would like to do something useful, try getting the message to the family, as they most likely are not members here, and will never get your thoughtful condolences.

Moses and Agnes Bamuwamye
406 Park Avenue
Sellersville, PA

*Edit....this is not a knock on those who believe in prayer....but don't judge those that don't and label them as heartless.

wannab@dis said:
It's a tradgedy that someone died. It happens every day, just not on a ride in WDW. Just because someone died in a traffic accident on their way to WDW and it wasn't reported, we will not feel any grief. However, many people died around the Orlando area today.

If that same family had went home the next day and death had visited them in their car somewhere between FL and PA, we wouldn't know about it and we wouldn't grieve. Several here understand that point and post logical posts concerning the ride, the safety, and the warnings. Don't attack them for being human. Think about things a little before you go and attack someone for their posts. I do not know that family and therefore I don't truly grieve for their loss, but I do feel very sad knowing that something similar could happen to someone I love when I least expect it.

That being said, I'm gracefully bowing out of this thread. Yesterday we were being able to actually discuss what happened. But now, all I've seen is name calling and stormtrooping. What really "sickens" me, as so many of you are fond of saying, are all those people apologizing for posting their opinions. This is a discussion board. You're supposed to give your opinions on matters. And to see people being bashed for sating what they think it's appalling. It was a terrible tragedy what happened, but it is something that happens, and we can't do anything about it. Now sorry if I'm gonna sound too cold or rude, but since apparently we cannot be heard unless we're crying for all involved or actually have children, I'll bee seeing ya.

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
To those who say "I'd never take a 4-year-old on Mission Space" ----

You're posting on a Disney message board. That means you are at least AWARE of what MS is, and have probabbly been on it (maybe numerous times).

Therefore, YOU are not qualified to make that statement.

Imagine you're visiting a theme park you've never been to -- "Six Flags Fantasy and Adventure Land"-- and they've got a new ride -- "Journey to Mars".

Before booking your trip, you visit the park's website and see photos and videos of children--children not much older than your 4-year-old--- smiling and screaming on "Journey to Mars".

As you're driving to the theme park, you pass several "Journey to Mars" billboards that feature children.

On the park map, you notice a few "artist's renderings" of a rocket ship going up. Although the drawings do not show you what "Journey to Mars" really is--- based on the prominence of the images, and the smiles drawn on the childrens faces sitting on the ride, you figure it's gotta be a blockbuster.

As you pass the gift shop, you notice several small kids playing with "Journey to Mars" toys.

Then you reach the ride. The height requirement is 44". Your kid smacks his forehead on the height stick. He's MORE than tall enough.

You read the warning signs. Motion sickness? Never seen him get green on a ride. Pregnant? I sure hope not. Back and neck injuries? He's always been a healthy 4-year-old.

As a precaution, you ask an employee outside what "Journey to Mars" does (since you can't actually see the ride inside the building).

"It's a simulator that spins and produces G-forces that makes some people sick.

Then you remember how much your 4-year-old loved that simulator ride at the mall. And he loves the spinning teacups at Disney World. And you recall the time that physics professor once told you a person experiences 10-G's when sitting down in a couch. So you decide to get in line.

As you approach the ride, you read every warning sign. None of the criteria fit your child, so you keep advancing to the vehicle.

You and your child watch the pre-flight video. Sure, the ride is starting to look a little intense-- not for your child, but for YOU. After all, you had just read that report saying that adults are MUCH more prone to motion sickness than children (then you recall your childhood memories of riding the Tilt-a-Whirl and how much fun it was THEN---- something you'd never dare to stomach NOW!)

You buckle up in the ride... and you're off!


Of course, this is all assuming the parent of the MS victim had never been on Mission Space. Maybe she and her child HAD ridden it before. If that was the case, they obviously had no grave concerns--- they were back on it AGAIN. So what did the parent do wrong THEN?


New Member
Don't care for Mission Space either. I, too, almost blacked out on it, and it took my partner 45 minutes to get over it. He thought he was having a heart attack as well, and had to go see a cardiologist to make sure he was alright. I feel for the family of the little boy.

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