Mission: Space tragedy


Well-Known Member
Gucci65 said:
How cute that you ASSUME the child was whining to get on the ride! No one ever said that. I agree with Snapper Bean - IF WDW decided that you only have to be 44 inches to ride w/ no health conditions - then that is it period "end of discussion".

Not all parents have kids like you see on Nanny 911............

Where in his post did you read that he assumed that the kid whined to get on MS?? His point was that kids these days get what they want by whining, myself included when I was younger.


Well-Known Member
FiftiesDean said:
Also, we may not let our kids ride this, but what about the people who have never been to Disney? How are they to know what it really is?

If I remember correctly, they show you what the ride is like (showing spinning capsules on some screens and in the background of most of the warning screens) before you are even briefed on your mission. You are bombarded with warnings about dark, enclosed spaces and such. Unless you are blind and deaf, it is pretty hard to miss, even when there are screaming teenybopers who are there on a school trip.


New Member
Mission Space

It's confirmed. A four-year old boy passed out and died on the ride. This is a shock to me and my family, as we just returned from vacation and heard the news on the radio in Raleigh, NC just moments ago. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the child.


Well-Known Member
FiftiesDean said:
considering it's NASA, and they HAVE to take safety seriously, I'm sure that they considered every possible scenario while building this ride. Also, we may not let our kids ride this, but what about the people who have never been to Disney? How are they to know what it really is?

Actually, NASA had no formal relationship in the ride. I forget who did build the centrifuge, though.


Well-Known Member
Having waded through this sad, sad thread, some observations:

1. It's extremely unlikely the ride malfunctioned. Otherwise, other people would have been affected.

2. It's unlikely mom knew of any medical problem with the child. But the potential language problems do make this a possibility that she didn't understand the warning.

3. Master Yoda raised a very good point about all the warnings. You see warnings about motion sickness on any number of relatively benign rides. Admittedly, there are many more on Missions:Space, but if you have no pre-knowledge of the ride, how do you know that they REALLY mean it on this one.

4. I believe it was Laura22 who raised the point about young riders' abilities to follow directions to keep your eyes on the screen and the buttons. This could have complicated an unknown condition. (Likely).

5. The AP did not jump the release of the child's name. The name came from some official source, whether the hospital, Disney, or more likely the sheriff or paramedics or the mother herself.

6. Will Disney get sued anyway, probably. It will probably be settled quietly.

7. Will Disney make changes to the ride. Possibly. The most likely change is to raise the height requirement to 48 inches.

8. Our words are inadequate for the sorrow facing this family, regardless of what happened.


Active Member
Gucci65 said:
How cute that you ASSUME the child was whining to get on the ride! No one ever said that. I agree with Snapper Bean - IF WDW decided that you only have to be 44 inches to ride w/ no health conditions - then that is it period "end of discussion".

Not all parents have kids like you see on Nanny 911............

I did not ASSUME the child was whining, but commenting on some of the other posts that discussed whining children. I wasn't aware the WDW was the be all and end all of the deciding factor in riding something and that no common sense on your part was necessary. It's not the "end of discussion," I have an opinion on it and so stated my opinion which I am entitled to and if you disagree, you are entitled to disagree.

Nanny 911 could do big business at Disney with the amount of melt downs and bad behavior that I've witnessed.


New Member
rqbyrd said:
It's confirmed. A four-year old boy passed out and died on the ride. This is a shock to me and my family, as we just returned from vacation and heard the news on the radio in Raleigh, NC just moments ago. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the child.

Not to be rude, it was confirmed a long time ago.....


Premium Member
stingrock23 said:
There's no way a 4 year old should have been on this ride. I place the blame with the parent on this one. It is sad, but this is something that could have and should have been prevented by the parent.

I think that's a horrible thing to say! You are being so presumptious I can't even stand it! :mad: You have no idea how that kid died. His cause of death might not have even been the ride itself and just purely a coincidence that his moment of death occured while on the ride. He may have had an unknown condition that had nothing at all to do with his age or size, meaning if a 20 year old rode the ride with the same condition the 20 year old would have died too.

If I drive my kids to the store and one of them dies of some weird freaky thing on the way to the store does that mean it's my fault they died and I should have prevented it?? I'M DISGUSTED with your comments and the equally judgemental comments of others!! How dare any of you pass the blame on this greiving family when the autopsy reports haven't even come out yet!

I'm sure the 4 year old did not have a blood pressure problem, back or neck problems, was not pregnant, did not suffer motion sickness, and seeing as he met the height requirement he had every right to go on the ride according to the posted warnings, and since there was no negligence (or none has been proven thus far) the blame should not be passed to anyone! It's not like they put high heels on him and snuck him on a ride that he shouldn't have been on (which others on this board have done in the past!). And by the way, Mission:Space is such a strange and unique ride that unless you are a Disney expert you don't even know what on earth is happening in the ride - before, during, or after. The first time I rode it I came off it and didn't even know that it was a spinning ride - AFTER I rode it I still had no idea! I didn't learn what I had actually ridden until I joined this forum 6 months later!

So many of you think you are equal to God, you think you know every detail of what happened and you are worthy to decide who is at fault just because you read a paragraph out of the paper. Amazing.


Well-Known Member
My heart felt sympathy and prayers goes out to everyone involved, the family, the CM's and the other guests who were on the ride.

We were there in May and our oldest daughter and niece 9 & 11 both rode the ride w/my husband. The girls did alright, but my husband was ill for a good long while afterwards..Our youngest daughter was 5 and she wasn't tall enough to ride it, so she and I stayed off. I don't think anyone in our family would ride again, it wasn't something the girls fell in love with and it made my husband ill.

Perhaps an increased height restriction would be in order. I wonder how many wdw guests are aware of what happened and if so if that has impacted attendance on this ride. I know when we were there last year, we didn't watch tv and didn't know that R. Reagan had passed away until we went to Hall of Presidents and they had a moment of silence.


New Member
Dwarful said:
My heart felt sympathy and prayers goes out to everyone involved, the family, the CM's and the other guests who were on the ride.

We were there in May and our oldest daughter and niece 9 & 11 both rode the ride w/my husband. The girls did alright, but my husband was ill for a good long while afterwards..Our youngest daughter was 5 and she wasn't tall enough to ride it, so she and I stayed off. I don't think anyone in our family would ride again, it wasn't something the girls fell in love with and it made my husband ill.

Perhaps an increased height restriction would be in order. I wonder how many wdw guests are aware of what happened and if so if that has impacted attendance on this ride. I know when we were there last year, we didn't watch tv and didn't know that R. Reagan had passed away until we went to Hall of Presidents and they had a moment of silence.

I disagree with you a little. I don't think that it has much to do with the height requirement. As you said, your nieces did fine, but your husband got sick.

It doesn't matter how tall the kids are. What matters is how you think your own child will do on the ride. I am not blaming the parents of the little boy at all....


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
How dare any of you pass the blame on this greiving family when the autopsy reports haven't even come out yet!
So many of you think you are equal to God, you think you know every detail of what happened and you are worthy to decide who is at fault just because you read a paragraph out of the paper. Amazing.

Speaking on my behalf, I'm not passing judgment or playing God. I'm trying to have a rational discussion without having fingers pointed all around. Again, why can't we discuss this as the unrelated parties that we are?


Well-Known Member
Slade said:
If I remember correctly, they show you what the ride is like (showing spinning capsules on some screens and in the background of most of the warning screens) before you are even briefed on your mission. You are bombarded with warnings about dark, enclosed spaces and such. Unless you are blind and deaf, it is pretty hard to miss, even when there are screaming teenybopers who are there on a school trip.
I absolutely agree Slade. When M:S first opened I saw all of the warning signs and actually reconsidered riding the atttraction myself. I was glad I did as I Am one of those people who didnt suffer any ill effects at all. If I was at all unsure about what kind of ride this was, I could have asked a Cast Member at the entrance to the ride, or gone on the ride without my children to see if it is OK for them or worst case, skip the attraction altogether!!! I do think this is a tragedy and while I am not rushing to blame the parents, they have to understand not every attraction is for everyone. One of my cousins has a problem with strobe lights and seeing one can put her into a seizure episode!!! So hence we take great care to make sure she avoids a strobe regardless of it is in a ride, a show, or just on a dance floor!! I hope that the parents didnt disregard any health issues the child may have had in the name of going on a ride!!! Belle


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
I think that's a horrible thing to say! You are being so presumptious I can't even stand it! :mad: You have no idea how that kid died. His cause of death might not have even been the ride itself and just purely a coincidence that his moment of death occured while on the ride. He may have had an unknown condition that had nothing at all to do with his age or size, meaning if a 20 year old rode the ride with the same condition the 20 year old would have died too.

If I drive my kids to the store and one of them dies of some weird freaky thing on the way to the store does that mean it's my fault they died and I should have prevented it?? I'M DISGUSTED with your comments and the equally judgemental comments of others!! How dare any of you pass the blame on this greiving family when the autopsy reports haven't even come out yet!

I'm sure the 4 year old did not have a blood pressure problem, back or neck problems, was not pregnant, did not suffer motion sickness, and seeing as he met the height requirement he had every right to go on the ride according to the posted warnings, and since there was no negligence (or none has been proven thus far) the blame should not be passed to anyone! It's not like they put high heels on him and snuck him on a ride that he shouldn't have been on (which others on this board have done in the past!). And by the way, Mission:Space is such a strange and unique ride that unless you are a Disney expert you don't even know what on earth is happening in the ride - before, during, or after. The first time I rode it I came off it and didn't even know that it was a spinning ride - AFTER I rode it I still had no idea! I didn't learn what I had actually ridden until I joined this forum 6 months later!

So many of you think you are equal to God, you think you know every detail of what happened and you are worthy to decide who is at fault just because you read a paragraph out of the paper. Amazing.

Laura, this is a very passionate issue, but please be aware that a 4 year old could have those problems. Even newborns have had strokes and cardiac problems. I read in another thread that the child did have pre existing medical conditions. I have not seen it reported on the net yet, but I will continue to look.

This was a very tragic incident and there is no need to place the blame anywhere (not singling you out, its for everyone.) I stated before IMHO a 4 y/o should not have been on that ride, but it is just that MY humble opinion.


Well-Known Member
Kind of makes me curious about how healthy I really am. We always think about those warning signs referring to other people...

I would admit that I'm not the healthiest of people -- I eat junk and fastfood most of the time -- but I'm rail thin and have no idea what the condition of my heart is. Maybe I should get a physical before my next trip this November...


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
I stated before IMHO a 4 y/o should not have been on that ride, but it is just that MY humble opinion.

Exactly. We are all stating our opinons on the matter. I believe there's no need for people to get worked up about this (not singling you out either, Laura, there are many people who feel like you on this thread).


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
I think that's a horrible thing to say! You are being so presumptious I can't even stand it! :mad: You have no idea how that kid died. His cause of death might not have even been the ride itself and just purely a coincidence that his moment of death occured while on the ride. He may have had an unknown condition that had nothing at all to do with his age or size, meaning if a 20 year old rode the ride with the same condition the 20 year old would have died too.

If I drive my kids to the store and one of them dies of some weird freaky thing on the way to the store does that mean it's my fault they died and I should have prevented it?? I'M DISGUSTED with your comments and the equally judgemental comments of others!! How dare any of you pass the blame on this greiving family when the autopsy reports haven't even come out yet!

I'm sure the 4 year old did not have a blood pressure problem, back or neck problems, was not pregnant, did not suffer motion sickness, and seeing as he met the height requirement he had every right to go on the ride according to the posted warnings, and since there was no negligence (or none has been proven thus far) the blame should not be passed to anyone! It's not like they put high heels on him and snuck him on a ride that he shouldn't have been on (which others on this board have done in the past!). And by the way, Mission:Space is such a strange and unique ride that unless you are a Disney expert you don't even know what on earth is happening in the ride - before, during, or after. The first time I rode it I came off it and didn't even know that it was a spinning ride - AFTER I rode it I still had no idea! I didn't learn what I had actually ridden until I joined this forum 6 months later!

So many of you think you are equal to God, you think you know every detail of what happened and you are worthy to decide who is at fault just because you read a paragraph out of the paper. Amazing.

No offense, but you should calm down just a bit. His point was that he believes that a 4yo shouldn't have been on the ride, period. The ride itself isn't meant for every man, woman, and child that passes the height requirement. In my OPINION, it IS up to the parent(s) to decide if their child(ren) should ride or not, not height requirements.

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