New Member
hey guys I have some tid bits thay you might find interesting. Twelve years ago in 1988 I was working for KGF( Now Kraft foods). I had an asignment to dump some old records from some file cabinets on the exective level. in doing this I came across some blueprints, they were for EPCOT. Since KGF was going to be the sponsor for the land Pavilion. anyway I'm Digressing. In the plan labeled as plan number 8 from 1979 the area that horizions was built and now is Mission space was labeled for a Space Pavilion in that plan. with the design from the blueprint it looked like ther was to be four circular sections at the corners of the building with a rectangular corridor section going between the circular sections to a center square building using a tunnel to access the entry building in the center. This design makes me think that thetre were to ge a centerfuge type ride on the exterior points instead of in the center. I tried to go to kinkos to scan this but couldn't since they dont have the equiptment I need . as soon as I can post this I will.