Mission: Space Info? Possible Spoilers


New Member
Space like Superman?

:eek: I think that the person who said that M:S was going to look like superman had a funny idea. In the day time you would see it painted blue, but at night Cast Members who were dressed as astronauts would come out and paint the tracks black. In the morning before the park opened they would have designated painters that would strip the black paint and paint the tracks blue again. Now, wouldn't that be fun to see? :hammer:


New Member
-goes to find it in news archive-

"Along with announcing the rehab of The Great Movie Ride, Al Weiss also confirmed that Horizons is to be rehabbed by the end of next year. No further information was given on the Horizons rehab. Rumors surrounding this attraction range from a Space Shuttle launch simulator through to a new space themed attraction. "

This was from a long time ago. I sware there was something about the big launch thing. Actually, it was supposed to be indoors, and the track was covered in a building which was to be painted blue.

Steve, you know what i'm talking about, right? lol



New Member
Re: Space like Superman?

Originally posted by hairbrush
:eek: I think that the person who said that M:S was going to look like superman had a funny idea. In the day time you would see it painted blue, but at night Cast Members who were dressed as astronauts would come out and paint the tracks black. In the morning before the park opened they would have designated painters that would strip the black paint and paint the tracks blue again. Now, wouldn't that be fun to see? :hammer:

Boy what a dream............ We can't even get the necessary maintainence painting done that is in dire need in a lot of places.:lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by isnet396
-goes to find it in news archive-

"Along with announcing the rehab of The Great Movie Ride, Al Weiss also confirmed that Horizons is to be rehabbed by the end of next year. No further information was given on the Horizons rehab. Rumors surrounding this attraction range from a Space Shuttle launch simulator through to a new space themed attraction. "

This was from a long time ago. I sware there was something about the big launch thing. Actually, it was supposed to be indoors, and the track was covered in a building which was to be painted blue.

Steve, you know what i'm talking about, right? lol


Didn't al Weiss also say in 1999 that in 18 months we will be reducing our dependance on the busses in favor of a new transporatation system at WDW?????????


Well-Known Member
hey there Leaf!! Welcome to the Boards!! I agree with what everyone else has said here. If you hear some info that you think is important, dont be afriad to post it. That isnt what this board is about. It is about the happiest place on Earth and if people cant be happy discussing it, then that is surely their problem and not yours!! Belle
P.S. I Am REALLY enjoying your trip report post also!! More please!


New Member

Yes, it's said that some attractions go on without new paint. It's sad too since Disney has millions of colors to choose. Bye now.:mad: Oh, well. Sign of the times.:wave:


New Member
:wave: Leaf44 I am new to this site toooo, and I am sure I have asked/said somethings that have allready been discussed.

I liked your report!!! Thanks for the info, is was new, news to me as I had not read all of the other information on the new attraction. Do you know shorthand Ha Ha ??

Glad you had a good time, hope you make it back sooooon!!:animwink:


Originally posted by jmarc63

Didn't al Weiss also say in 1999 that in 18 months we will be reducing our dependance on the busses in favor of a new transporatation system at WDW?????????

Yeah. It was the Segway. You know...the 'it' thing. You did see that CM putting around on it didn't you?
:) :animwink: :D :lol: :lookaroun :veryconfu :cry:


Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by guwag
I can confirm that there are monitors in front of the riders seats, I had the opportunity to see the 'capsule' assemblies of Mission: Space in central shops on my Backstage Magic Tour. I seem to remember that there were joysticks in front of the seats too.

Yep, I did that tour last week too. The M:S rifes are being put together in the shops rights now. Four riders sit side by side. The electronics and wiring on this ride is very cool. Seeing the ride in pieces really gives you the knowledge of how complicated these rides are to buold and why they take so long.

The screens in front were not put in the rides we were close to, but all the wiring was ready for them. They looked like oval port holes. The ride was in two pieces, one part was the seat and enclosures, the other part looked like a big door that was the fron of the ride (where the screens are). They had a couple that looked more complete further down, but we didn't get to walk over there.

There was at least 25 or more being built, all in an asembly line fastion, all in different stages of completion.

Other than confirming that it was M:S, they guide gave us no other info. :(

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
But...but... my cousin's sister's brother's niece's pastor's wife's dog's master's brother's aunt's sister-in-law's hunting buddy's grandmother drove a tram at Disneyland in 1979 and she SWEARS that in her training that they were designing a space ride for a park in Florida and she says it was gonna be a 400 foot coaster! Now, if that isn't a reliable source... what is??



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by AkiraRaptor
Yep, I did that tour last week too. The M:S rifes are being put together in the shops rights now. Four riders sit side by side. The electronics and wiring on this ride is very cool. Seeing the ride in pieces really gives you the knowledge of how complicated these rides are to buold and why they take so long.

The screens in front were not put in the rides we were close to, but all the wiring was ready for them. They looked like oval port holes. The ride was in two pieces, one part was the seat and enclosures, the other part looked like a big door that was the fron of the ride (where the screens are). They had a couple that looked more complete further down, but we didn't get to walk over there.

There was at least 25 or more being built, all in an asembly line fastion, all in different stages of completion.

Other than confirming that it was M:S, they guide gave us no other info. :(

snag any pictures of them?:)


Well-Known Member
Mission Space appetizer

Way to go MouseRight.

Post freely! Believe me, many of us don't have time to visit the boards every day for reading or posting, sometimes not even w/i the week. Makes it kinda hard to keep up sometimes. What an exciting report. Thanks!:wave:

A Kind Of Magic

New Member
Mission Space is spacing me out man?

Since the ride "Mission: Space" operates in zero g forces to replicate weightlessness I am assuming before you go on it you must sighn a release form document waver stating its okay if you loose your keys and lunch on the ride?


New Member
Re: Mission Space is spacing me out man?

Originally posted by A Kind Of Magic
Since the ride "Mission: Space" operates in zero g forces to replicate weightlessness I am assuming before you go on it you must sighn a release form document waver stating its okay if you loose your keys and lunch on the ride?

Think about how much time that would take to sign waiver.

A Kind Of Magic

New Member
Read Below The Dotted Line

I dont know how long?

Umm did you ever figure out how long it takes to:

Stand on the lines for just one bottled water container in Epcot and Disney.

Stand on the lines to wait on a line-off season.

Stand on the lines to wait on when Mission opens.

The time it will take to find your wallet and keys when they float away on Mission S.

I still miss Horizons and at least the company is doing something constructive on its plot of land instead of making it into a parking lot for CEO’s and VIP’s. I guess?


New Member
There is something called "assumed risk" in US Law that takes the nessicity away from waivers such as that. Its a centrifugal type of ride, not a rollercoaster like "Viper".


A Kind Of Magic

New Member
Safe In Space?

I don't know I get sick riding in an elevator.

I know Disney is safe for all of its theme parks and rides that is a guarantee.

I guess signing a waiver will be just too long and unnecessary anyways.


New Member
Do you know when guest are going to be able to prey test the ride?

I do not mean soft opening - I mean get some info from guest.


New Member
Originally posted by jcrb
Do you know when guest are going to be able to prey test the ride?

I do not mean soft opening - I mean get some info from guest.

Guy's please don't kill me or anything because I bring this back up. Can anyone tell me about the above info? I need to know today because I will not be near a computer for the next few days.

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