Yes, the queue does look a little barren, and yes it does fit well with the factory theme. However, you can't fault people for complaining about this. Maybe it was intentionally done this way...maybe not. We all know that Disney has been cutting corners left and right for the past few years, EE being an exception, and even that has it's minor faults. I understand the viewpoint that some are 'complaining for the sake of complaining', but I believe those who complain have the right to be wary. Ever since the JII debacle, we've had a series of letdowns. EE was a step in the right direction. Of course, not everything will please everyone, but there was a time when WDI could almost do no wrong. Right now there has been more bad than good. That's not me being a pessmist, I'm just calling it how I see it. And I don't blame the Imagineers, I blame the higher ups.
Maybe Monsters Inc. will be a nice addition, but we are a battered and bruised people. Dissapointed with rehab after rehab. Maybe John Lasseter will change things around, and WDI will get to put out the quality product it is capable of putting out. Until then, I believe we the paying visitor, have every right to crtiticize and complain.
That's just my opinion of course...