My thoughts on interactive ride elements and its implementation into MFSR:
I personally love TSM.
I am not a fan of Buzz in WDW.
I greatly enjoy Mission Space.
Kali River Rapids
I enjoy MFSR, but I was disappointed.
What is great about each:
The game is enjoyable, easy to understand, and has a large area for improvement. If you are horrible, it does not worsen the experience. If a mom decides to record her 4-year-old the whole ride the experience is ruined for no one but the mom. There is a definite winning to Toy Story Mania, get a higher score than the individual sitting next to you or in another vehicle and you win. The competition can continue on rides as you watch your score improve with every ride. My personal highest is 404k, I would ride on repeat for well over an hour if I could.
The game is relatively easy to understand; there are guns and there are bright targets. If you are horrible, it does not worsen the experience. However, there is no "skill" or genuine improvement that can be done. Hit a couple of special targets and *BAM* your score is maxed out. The controls are horrid and there is no labeling on the targets to describe the points which can be won. Rerideabiltiy to me is very poor on Buzz as the level of playing does not change and you cannot admire the surroundings on other dark rides as you are preoccupied with obtaining worthless points.
Mission Space
Not a game, simply a ride that uses meaningless interactive elements to keep you engaged in a forward-facing position with your eyes open and not vomiting. 10/10
Kali River Rapids
The only interactive element is only accessed by not being on the ride and the last handful of times I have ridden the ride it has been missing in action. 1/10 when not working 10/10 when working.
The controls are far from innate, which is worsened by the fact Cast-Members are bypassing the preboarding preshow which explains the mechanics (I got it for the first time on my third ride). The ride can easily be detracted from by parents neglecting their assigned duties and filming, little kids, or someone who does not understand the mechanics as they are foreign.
Unlike on TSM the competitive aspect of the game is very minor and can really only be accessed with 6 non-kids. Not every individual receives the same experience which can be argued as a benefit for rideability, but I would actually argue the opposite. If you ride as a pilot the first ride and then ride engineer the experience will be considered largely inferior to the vast majority of individuals.
Additionally, the controls, even if you do know how to use them are very poorly implemented. A joystick for the gunner position would greatly enhance the riding experience.
I, and many others prefer Star Tours over MFSR, it is due to a variety of issues. However, my personal belief is that the interactive elements of MFSR actually detract from the ride experience for the vast majority of riders.