Well-Known Member
My main machine is a 2006 Mac Pro (which granted, I've upgraded a little over the years) and it's still doing a bang-up job. Though I do believe I'll be upgrading it this year once the new ones are announced. Not that I have to, but I want to.
My other workhorse is a 2008 17" MBP - which I've upgraded as much as possible with both SSD and 6GB of RAM (all it can take). It has the hi-rez screen (1980x1200) option. Not the most portable laptop, but all things considered it's very sweet. Shame they dropped the 17" model.
I guess my point is, you get your money's worth out of Apple products. If you can resist the desire to upgrade, a machine will serve you for a long, long time. Somehow with Windows, you always had to upgrade every couple of years for Windows to feel anything sort of "snappy."
Ehhh..My work macbook (which I love..don't get me wrong) was VERY overpriced (I even got it as a refurb to save some money) out of box. I upgraded it myself (doing it via apple would have been insanity), and end of the cost me double what my PC laptop (which is actually very powerful as well) cost me.
Apple makes fine hardware, which costs WAY too much. The whole "It just works" mentality is also a bit wrong. If macs were so flawless and built to last, there wouldn't be long wait times at the Genius bar. In fact every time we have had to get one of our apple machines serviced, we have to go 3rd party authorized in order to get it done fast enough (The appointments for the Apple Stores here in South Florida..especially Miami, are booked up for over a week).
ALSO keep in mind that Apple went and changed their architecture from powerPC to Intel which sort of forced people to upgrade a few years ago..and rumor has it they are going to be switching again (IF they do, it would be the single dumbest move a tech company has made in my opinion at least). I am not a fan of their "support" ("Oh, this is broken...well..let me show you this new model instead that you should buy"), nor am I someone who agrees with the "Apple Tax" philosophy ("I'll pay more because it guarantees it works!").