Mickeys Not So Scary Halloween 9/14 worst one ever


Gee it rained in Orlando during September. There's a shock. NOT! It seems to me that some people would rather complain about it after the fact then make the best of the situation while they're there.


Active Member
I was there that night and since we had the little one with us I planned ahead and we had dinner at Crystal Palace at 5p, were seated by 5:30p and out in the park by 6:30p, so we went on a few rides and started trick or treating. We were in tomorrowland when the heavens opened up and it was thunder and lightening like crazy. I heard someone say the next day that there were about 15,000 strikes that night and one of them hit the monorail coming from Epcot and it shut it down.

We waited for it to let up for an hour, but it didn't, but when it slowed, we headed out of the park and on the way out I stopped at Town Hall, line was out the door and halfway down the sidewalk. They gave you three options: (1) you could exchange the ticket for another MNSSHP; (2) use the ticket as a one day entrance to MK; or (3) get a refund. And, yes, they were handing out post cards as you exited the MK explaining that you should keep your ticket and you could use it for entrance to the MK another day within the next year.

I decided not to wait on the line as we had the little one. I went back on Sunday when we were in the park and asked to have the tickets exchanged for MVMCP since we'll be down in December for it and I knew exactly what day we were going to go. I explained I had no use for one day tickets to MK since I have an AP and after the CM helping me had some discussion with a manager, I received my MVMCP tixs.

I was so happy that we had at least an hour of trick or treating because he was looking so forward to doing that and for the short time we had lots of fun and he was happy. Disney does the best they can under the circumstances, they have their own weather monitoring station and they were probably giving them updates and that is why the fireworks kept being delayed.

I'm sorry that you feel they didn't do enough, but on the other hand if you're not pro-active yourself in finding out your options, don't blame others.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
Mnsshp 9/14

They did have the parade and just before it started I was able to get a curbside seat. As for the rides everyone I went to was open.

Read the review on Allearsnet.com
There was no parade and most of the larger outdoor rides were shut down,
There is somone's full report of the event stating which ones were not working and with photos of some of the characters leaving because of the rain.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
Mnsshp 9/14

Did Disney give out free passes for a day at a park, or free tickets to another MNSSHP?

We'll be there at the end of October, and I am not sure whether to get tickets or not. I don't mind getting rained off if I get the chance to go another night.

they gave out a free pass to be used for a day's entry at magic kingdom only, it expires in one years time and you have to present it at the gate the day you want to enter with the original MNSSHP pass that you used for that night


Account Suspended
Original Poster
Rain or Shine! You should be happy you got what you did, they do that as a way to STOP people from whining cause they didn't read the tickets. They could say "TOO BAD" and you would have no legs to stand on. Here is a hammer, some wood, and some nails... now build a bridge and get over it.:ROFLOL:

as i stated before, i was not complaining about the weather but how disney handled the problem of the storm and park flooding, if you took the time to actually read what i wrote you would have read that

weather is something that no one can control


Well-Known Member
And it rained and it rained and it rained. And I sat it out at Chevy's eating chips and salsa. :D Glad I passed on the Party.

That's funny.... yes it rained & rained but it was kind of relaxing. Don't ask me why but I think it is beautiful down there when it rains, as long as I am not caught in it.:lol:

We were close to you. We stayed at Royal Plaza, because my husband had a few meetings there, and it was really nice. That night my children kind of freaked out when they saw fire trucks pulling up in front of our hotel. It turns out that the hotel got hit by lightning and it set the alarms off that called the fire department. The lightning was real bad for a while that night.


New Member
You think thats bad. Try going to Six Flags New England in the summer when crazy thunder storms are going on. Then add this to the fact that you've waited to go on Superman for 2 hours. Then add to it that you either go on the ride which reaches 21 stories in the air. Oh and also add the fact that you either skip the ride or get on during the lightning storm. Just remember it can always be worse. Yes i have been in this predicament b4, and let me say it was a hard choice.


Active Member
they gave out a free pass to be used for a day's entry at magic kingdom only, it expires in one years time and you have to present it at the gate the day you want to enter with the original MNSSHP pass that you used for that night

If you pursued it, you were able to get a full refund, tickets to another MNSSHP or like I did, tickets to MVMCP.


New Member
I called and spoke to Guest Relations on Sunday afternoon while driving back, they told me I can visit any Guest Relations location within the next year and get a free pass. We just need to bring the etickets with us. I was not told it would be for Magic Kingdom only.

Overall it was a great time on 9/14. We did as much as we could despite the weather. The first Haunted Mansion ride was anything but enjoyable, but we went back later and had a much better experience. When the rain started we rode almost every Fantasyland attraction from Peter Pan's Flight down towards Tomorrowland. A small lake had formed outside TTA and I was quite happy once I exchanged my completely soaked shoes and socks for flip-flops. We got lucky when exiting TTA, there was a good blast of lightning and TTA quit working about 20 seconds later and had to be evacuated (of course could be unrelated). The fireworks were very impressive despite the lack of perimeter, I was especially surprised by the length. Great use of the smoke/fog machines at Pirates and the old Skyway building in Fantasyland. Finishing out the night with a funnel cake from Sleepy Hollow was enjoyable!


Active Member
I called and spoke to Guest Relations on Sunday afternoon while driving back, they told me I can visit any Guest Relations location within the next year and get a free pass. We just need to bring the etickets with us. I was not told it would be for Magic Kingdom only.

Yes, the card that they were handing out specifically said it was good for MK entrance only.


You think thats bad. Try going to Six Flags New England in the summer when crazy thunder storms are going on. Then add this to the fact that you've waited to go on Superman for 2 hours. Then add to it that you either go on the ride which reaches 21 stories in the air. Oh and also add the fact that you either skip the ride or get on during the lightning storm. Just remember it can always be worse. Yes i have been in this predicament b4, and let me say it was a hard choice.

Six Flags New England is terrible anyway.

I miss when it was Riverside...


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Why they built a theme park in the middle of a rainy swamp I'll never understand. Honestly, central Florida has some of the worst weather I've ever experienced in my life. :eek:
I can honestly say I've experienced much worse... :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I think the issue about the party last Friday night wasn't really the rain but how Disney used it as an excuse for not being prepared. Rain is rain but when Disney built MK they know it rained in Florida and they compinsated by building a lot of attractions indoors. However last Friday night Space Mountain, Pirates, Buzz and even Pooh were shut down for a while even though they are indoors. The party was nearly sold out and when it poured for nearly 2 hours when it first started, the ride closures cause other indoor places to be over crowded with people. We were stuck in Cosmic Ray's with swarms of other wet, misserable, freezing people trying to find a place to sit while we ate our food. We ended up sitting on the wet floor with about 300 other people who couldn't find a place to sit. Teeneagers were chasing each other through the place bumping into guests, babies where screaming and tempers were flaring from all angles. It wasn't a pretty scene. Worst of all for those of us who braved the rain and the 3 inches of water flooding all of MK for 3 hours trying to get candy often found the candy stations either not ready or non-existant. Mind you this was an hour and a half after the party had already started. The first parade was cancelled. Hallowishes was postponed as an announcement kept coming over the speakers gave guests no indication as to when it would start. Finally after the rain had stopped for nearly a half hour then started raining again they started the fireworks. After that they rushed the 2nd parade which took forever to get through the park. After the 2nd parade there was about 45 minutes left of the party and the rain had finally stopped.

So if you weren't at the party last Friday night you can now see why people were upset after paying $40/person and getting about an hour and a half out of 5 hours in an overcrowded park to trick-or-treat in wet clothing.


Well-Known Member
Shutdown for Lightning

I don't think they closed rides for "Rain", I think it was for the lightning. During the worst of the rain, my son and I road IASWAA 3 times, Pooh, and Buzz Lightyear.

The first parade was cancelled because it was due to start at the same time the worst rain started. The fireworks were 40 minutes late. Some think it was a ploy to keep people in the parks, I like to think Disney is not that manipulative. With inches or rain and lightning in the area, I would not want to launch pyrotechnics that are controlled by computer systems. The second parade started late, but they had to wait for people to clear out of the streets after the fireworks.

I did have a concern about the "trick or treat". Most stands were closed because of the rain (okay, I understand, but seems like poor planning for most of them to be in uncovered areas). The few that were open (I only found 5) were giving out limited pieces of candy. I had to carry my 2 1/2 year old (40 lbs!) son all around the park and he got less than 1/3 of a bag of candy. (Note: No, he would not be eating all that candy anyway, but his mom back at the hotel was hoping to feed her sweet tooth!) I could have carried a bag for myself, but I honestly thought a cute little boy dressed as a pirate would get LOADS of candy!


Active Member
I think the issue about the party last Friday night wasn't really the rain but how Disney used it as an excuse for not being prepared. Rain is rain but when Disney built MK they know it rained in Florida and they compinsated by building a lot of attractions indoors. However last Friday night Space Mountain, Pirates, Buzz and even Pooh were shut down for a while even though they are indoors. The party was nearly sold out and when it poured for nearly 2 hours when it first started, the ride closures cause other indoor places to be over crowded with people. We were stuck in Cosmic Ray's with swarms of other wet, misserable, freezing people trying to find a place to sit while we ate our food. We ended up sitting on the wet floor with about 300 other people who couldn't find a place to sit. Teeneagers were chasing each other through the place bumping into guests, babies where screaming and tempers were flaring from all angles. It wasn't a pretty scene. Worst of all for those of us who braved the rain and the 3 inches of water flooding all of MK for 3 hours trying to get candy often found the candy stations either not ready or non-existant. Mind you this was an hour and a half after the party had already started. The first parade was cancelled. Hallowishes was postponed as an announcement kept coming over the speakers gave guests no indication as to when it would start. Finally after the rain had stopped for nearly a half hour then started raining again they started the fireworks. After that they rushed the 2nd parade which took forever to get through the park. After the 2nd parade there was about 45 minutes left of the party and the rain had finally stopped.

So if you weren't at the party last Friday night you can now see why people were upset after paying $40/person and getting about an hour and a half out of 5 hours in an overcrowded park to trick-or-treat in wet clothing.

Well stated - that is exactly what happened


Well-Known Member
I did have a concern about the "trick or treat". The few that were open (I only found 5) were giving out limited pieces of candy.

Agreed. Two hours into the party all I had was a half pound of raisins and a hadfull of those gross jelly burger/hotdog things. The CM's were very stingy in the Frontierland/Adverntureland area all night. When the gauntlet was finally open between Toontown and Tomorrowland they were giving out fist-fulls of candy.

On another note that I just remembered. The cool lighting and music on Main Street went back to the normal at midnight. I didn't like this because I wanted to get some pictures of the area since we were unable to go through there most of the night. I know people will say it's to get guests out of the park but can anyone think of any other reason why they stop the lights and music at exactly midnight when the party ends? Seems a little strange to me.

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