Well-Known Member
We were there that night and I must agree it was HORRIBLE. I felt a little gyped because of the rain because I mainly go to meet the different characters. I've never been to the Halloween party because we ususally come the end of Nov and go to MVMCP. So I was super excited to see this one and it was a little disappointing not seeing it in its fully glory because I have heard its better than the christmas party. I do understand it's not Disney's fault it poured cats and dogs. But I was pretty miserable with soaking wet shoes and walking through 4 inches (literally!) of water in tomorrowland. We did get to see the fireworks which were awesome and Im sure they are better in non rain. I was quite pleased to get the free ticket voucher because like I said I did feel a little gyped and that was a VERY nice (& not expected) Disney thing to do.