I've long been of the opinion that Davison is over hyped- and peaked with the Remember... Dreams Come True fireworks show in 2005. Some of his earlier stuff like Small World Holiday and Believe... There's Magic in the Stars was enjoyable, but his stuff has been largely hit or miss since. His over reliance on the "clip show" method of show production is incredibly detrimental and creates an experience that seems bland and lacks originality.
World of Color and each of its many iterations? Visually amazing- but a weak show that lacks soul. The Neil Patrick Harris one was especially bad.
2017 Fantasmic? Yikes. Lacks any of the heart and emotional resonance the original had.
Disneyland Forever? Enjoyable- but once again, a clip show of the same songs every other Disney show has.
Pixar Play Parade? Yeesh
Paint The Night? I loved it when it came out, but I've become disillusioned with it over the years- it doesn't have the same spark for me now that it did in 2015.
And don't get me started on the Haunted Mansion Holiday.