Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party 2024


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
A quick breakdown:

- 38 dates for the 2024 MNSSHP, same as 2023
- 7 dates in August; 13 dates in September; 18 dates in October
- Ticket prices increase by $10 on the low end, from $109/person in 2023 to $119/person in 2024
- The high end remains at $199/person in 2024
- Start date is the earliest its ever been, besting 2023's opening date by 2 days

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Curious what this villains roaming the parks situation will be. Could be cool if there are a lot of them, but given their recent track record, I worry it's going to be Jafar and the Queen of Hearts.


Well-Known Member
For $200 the least they could do is limit capacity massively, but they won't. I remember even just back in 2013 how relatively empty the park was and the cost was so much cheaper. Is a desendants dance party enough to justify a $200 ticket? Even last time I went the lines were kind of long for quite a few rides, years before most were just walk on.


Well-Known Member
I will never understand people getting upset at someone else celebrating a holiday on a date they think is too early. I see the same nonsense when people dare to put up a Christmas tree on November 1. Why are we upset that someone else is…happy?

And before we go down the “it makes the other parks crowded!” road, I’ve never noticed that impact in August. The parks are dead in August and it’s two nights per week. The parties DO impact crowds elsewhere in October, but that won’t keep them from having parties 4 nights per week then.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
Curious what this villains roaming the parks situation will be.


Well-Known Member
The reality to the early parks is yes it is early. It is closer to memorial day then halloween. And while I doubt families like mine are the reason why Disney did this, I can't say I don't appreciate that it is early. The last time I got to go to a halloween party was in 2012. The next year my son started kindergarten. School in the south starts early. I am also in a district that has fairly strict truancy rules, So pulling the kids out for a disney vacation during school is generally not easy. You need permission from the school to do it or if you are gone for more than three days in a row they will bring you to court.

So this is the first time in many years we have had the opportunity to allow my daughter to experience what her brother did.

I guess I really don't understand all the negativity. What does it really cost anybody? Plenty of people in my area start decorating their house in fall decor towards the beginning of August when school starts, so maybe it is just not a strange concept to me?

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