MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
It is predicated on the idea that you will place a certain amount of money on your band and it will make it easier for you to spend the money, or at least not "see" it as spending the money. If you have to pull out your wallet each time you will soon get the idea that you're laying down some serious money. It is the same idea behind no clocks or windows in casinos. They don't want you knowing how long you have been emptying your bank account, and Disney doesn't want you to know how much you have been tossing away in the parks all day.
This is where Disney fails to understand anything regarding guest spending... So a family budgets $1000 to spend at WDW and puts the money on the band... Do you actually think the guests will love using the band to pay so much that now magically they spent $2000? No.. They will still only spend that budgeted money... Money they were going to more than likely spend anyway...


Well-Known Member
This is where Disney fails to understand anything regarding guest spending... So a family budgets $1000 to spend at WDW and puts the money on the band... Do you actually think the guests will love using the band to pay so much that now magically they spent $2000? No.. They will still only spend that budgeted money... Money they were going to more than likely spend anyway...

Didn't say that I didn't agree with that. I was just explaining the thought process. However stupid it may be it has a small basis in truth, but it would never pull in the numbers that people say Disney expected to see from this.


Well-Known Member
But the Key to the World card is a card, so it feels like using your Visa or American Express.
Magic Bands don't, and that's the whole point. You don't even have to reach into your pocket to pull it out.
The goal here isn't simply to allow guests to charge things to their room, but to make the kinetics of spending money as different as possible from what is familiar.
This is exactly the "buying strippers drinks" model. You buy a stripper 3 sodas then get a bill presented to you by a 6'8'' Croatian for €450.

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
What makes the Miceage update so hilarious is that because of the rumor of Star Wars Land being impacted..this news article is being reported on star wars fan sites, on video game websites, on IGN, etc. so now EVERYONE on the internet is gonna know that Disney blew over 2 billion dollars on the my magic plus and there is nothing to show for it but headaches and a huge mess. I hope for their sake this news doesn't get back to the board of directors otherwise there is gonna be a slaughter in Burbank.


Well-Known Member
This is where Disney fails to understand anything regarding guest spending... So a family budgets $1000 to spend at WDW and puts the money on the band... Do you actually think the guests will love using the band to pay so much that now magically they spent $2000? No.. They will still only spend that budgeted money... Money they were going to more than likely spend anyway...

That's assuming families create a preset budget before a vacation and then rigidly adhere to it.
Many don't.
It also assumes that families who do create a preset budget before their vacation always reach the upper limits of that amount.
Again, many don't.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Didn't say that I didn't agree with that. I was just explaining the thought process. However stupid it may be it has a small basis in truth, but it would never pull in the numbers that people say Disney expected to see from this.
I didn't mean you personally... Agree too, this won't do the numbers Disney thinks...


Well-Known Member
This is exactly the "buying strippers drinks" model. You buy a stripper 3 sodas then get a bill presented to you by a 6'8'' Croatian for €450.

Well it's not like Disney is hiding the prices and refusing to give you receipts.
I imagine they looked for a way to do away with having MagicBand users use a keypad to enter a PIN number too but couldn't find a way to do this and maintain some semblance of legal card security.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
That's assuming families create a preset budget before a vacation and then rigidly adhere to it.
Many don't.
It also assumes that families who do create a preset budget before their vacation always reach the upper limits of that amount.
Again, many don't.
What world do you live in where people don't create a budget for a vacation? They most certainly do.. You sure you aren't a Disney exec cause you sure are thinking poorly like one...

And wait, so people who do create budgets don't spend the money they budget but many don't create budgets, so therefore MM+ will be a success? I don't follow your poor logic... Again, if people budget $1000 to spend in WDW, that is all they will spend no matter how "fun" using a band is to pay for something... They won't magically spend $2000 like Disney thinks they will... It is flawed logic...

You are trying way too hard to defend Disney on this...

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
That can also be a bad things, it takes a lot of money to keep that monster fed. People always point out the huge attendance lead Disney has over other parks in the area, but how much attendance/revenue can WDW afford to lose before they start running into trouble.
"feed me seymour"
or more like "feed me iger"


Well-Known Member
What world do you live in where people don't create a budget for a vacation? They most certainly do.. .

Not everyone creates a rigid budget for their vacation and sticks to it.
I didn't say that no one does, I said not everyone. We never have. We'd ballpark what we expected to spend on a trip but certainly left a lot of wiggle room for things we might want to buy or experiences we weren't sure we wanted to check out until we were there in person. Plus, a lot of people spend money on vacation that isn't necessarily "vacation" money, ie. Christmas shopping or purchases for interesting things that they might have been planning on making back home. When it comes to vacation merchandise, most people don't know whether they'll want to buy anything at all until they can see and handle it.

You sure you aren't a Disney exec cause you sure are thinking poorly like one...
Scout's honor I'm not.

And wait, so people who do create budgets don't spend the money they budget but many don't create budgets, so therefore MM+ will be a success? I don't follow your poor logic... Again, if people budget $1000 to spend in WDW, that is all they will spend no matter how "fun" using a band is to pay for something... They won't magically spend $2000 like Disney thinks they will... It is flawed logic...

You are trying way too hard to defend Disney on this...

If you're referring to the second bit of what I said, consider your theoretical family with $1000 to spend. Let us suppose that this $1000 is budgeted for a family's day at the Magic Kingdom as part of a larger vacation, so out that $1000 will come things like transportation, hotel stay, tickets, food, etc. If the family has budgeted everything we'll assume that a portion of it, let's say $100, is left over for souvenirs. Now, is this family, as a certainty going to spend that $100? Of course not. Guests typically do not buy merchandise because they have planned to, they buy things because they see something they or someone they know will like (and assuming that they are sticking to a budget, is within said budget). If they don't see anything they like, they're going to pocket the money and come home under budget.

What I'm saying is, no one comes out of the Magic Kingdom and says, "Oh crap! I budgeted $200 for souvenirs for my family this trip and haven't spent it yet!" and runs over to the film store at the exit and buys 130 Disney World pencils.

In the grand scheme of a vacation, souvenirs are discretionary purchases, and if Disney wants to maximize guest spending there it needs to do everything possible to entice this and making the purchases seem as little like, well, purchases, is a very clever way to do this. The fact that holding up the band and scanning it is such a painless-seeming process might just be the factor that pushes John Q. Vacationer over the line to buy that $35 Mickey sweatshirt, and in the aggregate this is a very lucrative thing for Disney to do.

For those with less self control over their spending, or at least take a more lax approach to vacation budgeting, it's going to be an even more powerful tool for Disney.


Well-Known Member
What world do you live in where people don't create a budget for a vacation? They most certainly do.. You sure you aren't a Disney exec cause you sure are thinking poorly like one...

And wait, so people who do create budgets don't spend the money they budget but many don't create budgets, so therefore MM+ will be a success? I don't follow your poor logic... Again, if people budget $1000 to spend in WDW, that is all they will spend no matter how "fun" using a band is to pay for something... They won't magically spend $2000 like Disney thinks they will... It is flawed logic...

You are trying way too hard to defend Disney on this...
There are plenty of studies out there that show how people will over spend when the notion of money is removed from the equation. And yes, they very much will go over budget. It's why one of the first pieces of advice for reigning in credit card spending is to switch to paying with cash as much as possible.

Disney is also trying to combat people who may budget $1000 for spending but are only spending anything less than that budgeted amount.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Jim hill mentioned one of the ways they will make money is proper staffing and not over staffing because they will know where people are

not sayin he s right just mentioning it...have no idea

how so? they require tons of more staff now to attend the complains, fixings, explanations..etc..
In order for people to actually overspend with MM+ you have to have a working product ... which it currently is not. Based on our observations, speaking with people throught the parks and coupled with CM's input the system is a long way away from working flawlessly, in fact, most CM's we spoke with including those at Guest Relations didn't like them.

A lot of people we saw had abandoned the band and were pulling out their own plastic, room cards or simply good old fashioned cash. Most people we talked to were concerned about overspending with the 'ease of the band' and as a result were being more concious of what they were actually buying.

I know in our case this was the truth ... We typically spend on a 8 day trip anywhere from $1000 to $1500 on souviners, adult beverages and signature dining, separate from our Dining Plan or AP ... this trip our total was well under $1000, much to my surprise.

The thing is hardly working.

Staleness leads to disregard. I saw it at a theme park close to where I live. They let the place go down, with regard to upkeep and new ride development, and attendance waned. The chain was sold to another group and the new management started building some really nice rides. Suddenly, attendance started booming. This is what WDW will face, at least with regard to staleness (doubt that they would ever sell). UNI is building new experiences on proven franchises and reaping serious benefits. WDW will suffer poaching. Disney saw that happen in the DCA rebirth and subsequent increases in admission.

You want ROI? Build new rides, keep the parks fresh. To quote the movie that just went off, "If you build it, they will come".

My only concern is that they have paid out $2.0 Billion (if that number is even close) and they aren't going to shelve all that work. They'll keep aspects going so that they can later point to it as a successful venture to shareholders.

I hope Iger doesnt read this wrong and ends hirong Ray Liotta, James earl Jones and Kevin Costner to make commercials for disney.

I fail to understand how an RFID band would cause me to spend additional $400 - $600 during a trip.

it will probably inject drugs in your body stream while sending sound waves right into your brain telling you to "Buy it, you know you want to!" over and over with a bill cosby voice.


Well-Known Member
Jim hill mentioned one of the ways they will make money is proper staffing and not over staffing because they will know where people are

not sayin he s right just mentioning it...have no idea

how so? they require tons of more staff now to attend the complains, fixings, explanations..etc..

I'm sure that wasn't the plan.
If and when the technology is working, Disney will have the ability to create a fairly accurate map, in real time, of where guests are and know, to a lesser degree of accuracy, where they are going. This gives them the ability to dynamically meet guest needs by staffing certain parks, or certain of areas of parks in the most efficient way possible.

Also, and again assuming everything works smoothly in the future, a lot of guest relations tasks like taking restaurant reservations or booking hotel rooms will either be fully automated or else easier and faster through integrated systems. As I read it, a lot of that "billion dollar pricetag" for NextGen was for behind the scenes infrastructure upgrades to systems not obviously associated with MyMagicPlus or the Bands. Supposedly a lot of the computer systems Disney was using for this sort of thing were terribly outdated and rather labor-intensive.

Whether any of this will eventually work as intended is up for debate.


Active Member
Except there aren't any Disney children left to "Save Disney"!

We might have to get Eisner and Stanley Gold to lead the charge this go around.

Behind all of your backs, I have read a lot about the 40 passengers who died taking back the hijacked Flight 93 (my sore heart goes to all :( *sigh*). Such a well known warfare scenario reminded me that in times of trouble, it's up to us, those only littler than citizens, to do something about it before things get terribly worse. They say it would serve well to do something and get hurt rather than do nothing and have the situation escalate to shocking proportions.

I wonder if anyone even has a voice to do something about it, I pray.


Well-Known Member
But this requires entering the MK. The way I see it, if a person sets foot in the parks (even with free admission), he forfeits any ability to judge the people who paid to be there. The fact that he knows the right people shouldn't give him an exemption to enjoy the parks while expecting the less well-connected to make a "statement" with their dollars (i.e., stay out). The only way you can have clean hands on this is to stay out.

(I hope you don't take this as a personal attack, because for all I know you may have never written a word of criticism about another Disney guest. I just thought your post was a good opportunity to illustrate a general principle.)
I understand, but as a lifelong Disney fan turned critic, I felt that to be able to rightfully critique The New Fantasyland, I actually had to experience it. I'm just not willing to pay for it. So when given the oppertunity to be comped in during cast previews, I took it.
And I should add that I'm not not going to WDW as a protest or send a message, I'm not going because I simply don't think it's worth it. As a local, I had been a lot and with the sky rocketing cost combined with the lack of compelling new attractions I just think my entertainment dollars are better spent else where. Particularly a place that is offering up an updated, cleaner, and more vibrant product.
I do have to admit that I find it odd that so many people keep throwing so much money, and defending to an illogical level, an obviously deteriorating product. Especially in light of the fact that 6 miles away, there is a superior product being offered.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't aware that you have access to Disney's merchandise sales figures.
Please share this information with us, if you can, as it would add to our discussion.

Wow ... take a deep breath ... Please show me where I claimed to have access to sales figures, if you read my previous post, my comment was based on speaking with other guests during our stay.

But please, continue to defend this mediocre attempt at deflecting the real issue which is at its core a lack of new attractions and marginal maintenance ... it's entertaining.
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Well-Known Member
But the Key to the World card is a card, so it feels like using your Visa or American Express.
Magic Bands don't, and that's the whole point. You don't even have to reach into your pocket to pull it out.
The goal here isn't simply to allow guests to charge things to their room, but to make the kinetics of spending money as different as possible from what is familiar.

Have you actually used one? Here is how it works, they give you your total, ask you to scan you band, the mickey turns green (after about 2 or 3 tries, if its in the perfect spot), they ask you to enter your pin number, then they ask you to verify the total, and if you would like to charge it to your room? Its no more magical than getting money out of your account at an ATM?!? Disney didn't reinvent the wheel, they took Mobil's speedpass and added room access and fastpass+ to it.
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Well-Known Member
What makes the Miceage update so hilarious is that because of the rumor of Star Wars Land being impacted..this news article is being reported on star wars fan sites, on video game websites, on IGN, etc. so now EVERYONE on the internet is gonna know that Disney blew over 2 billion dollars on the my magic plus and there is nothing to show for it but headaches and a huge mess. I hope for their sake this news doesn't get back to the board of directors otherwise there is gonna be a slaughter in Burbank.

If "everyone" online got their Disney news (which we really can't even call "news") from miceage....well....just saying


Well-Known Member
I fail to understand how an RFID band would cause me to spend additional $400 - $600 during a trip.

Well for starters I know several families who have booked Disney trips to go back just because they want to check this magic band stuff out. I don't think anyone will spend that much more or even a little more (who knows) but hopefully this will keep some from spending time standing in line at toy story mania for a fast pass or lining up an hour or more before parades etc down the road which gives them more time elsewhere

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