Mansion Butler
Active Member
I remember loving MGM when I was a kid. The movie sets. Attractions that actually took you 'behind the scenes' and made you feel like you were in the middle of a film production. I have vague memories of being strapped to a giant bee in front of a blue screen and being edited into a scene from Honey I Shrunk the Kids. Now the park is such a mix mash of random stuff that I don't think it has a real personality of its own anymore. When I was there last September, we left after spending 4 hours wandering around wondering 'what is there to do while we wait for Fantasmic other than RnRollercoaster, TOT and star tours'? Sounds Dangerous? No thank you. Narnia? I want those 10 minutes of my life back. Indiana Jones? Oh wait, just missed this show, maybe the next one. Back lot tour? I can't believe they even dare to call it that anymore. If I had my way the park would be split into 3 'lands'. The right side of the park would be 'Hollywood Land'. That would work well with RnRollercoaster and TOT. The back of the park would be 'Pixar Land' (and looks to be happening). And the left side of the park would be 'Lusasfilm/Henson land'. Whatever they do, it's going to have to be a lot. More than just adding Toy Story mania. The whole park needs a new identity, and a ton of work to make it a 'must visit' again.
It really has fallen hard and fast. Once upon a time it was such an amazing park. It still has amazing, immersive little details, but it has no cohesion. One thing has seemingly nothing to do with the other. The entry way has lost it's once stellar recreation, alot of the attractions are getting old and stale, and the attraction of an actual studio area no longer exists since, you know, the studio no longer exists. Losing Roger Rabbit has also hurt them alot, and they have so much unused space. What space they do use is usually the home of some cheap, second-rate filler.
When I go to MGM now, I mostly spend time looking at things as they once were. It still has great restaurants, some wonderfully themed rides and some immersive details, but those things go away so quickly and you're just left with a park wondering "where'd they go wrong."
'Course, with MGM, you know just how they went wrong.