MGM Studios Hat


however, you are an adult and understand that the magic is constructed. Kids don't understand that, and think all of the magic is real. If you go to Epcot in October and see the Wandless SSE, you'll know that it was simply removed in favor of a more aesthetic look. A child might wonder what happened to Mickey.

I'll give you that...though I will note that I'm not exactly an old man, and it was not all that long ago that I was at that special age--and I still wasn't feeling the "magic" when I first saw that thing hovering next to SSE, and later when I saw that hat blocking my view of the Chinese Theater. It wasn't so much that I had grown out of thinking they were magic (because I was still relatively young, at least circa Wand, and did find them kind of cool). It was the fact that I'd associated the original icons with so many special times and special people--some of them gone now--back in all the WDW visits of my earlier childhood. After a while it becomes less about the structure itself (whether or not you had any conception that it was constructed as a marketing ploy) and more about the way you remember it. In another time, another place--another existence where I had never experienced the original parks--I'd have those same feelings about the wand and the hat, even if I was old enough to always know they were no more than fancy gimmicks. That's why I totally understand the feelings of everyone, of every age, who are only familiar with the changed icons and would be sad to see them go. I just fail to see how their memories take precedence over mine :animwink: (or vice versa, to be fair).

And to all those kids who do think the hat really is magic--on the one hand I'm not surprised, because it's a stunning structure (though I'd rather I had my Theater back, I do love to look at the hat). On the other hand, I've got to wonder how much of the magic lasts when they find it full of lanyards and little pieces of metal that their parents have to buy--and Mickey himself nowhere to be found. :lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'll give you that...though I will note that I'm not exactly an old man, and it was not all that long ago that I was at that special age--and I still wasn't feeling the "magic" when I first saw that thing hovering next to SSE, and later when I saw that hat blocking my view of the Chinese Theater. It wasn't so much that I had grown out of thinking they were magic (because I was still relatively young, at least circa Wand, and did find them kind of cool). It was the fact that I'd associated the original icons with so many special times and special people--some of them gone now--back in all the WDW visits of my earlier childhood. After a while it becomes less about the structure itself (whether or not you had any conception that it was constructed as a marketing ploy) and more about the way you remember it. In another time, another place--another existence where I had never experienced the original parks--I'd have those same feelings about the wand and the hat, even if I was old enough to always know they were no more than fancy gimmicks. That's why I totally understand the feelings of everyone, of every age, who are only familiar with the changed icons and would be sad to see them go. I just fail to see how their memories take precedence over mine :animwink: (or vice versa, to be fair).

And to all those kids who do think the hat really is magic--on the one hand I'm not surprised, because it's a stunning structure (though I'd rather I had my Theater back, I do love to look at the hat). On the other hand, I've got to wonder how much of the magic lasts when they find it full of lanyards and little pieces of metal that their parents have to buy--and Mickey himself nowhere to be found. :lookaroun :lol:
it's true...the fact that the Hat is not the home of a Mickey meet-and-greet is sacrilege. Personally, I think it should've been built over a Mickey Mouse attraction--like PhilharMagic, maybe, but actually featuring the mouse for more than 15 seconds. I certainly would not mind a revamped, 3D replacement for The Great Movie Ride similar to Spider-Man where Mickey takes us on a journey through the greatest films of all would be incredible if they could get the rights to remake all of those films in Disney Digital 3D...a guy can dream.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
I certainly would not mind a revamped, 3D replacement for The Great Movie Ride similar to Spider-Man where Mickey takes us on a journey through the greatest films of all would be incredible if they could get the rights to remake all of those films in Disney Digital 3D...a guy can dream.

Oh geez. You should be an imagineer. Just for a while.


New Member
Like I said before, I can understand how you hate the wand, but the hat is a completely different story. The hat is the SYMBOL of Disney-MGM Studios, the wand was just a tacky addition to EPCOT's own symbol.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
But good taste, scale and theming should be?

But good taste and theming as determined by whom? Judging by the tone of most of your posts that seems a position you have appointed yourself to.

IMHO the theatre looks like what it is a fake chinese building, with no real Disney connection, the hat is tied to Fantasmic, and its big bold and sparkly and is a popular photo back drop, a bit like the MGM archway.
I dont recall the theatre being a popular holiday snap background in the same way.


Well-Known Member
The day the Studios becames more than just an after thought to Disney Management is the day I say it is worthy of a better Icon. As for now, the one they have is a cheap marking gimmick that was hurried into production without a whole lot of thought and sadly it is the perfect fit for the spirit of Disney MGM Studios.
To continue the mutual love fest, you make quite a good point. The rumours lately are pointing to Disney realising that the park is rudderless and trying to re-focus it, so let's hope that's true. As it is, the park is the most disorganized of any of Disney's theme parks even though it has great potential. Hell, the entry area was one of the best examples of Disney theming before the hat was thrown in.

I never get this 'it makes the park more magical and Disney' arguments for the wand and hat. Are the All Star and Pop Century resorts more magical and Disney than the Wilderness Lodge or Polynesian because of all the random giant Disney icons thrown around the place? If the key to Disney theme park magic is bright and gaudy giant icons then they only realised that fairly recently.

I like the hat. My kids are growning up with it. It's staying!

Ok, you've convinced me. The hat and the war in Iraq must keep going forever!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I never get this 'it makes the park more magical and Disney' arguments for the wand and hat. Are the All Star and Pop Century resorts more magical and Disney than the Wilderness Lodge or Polynesian because of all the random giant Disney icons thrown around the place? If the key to Disney theme park magic is bright and gaudy giant icons then they only realised that fairly recently.

Well said. There's more ways to make a park magical without shoving around big Disney icons.


Well-Known Member
Excellent analogy. The AllStars and Pop show that you can take something cheap and make it more fun with these while STILL KEEPING IT CHEAP. To be top quality, and command top dollar, it requires much more thought, execution, design, and $$$. Otherwise, ASMu would be the "signature" resort of WDW, not the Grand Floridian.

I think these work very well for some of the Marketplace areas, billboards around property, signage. But, for the signature element of the park, it takes something more.

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