Merf chooses to Go! (M:S Green)


Well-Known Member
Hey there all!!! I just got back from Disney and made it a point to experience both orange and green sides of this attraction. I was worried that riding thr green side would be as boring as watching grass grow. I am happy to report I was wrong!!!! It was a cool experience and actually much closer to the original orange experience than I thought it would be!!!! When I was there two bays were allocated for the less intense version. I think Disney has finally reached a happy medium for this ride and is able to give the people a choice!!! Great job all!!!!!!!! Belle


i liked M:S when it opened, but to be honest, i hated the "lite" version so badly i left M:S in tears because of this butchering of a thrill ride, thankfully i had another fastpass (to try the original version) which cheered me up


New Member
Sledge said:
Since this has become a pride thing I made some special ones.


(I will NOT be using this one, but just thought I'd be nice.)






wow these are way cool,not sure if i should use the brit flag one,i like the avatar iv got but this one has the union jack on it...hhhhmmmmmmm.

just one quick question,how did you make these, i wanna do some of my own.


Account Suspended
bassman said:
wow these are way cool,not sure if i should use the brit flag one,i like the avatar iv got but this one has the union jack on it...hhhhmmmmmmm.

just one quick question,how did you make these, i wanna do some of my own.


Well-Known Member
If you are still on the fence...its time to get off

I just got back from an extended Memorial weekend visit to WDW, and I am happy to report that the green version of M:S is awesome. I'm a lover of the full force original M:S ride. In past visits, I've ridden it several times in a row and only once did I get a little queasy from the ride. :hurl: (might have had something to do with me turning my head to see my fellow crew-mates mid-flight)

Anyway I did both and I was surprised by how the exagerated pitching and rolling on the green flight delivered some great realism. I had my doubts as to how this would come together, but I think Disney Imagineering did a great job with this hybrid version of the ride and I think the attendance for the ride will continue to improve as the news spreads.

BTW... queue times for saturday afternoon at MS were as follows: Orange: 45 min; Green: 15 min. And there was healthy line up to get the Orange and Green tickets at the front.


Well-Known Member
i liked M:S when it opened, but to be honest, i hated the "lite" version so badly i left M:S in tears because of this butchering of a thrill ride, thankfully i had another fastpass (to try the original version) which cheered me up

You might want to talk to a dr about that. I'm fairly sure there's some medication that can help you if you actually left the ride in tears.


New Member
Very cool!!

I might actually ride MS in October now.

My husband and I were a little nervous to ride it, because spending the afternoon praying to the porcelain gods isn't our idea of a vacation...:hurl:

Are they still saying if you have back, neck, or heart problems that you shouldn't ride the tame version, or is just about everyone clear for lift off?

Pete C

Active Member
Burgstressera said:
Are they still saying if you have back, neck, or heart problems that you shouldn't ride the tame version, or is just about everyone clear for lift off?

Go to page 4 of this thread...there are pictures of the Green and Orange tickets, which have the precautions on them. The Green ticket does not have the back, neck, or heart warnings on it.


New Member
I did notice that the tickets only gave a warning for expecting mothers. But someone did mention that prior to boarding there was a warning for the small dark spaces, which is not listed on the I wasn't sure whether or not they mentioned additional warnings that were not on the ticket.


New Member
Burgstressera said:
spending the afternoon praying to the porcelain gods isn't our idea of a vacation...:hurl:

:lol: i love this metaphore (if thats what its called :lookaroun)
i will be using it nearly all week now,its my word of the week.
thanks i needed a laugh.


New Member
Burgstressera said:
I did notice that the tickets only gave a warning for expecting mothers. But someone did mention that prior to boarding there was a warning for the small dark spaces, which is not listed on the I wasn't sure whether or not they mentioned additional warnings that were not on the ticket.

Having ridden the Green version (and enjoying it as much as I do the Orange), I can say that I have trouble seeing anyone not being able to physically handle the Green version.

The only real intense part about the original is the sustained G's, and seeing as though those are absent in the Green version, just about anyone should be go for launch.

I see the M:S Green version as a more thrilling version of Soarin'. [While the adventure itself is a bit more thrilling, the interactive elements add a bit more excitement, and the motion of the vehicle is significantly more than that of Soarin, I still compare it to Soarin' for the fact that (like Soarin') the movements of the capsule are extremely smooth and fluid (this is not a "Star Tours" or "Body Wars") and in the fact that it is a very realistic and entertaining simulation that the whole family can enjoy together---not just the strong-stomach thrill-seekers.]



Active Member
Just chiming in as someone who could not ride the orange version because of spinning/simulator motion sickness (strangely enough I can ride Soarin, ToT, RnRC, and Test Track, but not Star Tours, Teacups, or Body Wars). I did the green version twice last Saturday and was really very happy with the experience. Until that day I avoided Mission Space altogether and was sadly convinced I'd never get to experience it. I'm glad Disney did this to allow those of us that can't spin to experience what I now think is a truly excellent attraction. I likely won't ever do orange, but I'll do green often.

I'd urge anyone who can not or will not do the orange version to give the green a try. It was all the "simulated space flight" I'd ever need.

Good move on this one, WDW.


New Member
It's late and I just got back from an amazing 2 week trip (and am feeling pretty sad about it) but I just wanted to say that I finally got to ride M:S having avoided it completely in the past for fear of motion sickness. I liked the green version so much that I rode it several times. Yay to Disney for opening this attraction up to people like me who can't ride the intense version.


New Member
figment1988 said:
i liked M:S when it opened, but to be honest, i hated the "lite" version so badly i left M:S in tears because of this butchering of a thrill ride, thankfully i had another fastpass (to try the original version) which cheered me up

You have to be joking. Cut up your WDW tickets and vacation somewhere else for at least ten years. And maybe get some therapy... you really cried? That is sad... but not for the reasons you might think.


New Member
Well, 3 days ago I chose Green. While it is the "light" version..I still felt abit dizzy (not abnormal for me anyway:lol: ). Seriously, I liked it okay and I've ridden the original. I have to say that I won't ride either anymore..I realized that being closed in the ride vehicle makes me sick and I felt like I couldnt breathe.

I think MS is a great ride for those who can ride!


New Member
Disney attempting to balance things I believe is the best way to go. Having it appeal to more is in the best interest to many (including EPCOT and HP).
Maybe my DW will give it a shot now. = my 2cents



New Member
i love M:S i love the orange one...its the best...i´ve never tried the green one..cuz i love the experiense of the orange..i looove M:S:sohappy:

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