Here are some promised USH thoughts before I take off to China.
Really enjoyed our day, quite charming park when compared to its larger younger sibling in Orlando. I think
@raven24 is right, the crowds are starting to show up in force. Forbidden Journey hovered around 80 minutes for the centre of the day. Either you need early access or need to stay around later into the evening. Visiting it mid-day would not be ideal.
There is noticeable park-space capacity issues. I say things were busy, but while most rides had 30-45ish minutes waits mid-day (frankly that's not that out of the normal day for Disneyland), it was the pathways that felt the most taxed. The upper lot was an exercise in swimming around crowds as there really isn't a whole lot of actual space in that area of the park and that's basically where all the food is. Other than Potter we didn't wait longer than 15 minutes for anything. However, that was mostly showing up early and knocking everything out quickly.
I also agree, it seems to be much more of a tourist park. Lots more tour groups then I normally see at Disneyland (feels more like what you'd expect at WDW).
The tram tour is great, but probably wouldn't be something I'd want to do over and over. Not that it's not repeatable and varied, but I think it would lose some of the magic if it was my tenth time on it in a number of years.
I enjoyed Potter, but was a little disappointed that so little differs from Florida. The extra Dementors were quite cool though. No real complaints one way or another with the 3D. Hogsmead felt packed late afternoon.
Simpsons was cool, but I don't know if I'd say the area was superior to Orlando. It shrinks in acreage but makes up for it with a second level. As a result it felt a little less expansive even if there was several unique/superior elements.
Maybe I've been lucky, but boy did the traffic suck compared to Anaheim. I guess I usually don't drive in and out for the day though and tend to stay for a few.
Overall, something I would certainly recommend for the Tram tour. I don't see myself needing to go back to the park for another 10 years though. I think there was a reason it was my last Disney and Universal park worldwide to get to. It doesn't really offer anything unique (besides the Tram) and suffers from having few but seemingly many similar attractions. For people who haven't done Potter on the East coast I think it makes sense to check out too if you are in Cali (basically the group I was with). Not shockingly though it's fourth on the DLR/USO/WDW ranking, but that's ok, it's not a resort.
If I had friends though who weren't really, really into Potter and theme parks, I wouldn't recommend it over other things in Cali. Of course I'm into Potter and theme parks - so I still had a blast!