"Mean" Cast Members


New Member
mousermerf said:
3. Idiots. Some people try to climb Everest sans sherpa - Darwin usually weeds them out after a few trips.
So where exactly does that place the sherpas on the list?

Somehow THEY learned to climb Everest without dropping dead in droves...or did they?

I think this bullet needs to be rephrased without the crutch of a generic stereotyped third party (sherpa) that had at one point to be a member of the first party (idiot) in order to gain the knowledge or lifelong acclimation in order to become part of that third party crutch!


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:

1. A-holes. These people break the rules and suck.

2. Psuedo A-holes. These people think they know the rules, try to bend them to fit their desires, and generally suck too.

3. Idiots. Some people try to climb Everest sans sherpa - Darwin usually weeds them out after a few trips.

4. Poor Unfortunate Souls. Often led by the Idiots, they usually learn from their mistakes though - typically harmless but sometimes in understandable bad moods.

5. Drag Alongs. Just here without a care for Disney either way. Typically pleasent.

6. Normal People. Friendly, sometimes unaware, but can read a park map and atleast TRY to make ressies and prepare.

7. Nice People. Sometimes brings prezzies! Knows no CM wants to talk about M.E. or the stock price and dares not say "Wow, it sure is hot."

8. Diehards. Loony, but typically nice. Amusing.

9. Psychos. Think they know everything, use abbreviations instead of words, and annoy to no end.

10. DL Annual Passholders. Pure evil. Avoid conversation, smile and pray they're not wearing a birthday button.

Good list, very accurate, though I think you could find a few more categories by delineating by the sense of entitlement the guests feel. A very important person to the Magic Kingdom once told me, "There are two types of guests. The first type is the one who enters into the Magic Kingdom and says, 'ok, I've paid my money, now, entertain me.' The second type is the one who enters into the park and has that sense of wonder about them, those are the magic ones."


Account Suspended
In our case - Everest got taller with time, and they took down the scaffolding ;)

Sherpas grew with the resort. Sherpas tend to be in the die-hard cetegory, more on the knowledgeable less on the loony side.


Account Suspended
It's less of a "scale" (like the Kinsey) and more like a Color Wheel.

A DLAP is technically an A-hole Diehard. If A-hole is red, Diehard is Green, then DLAP is brown.

"Eww.. your aura's brown!"


Account Suspended
mousermerf said:

1. A-holes. These people break the rules and suck.

2. Psuedo A-holes. These people think they know the rules, try to bend them to fit their desires, and generally suck too.

3. Idiots. Some people try to climb Everest sans sherpa - Darwin usually weeds them out after a few trips.

4. Poor Unfortunate Souls. Often led by the Idiots, they usually learn from their mistakes though - typically harmless but sometimes in understandable bad moods.

5. Drag Alongs. Just here without a care for Disney either way. Typically pleasent.

6. Normal People. Friendly, sometimes unaware, but can read a park map and atleast TRY to make ressies and prepare.

7. Nice People. Sometimes brings prezzies! Knows no CM wants to talk about M.E. or the stock price and dares not say "Wow, it sure is hot."

8. Diehards. Loony, but typically nice. Amusing.

9. Psychos. Think they know everything, use abbreviations instead of words, and annoy to no end.

10. DL Annual Passholders. Pure evil. Avoid conversation, smile and pray they're not wearing a birthday button.

I love this!! It's a shame I have to sign off now, but when I log back on I'll make my list of the different types of CMs. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Hey, I thought you were one of the cool ones until that post! :animwink:

Seriously, that's not how I interpreted it, and I still am not sure that's how Robynchic meant it (although if it supports making me look clueless, then I have no doubt we'll be seeing a response from her saying something to the effect of, "Um yeah, that's how I meant it!") :rolleyes:

To be fair, math was never my best subject in school. But when someone says, "for every 1 bad one, there are 2 good ones", I'm pretty sure that works out to be 1 out of 3.
actually the quote was
robynchic said:
I could give many examples of people that have ruined my day- and I could give two examples of people that have made my day for every one that's ruined it.
So what she's saying is, for every 1 guest that has ruined her day, she could give 2 examples of guests that have made her day. Unless there's another post that I'm missing, I agree with dflye on this. I don't think she would say that every single guest has either made her day, or ruined her day. That's expecting a lot out of the guests if every single one has to make or ruin your day. Just like how there are CMs that are outstanding, rude CMs, and then most of them just do their jobs and are pleasant. The ones most people remember are either the outstanding, or the rude ones. Maybe you, Merlin, should stop putting words into other people's mouths.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
As a prize winning bad arsed die hard phsyco AP holder whos dollars fund your CM job, so shut your moaning, make sure the attrcations open the cokes chilled and my fries crisp.

It could be worse you could be stuck in middle England for 50 weeks of the year with the grey sky 20ft above your head and me to contend with every day. :drevil:


Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
As a prize winning bad arsed die hard phsyco AP holder whos dollars fund your CM job, so shut your moaning, make sure the attrcations open the cokes chilled and my fries crisp.

It could be worse you could be stuck in middle England for 50 weeks of the year with the grey sky 20ft above your head and me to contend with every day. :drevil:

You've moved to England? :eek:

I thought you were safely contained in Scotland? :lookaroun :lol:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
ogryn said:
You've moved to England? :eek:

I thought you were safely contained in Scotland? :lookaroun :lol:

Not since Jan 81 when I decided to serve Betty Windsor, have spent longer out of Scotland than I lived there.

Ahghhhhhhh just realised Ill soon have lived in England as long as i did in Scotch land :wave:


New Member
Merlin said:
In fact, you stated earlier in this thread (and I'm paraphrasing here, but if there's a dispute I'll be happy to direct you to the post where you made this comment) that it's one-third of the guests who are the bad ones. I believe the way you stated it was something to the effect of, "For every 1 bad guest, there are 2 good ones."

No, I did not say that. Go look again. I said that for every one bad guest story I have, I have 2 good guest stories.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
ClemsonTigger said:
easy MKT, it's still morning... :animwink:

*drinks Orange Juice*

*goes to kitchen counter*

mmmm... Scotch.


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
LOL Feel free to repost this as needed in this thread :lol: :lookaroun


*whispers to the rest of the group*

I think she's trying to tell us something....





New Member
MouseMadness said:
LOL Feel free to repost this as needed in this thread :lol: :lookaroun


ROTFLMAO!! I think our point is that we're trying to get Merlin to see things from our (the CM's) perspective, and while he says he is, he's not doing it accurately.

While we may be telling horror stories, you have to consider how much guest interaction we have daily. I would say that I see around 1,000-4500 guests any day. When I think of horrible guest stories, I can only think of about...15 TRULY bad ones off the top of my head. Make it an average of 2750 guests...let's round it to 3000 for the peak times...and I've worked about 7 months, so including days off...that's about...540,000 guests I've seen (give or take) since I've been statused with the company. 15 bad guests, in a total of about 540,000?

Reality check: what we're saying isn't embellishment, but you have to consider that you're likely one of the greater portion of the 540,000 I've seen.

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