Nice photo there Mike, with the train. Lookin' good!
I'm a big 'Thunder Mountain' fan so photography like this is something i can appreciate.
Last visit i shot a lot of photos of just this area.
While i tend to try to avoid 'comparing' the Parks and Attractions with each other between the two coasts, i cannot help but add some comments on something you mentioned.
I have to somewhat disagree with you regarding WDWs 'Big Thunder Mountain'.
Even if it eventually recieves the recent upgrades in the final lift tunnel that Disneyland's version now has, i would not consider it the more superior of the two.
I would still give DLR's 'original' the upper hand for overall experience.
Most certainly.
Why you may ask?
The queue.
Absolutely stunning and a lot more entertaining then WDWs....regardless of the East Coasts' 'interactive' elements that were added a couple of years ago.
I know it comes down to personal taste, but i feel like i am in the middle of the action when waiting in line at BTMR at Disneyland, but very removed from the action up above it all at WDW.
The difference was something i noticed and i liked the dynamics better in California.
The layout of the queue there i really like a lot.
Adds a lot to the experience and gives you a lot of eye candy to enjoy while waiting.
WDW's queue you are kind of removed from the action and feel like a herd of cattle waiting in a 'barn' while you look out from above towards the distance at what is happening away from you.
At Disneyland all the action is around you ..completely surrounding you...which creates a great dynamic atmosphere.
You are already right in the middle of the action even before getting to the loading platform.
I LOVE that aspect of the design !
I'm a big fan of both versions of this Attraction on both coasts, but i personally give DLR's the top spot of the two.
Now...i just need to get over to Disneyland Paris..and ride THAT version...and ride the truly great version.
One of these days...