Making Memories with Magic Friends


New Member
and ohhhhhhhh my goodness... my insurance company is....

fgsdfhgjsdfgjksdfnsdfnb;fgpergfgn;aergvn;fjgnjfbnadfbnadfbnad (because i don't wanna swear)

honestly how bad do you try and screw people over... seriously what the heck!!!!!!!

Sorry Joe...


New Member
Sorry Joe...


oh my god i'm so mad... soooooooo mad...

it's my health insurance... i'm on the phone right now...

the lady just said something I will write in a little more detail in a sec when i get off the phone... but she then put me on hold before i could talk and I honestly was about to lose it... i mean literally lose it...

if i wasn't at work i woulda yelled before she put me on hold...


Active Member
Hey Jenn! How's SIL doing?

She was fine when I left this morning - I haven't been able to get back over there, but I haven't heard anything negative yet. I plan to get back over there after my PTG meeting tomorrow morning. They originally said she should be able to go home by Thursday. :sohappy:


New Member
She was fine when I left this morning - I haven't been able to get back over there, but I haven't heard anything negative yet. I plan to get back over there after my PTG meeting tomorrow morning. They originally said she should be able to go home by Thursday. :sohappy:
Oh wow! That's rather soon. Well, good. Seems like she's already recovering well.


New Member
so... i'll try to tell you this as short as possible

went on health plan october 1st... went to doctor's november 1st... called health insurance november 2nd to set up my primary care, asked them to date it November 1st to cover visit, said they would... in november i saw him 3 times and an asthma specialist twice... health insurance set date to 12/1... all november visits on me... like $1500 worth of stuff...

fight with them for awhile... they say they'll back date my PCP to november 1st and I have to have my two different doctors resubmit payment... but... they don't set it back... comes back to me... call them again (now it's march) and the EXACT SAME THING HAPPENS... so twice that occurs...

call them again in April... now have a collection agency after me... finally in april it gets taken care of... boom done, thank god... except... yesterday i got a bill from the asthma doctor that the referral for them didn't go through and therefore... i owe them $700

so i call my primary to get them to get a referall... they can't do it cuz it was in november and my PCP is set for december 1st... :hammer: so they can't backdate it, my health insurance has to...

but... isn't this lovely; my PCP tells me that it's now outside the 180 days you have to get a referall and therefore even if they backdated it to November 1st... they won't pay it for me...

so i just spent 30 minutes on the phone with my health insurance... lady finally goes "i just don't know why you'd see a specialist without a PCP... you can't do that... i'll do you a favor though, a ONE TIME EXCEPTION to our rules, please hold" and puts me on hold before i could absolutely lay into her...

i almost LOST it

she tried to make it sound like I was an idiot and I messed up when her stupid people messed up!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Just a quick stop in to tell you my SIL's surgery went well - got to see her before I left and she was awake and talking. Thanks for everyone's good wishes. :kiss:

That's great news!!

:sohappy: We might be going to WDW June 09. :sohappy:Subject to change but I have a month to look forward to.:sohappy:

That's awsome!!

Grrrr....:brick::brick:The last two pages.

I saw that! Thank goodness it was closed.

Send a message to Steve or someone about starting a sub-forum for that topic. That's what a few of us did when we wanted a scrapbook forum. Once Steve saw that there were enough people interested, he started one for us.

That's a great idea!


New Member
Gosh! How frustrating! It's a shame there's so many insurance companies that are like that. And just think if you were a patient with an even more serious need who might be in an even worse financial situation than you. It's just sad...

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