Make your case for it: MK over Disneyland

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Very good feedback everyone and I'm glad we just kept it isolated to Magic Kingdom vs. Disneyland park and not the resorts.

Now, I may get lucky enough and get the chance to go there in September. I have it planned out that the first time we go to Disneyland will be the day AFTER Labour day. By my count, that would be arguably the most isolated day all year. Think about it, everyone is at work, everyone is at their first day of school. Who the heck is going to Disneyland that day? Just a hunch.

But either way I plan on having a 3 day hopper pass. One day at DL, the next at DCA and then I figure the last day will be at DL again.

One question to all you vets out there. I look at Disneyland and marvel at the amount of attractions in there. I can't help but think that it is nearly impossible to do everything in one day there. Two days, then yes I believe it can happen. But just a quick question, can you cover a lot of ground in there for a day? Or is MK better for that type of thing where you can do more of the park in one day?


Well-Known Member
Having not yet been to Disneyland, my opinion doesn't count for much. Our first trip there is next summer. I believe I will love Disneyland Park, as I'm a dark ride freak, and I love coasters. However, going by all the videos and pictures I've seen, I think Magic Kingdom will always be my favorite. The isolation, size and surroundings, to me, make it the most beautiful park in the world.


Well-Known Member
Um, no, you can't pick up the blasters at MK (they're stuck to the ride vehicle) and the entire ride shows lower quality than any other version.

And don't forget the FAR BETTER targeting system. In DL, you can actually visually see when you hit a target.

And no FP!!!!!!!!!! :sohappy:

DL's buzz is head and shoulders above WDW's.


Well-Known Member
Having not yet been to Disneyland, my opinion doesn't count for much. Our first trip there is next summer. I believe I will love Disneyland Park, as I'm a dark ride freak, and I love coasters. However, going by all the videos and pictures I've seen, I think Magic Kingdom will always be my favorite. The isolation, size and surroundings, to me, make it the most beautiful park in the world.

I suggest you mark this point for after your DL trip and we'll see if you still think this. :lol:

Edit to add: Whoops, this is supposed to be a WDW is better thread, right? Mkay. COP. Hitchhiking ghosts.


That's all I got.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
There is no question that if I had to choose DL vs. MK, it'd be DL. But I can make a legitimate case for the MK, which is what you asked us to do. So...

MK's huge plus over DL is size. DL is cramped. It feels cramped. On even moderately busy days, walkways become virtually impassible. Just about every pathway or walkway is twice as wide at MK, or more. No path at MK needs to be made one way during the parade and fireworks, while many have that fate befall them at DL. Inexplicably the powers that run DL made the lack of space even worse by putting the Astro-jets on the ground, instead of above Tomorrowland where they belong.

The castle is larger and actually impressive to look at at MK, not an overgrown dollhouse like at DL. Main Street is longer and wider, with larger restaurants, more merchandise selection, and little touches like the real barbershop that DL doesn't have.

Queues at MK make use of the additonal room to be more themed and immersive, reather than just winding switchbacks. This is best witnessed at Pirates, Pooh, Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain (while DL's indoor part is great, the outdoor part is themed as the roof of the Magic Eye theater).

MK has the Hall of Presidents and Philharmagic, whereas DL can't even fit a a theater of that size and scope anywhere. MK has superior versions of Pooh, Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain (debatable, but I think so), Jungle Cruise, Dumbo (particularly now), Astro-orbitor, Splash Mountain (mainly due to seating arrangement) and the Mickey Mouse meet n' greet.

MK also has a Peoplemover that still operates, rather than a closed sidewalk on stilts running all over Tomorrowland. MK has the carousel of progress, while DL has a crappy version of Innoventions.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I don't get this DL "walkways are too cramped"

I found them intimate but not crushing. Adventureland has a problem but aside from that we never got clogged in early September. Much to my surprise.


Well-Known Member
Queues at MK make use of the additonal room to be more themed and immersive, reather than just winding switchbacks. This is best witnessed at Pirates, Pooh, Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain (while DL's indoor part is great, the outdoor part is themed as the roof of the Magic Eye theater).

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is important. Loading into BTMRR (for example) above ground and under a blazing sun was just strange.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I don't get this DL "walkways are too cramped"

I found them intimate but not crushing. Adventureland has a problem but aside from that we never got clogged in early September. Much to my surprise.

When I've been to Disneyland on low attendance days, the walkway issue is not an issue. And it is, in fact, a benefit then, because things are closer together. But anything above a moderate attendance day and I find Disneyland to be almost too crowded to enjoy. My older son actually prefers DCA because (until construction closed half the pathways) it is so much easier to get around.


Well-Known Member
The best arguments are Tomorrowland, intact versions of key classics (Country Bears, Carousel of Progresss, and TTA), and more space.

Unfortunately, those lose in a landslide to "everything else."

I honestly cannot fathom people who have spent considerable time, recently, in both parks preferring Magic Kingdom in Florida.

choco choco

Well-Known Member
But either way I plan on having a 3 day hopper pass. One day at DL, the next at DCA and then I figure the last day will be at DL again.

There is no need to allocate days between the two parks. They are right next to each other. Often times, you can have a partner wait in line for a churro on Main Street, hop out of Disneyland, hop into DCA, walk around, grab fastpasses at your favorite ride, hop out of DCA, hop back into Disneyland and be back to your group before they even get the darn dessert.

It's best to think of the whole thing as one giant park (combined, the two are smaller than Epcot). The smart people get sets of fastpasses for both parks, then travel freely between them however they like.

One question to all you vets out there. I look at Disneyland and marvel at the amount of attractions in there. I can't help but think that it is nearly impossible to do everything in one day there. Two days, then yes I believe it can happen. But just a quick question, can you cover a lot of ground in there for a day? Or is MK better for that type of thing where you can do more of the park in one day?

Three days is plenty. Plenty plenty. If you find you have extra time or days, explore the rest of southern california. Please don't give all your money to Disney.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member

The world's best Disney blog. And it is about the MK. Foxxfur - she can never be praised highly enough - does a great job of showing the splendour and infinite subtlety of the MK.

Even decades of vandalism :)mad:) have not undone all of the magic of the MK. It remains the most magnificent park ever build, and that includes not just DL but also EPCOT and DisneySea.


Premium Member
I will have to put in my two cents in a lite later, just landed in Los Angeles 10 minutes ago and will be in Disneyland tomorrow!!! I have been to Disneyland before but just once I need another experience to truly form my opinion .


Well-Known Member
One question to all you vets out there. I look at Disneyland and marvel at the amount of attractions in there. I can't help but think that it is nearly impossible to do everything in one day there. Two days, then yes I believe it can happen. But just a quick question, can you cover a lot of ground in there for a day? Or is MK better for that type of thing where you can do more of the park in one day?

There's no way you can go on all the rides in Disneyland in one day, especially not a shorter off-season weekday when the park is only open from 10AM to 8PM or so. Two weekdays will be a stretch, and your best bet is to use Fastpass wisely and focus on the rides that are missing from Magic Kingdom and/or noticeably different at Disneyland. You'll need to skip the close duplicates like Teacups, Star Tours, Tiki Room, Carousel, Dumbo, Captain EO, etc.

Disneyland has over a dozen more attractions than Magic Kingdom park does, and four of those extra rides are major E Tickets; Matterhorn Boblseds, Indiana Jones, Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, and Star Tours. If you skipped Star Tours as it's nearly an identical version of the WDW copy from most of the queue onward, you could just consider the other three E Tickets must-do's to save time.

By going on an off-season weekday, you also don't have to worry about a couple of rides that Disneyland runs on weekends only in September; Sailing Ship Columbia and Davy Crockett Canoes. You'll also not have Fantasmic! or the fireworks to worry about at Disneyland on a September weekday; just an afternoon parade in both Disneyland and DCA, and World of Color at DCA for major weekday entertainment.

Even then, you'll need to focus quickly and intently on just doing attractions in both parks. There are 28 major attractions at DCA, not including live entertainment offerings. And of those 28 attractions, five of them are major E Tickets; Soarin' over California, Tower of Terror, Grizzly River Run, California Screamin', and Radiator Springs Racers. If you passed on Soarin' and Tower of Terror, as they are similar to the WDW versions, you could focus on just the three unique DCA E Tickets and then focus on the 20 or so other attractions that are unique to DCA and ignore the other WDW clones like MuppetVision, Bugs Life 3-D, and Turtle Talk.

Stay focused, have a Fastpass strategy for each day (especially for Radiator Springs Racers!), don't get bogged down in shopping and long lunches, ignore the WDW clones, and you can get on all the unique and different rides at Disneyland and DCA in three days.

Back OT at the Magic Kingdom Park, I can't believe some folks think the Disneyland version of Splash Mountain is better! The Disneyland version of Splash is so fast and frantic that you can't tell what's going on, or that there is even a plot of some sort. The staging, pacing and art direction is much better on Splash Mt. at Magic Kingdom, and you can actually figure out the plotline there. It's a shame about the maintenance in WDW, but the core attraction and its creative direction is better at Magic Kingdom in my opinion.


Well-Known Member

The world's best Disney blog. And it is about the MK. Foxxfur - she can never be praised highly enough - does a great job of showing the splendour and infinite subtlety of the MK.

Even decades of vandalism :)mad:) have not undone all of the magic of the MK. It remains the most magnificent park ever build, and that includes not just DL but also EPCOT and DisneySea.

Out of curiosity, when was the last time you visited Disneyland or Tokyo DisneySea? Just curious so I know what year of existence for each park you're basing your opinions on.

There's no way you can go on all the rides in Disneyland in one day, especially not a shorter off-season weekday when the park is only open from 10AM to 8PM or so. Two weekdays will be a stretch, and your best bet is to use Fastpass wisely and focus on the rides that are missing from Magic Kingdom and/or noticeably different at Disneyland. You'll need to skip the close duplicates like Teacups, Star Tours, Tiki Room, Carousel, Dumbo, Captain EO, etc.

Disneyland has over a dozen more attractions than Magic Kingdom park does, and four of those extra rides are major E Tickets; Matterhorn Boblseds, Indiana Jones, Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, and Star Tours. If you skipped Star Tours as it's nearly an identical version of the WDW copy from most of the queue onward, you could just consider the other three E Tickets must-do's to save time.

By going on an off-season weekday, you also don't have to worry about a couple of rides that Disneyland runs on weekends only in September; Sailing Ship Columbia and Davy Crockett Canoes. You'll also not have Fantasmic! or the fireworks to worry about at Disneyland on a September weekday; just an afternoon parade in both Disneyland and DCA, and World of Color at DCA for major weekday entertainment.

Even then, you'll need to focus quickly and intently on just doing attractions in both parks. There are 28 major attractions at DCA, not including live entertainment offerings. And of those 28 attractions, five of them are major E Tickets; Soarin' over California, Tower of Terror, Grizzly River Run, California Screamin', and Radiator Springs Racers. If you passed on Soarin' and Tower of Terror, as they are similar to the WDW versions, you could focus on just the three unique DCA E Tickets and then focus on the 20 or so other attractions that are unique to DCA and ignore the other WDW clones like MuppetVision, Bugs Life 3-D, and Turtle Talk.

Stay focused, have a Fastpass strategy for each day (especially for Radiator Springs Racers!), don't get bogged down in shopping and long lunches, ignore the WDW clones, and you can get on all the unique and different rides at Disneyland and DCA in three days.

Back OT at the Magic Kingdom Park, I can't believe some folks think the Disneyland version is better! The Disneyland version of Splash is so fast and frantic that you can't tell what's going on, or that there is even a plot of some sort. The staging, pacing and art direction is much better on Splash Mt. at Magic Kingdom, and you can actually figure out the plotline there. It's a shame about the maintenance in WDW, but the core attraction and its creative direction is better at Magic Kingdom in my opinion.

We usually spend 4-5 days at Disneyland. For a first time visit, I think 5 is the perfect number. That gives you time to enjoy dining in the hotels and Trader Sam's and see all of the attractions and take in the parks.

As for Splash Mountain, you're absolutely right about pacing and storytelling in the MK version. I also *hate* how soaked I get on the Disneyland version. That said, the America Sings AAs at Disneyland are decidedly nicer than the AAs in Walt Disney World's version. Overall, I prefer WDW's, but DL's is not lousy by any stretch of the imagination.


Premium Member

The world's best Disney blog. And it is about the MK. Foxxfur - she can never be praised highly enough - does a great job of showing the splendour and infinite subtlety of the MK.

Even decades of vandalism :)mad:) have not undone all of the magic of the MK. It remains the most magnificent park ever build, and that includes not just DL but also EPCOT and DisneySea.

Have you been to Paris yet?

I rank MK about 5th on the list as it stands and haven't even been to Paris yet.


Premium Member
Disneyland walkways definitely aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be. Well, except for Adventureland… it really is pretty bad there. Other than that, I've never had a problem outside of the PEAK peak times.

DL > MK on all counts 'cept for dining (love my Carny Cafe and the Bayou but the park could sure use a few more dining locations) and Splash. Splash at MK is basically my fave theme park ride ever, but it's dreadful at DL. I've lived in California for almost two years now, gone to DL 1-2x a month, and I've been on Splash once in that time.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for even more feedback. TP2000, there are probably a few WDW clones I might skip. I have never been a big fan of Star Tours. But if I get the chance I would still like to see the other clones. I'm not going all that way and missing Haunted Mansion (unless it is being refurbed though) just because it is universally accepted to be inferior to WDW's version.

I will ask this question to observers. How empty would the park be the day after Labour Day? I would think it might be one of the best days to


Well-Known Member
Disneyland walkways definitely aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be. Well, except for Adventureland… it really is pretty bad there. Other than that, I've never had a problem outside of the PEAK peak times.

DL > MK on all counts 'cept for dining (love my Carny Cafe and the Bayou but the park could sure use a few more dining locations) and Splash. Splash at MK is basically my fave theme park ride ever, but it's dreadful at DL. I've lived in California for almost two years now, gone to DL 1-2x a month, and I've been on Splash once in that time.

You really think MK's dining is better?

Here are the restaurants I'd consider at least "good" in Disneyland:
  • Club 33
  • Blue Bayou
  • Carnation Cafe
  • Jolly Holiday Bakery
  • Plaza Inn
  • Village Haus (new menu, 2011)
  • Hungry Bear Restaurant (new menu, 2011)
  • French Market
  • Cafe Orleans (never eaten here but have heard good things)
  • Big Thunder Ranch BBQ

"Good" restaurants at MK:
  • Cosmic Ray's
  • Crystal Palace
  • Columbia Harbour House
  • Sleepy Hollow
  • Plaza Restaurant
  • Tony's (haven't eaten here and I've heard it's hit or miss, but I'll add it anyway)

Even if you throw on Cinderella's Royal Table and a couple other iffy restaurants, I don't see Magic Kingdom dining being better than Disneyland dining. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Okay, not to open up yet another WDW vs. DL debate. I realize that despite the fact I have yet to visit Disneyland I take the word of others who have been to both and confirm that WDW is better than DL as a whole if only based on the sheer size and the abundance of things to do with the extra parks.

But if we just isolate Disneyland park with Magic Kingdom in WDW. Most observers choose DL 9 times out of 10. Rarely have I seen a person who has been to both flagship parks claim that MK was better.

But are there any of you out there? If so, make a case for MK. If you believe it to be better, then why? Or HOW could it be better? The Fantasyland expansion? Could that put it over the top?

Discuss, but keep it between the two flagship parks and act as a lawyer for the MK
I avoid the comparison simply because I rather view each park as a separate experience. Each has its own unique limitations making a comparison difficult for me. While I know Disneyland has received frequent updayes, they are limited by size and have a much smaller footprint on which to allocate investment dollars. While I understand mk in WDW is larger and has received fewer updates, the size of the resort and number of annual guests force budgeting on a much larger downed of land. Thus, I think each is great, just different
Experiences to be enjoyed my all mouse fans.

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