I had a long conversation with an Imagineer when the Pirate interactive game opened in early summer 2013. He said that they were going to make load and unload the same area and make unload/the backstage up ramp (the "jog" area) some new show scenes. We were told it was going to be a giant refurb. He said they were going to make it, "just like Disneyland." "The biggest in Magic Kingdom history." Now... I may have been frontline....but I can sniff out when something is wishful thinking/bs. And that seemed like it. Then the new boats came and the entire ride began to unravel. We had to have one of us at all times scooping water out of ever boat at unload. Dispatch times got screwed, boats got stuck daily to the point of having to evac the ride, our numbers plummeted, and wait times got unprecedented (thanks, FP+). It was pretty bad in the last part of 2014. My turning point when I went from feeling pride about conquering pirates to hating pirates is when I was cussed out by a guest on Christmas Eve because people had been stuck on the ride for 45 minutes and management wouldn't call for an evac. We were being promised that we were going down for at minimum 12 months starting sometime in 2014. And we were excited. And, as we know, that never happened.
The ride now almost seems beyond repair. It's a lot worse off than a lot of people think. Right before I left the company, the rumor became that Phil Holmes said no to 12-18 months and that he wanted no more than six. So it's going to be an improvement in the since of the most recent big Space refurb...that Phil also botched terribly. It's unsafe in a lot do ways. Because it's unsafe to ask cast to get in the water 10 times a week to evacuate the ride and it's unsafe to evacuate guest off of it that much. There are also very scary things that have happened that I don't feel comfortable talking about. Just know the ride is in some dangerous waters (forgive the pun). The last time I rode it, they had just turned the lights off on the musicians in the burning city because they weren't working. Those figures not functioning should close the ride. But show doesn't matter. A lot of the problems have to do the belts, the ride system, the sensors, the up ramp, and the down ramp. Almost every other ride at WDW does not require cast to have to spend so much time either walking through the inner workings of the ride or spend time going into the very deepest inner workings of the ride to try to fix it when something minor goes wrong. That needs to be changed. The entire ride system needs to be changed. From the computers, to the load/unload consoles, to the pirates control tower, to the belts, to the pumps, to the ramps. It needs to be so extensive that all cast has to be retrained.
What will it get? The same thing Jungle Cruise got during their 2013 refurb: Not much. Not enough.