Main Street Bakery to Serve Starbucks Coffee


Well-Known Member
Many people were opposed to $bux coming to MS well before the current announcement and any subsequent confusion. And consequently, the same opposition remains after that silly episode, which was only of importance to like three people misunderstanding the press release and in turn a handful of people yelling and getting all worked up about that. But to the rest of the world, that nonsense is of no importance.

I agree...I'm just frustrated by the continued flow of misinformation. Starbucks is merely a brand, if the majority don't like that brand, they won't buy it, Starbucks will go away. If the opposite is true, and I suspect it is, then everyone just needs to pull back their indignation long enough to see what happens. Such is life.


Well-Known Member
While I get what you're saying about hipsters, let's be real. I think what the poster said about the high cost preventing them from going to MK Starbucks meant they are not going to pay for a ticket to an amusement park to sit in a Starbucks with their laptop when there are thousands are Starbucks outside WDW where they can do the same thing. So I'm hoping you misinterpreted the high price quote, because if you really think people are going to pay park admission prices to sit with a cup of coffee, to be as nice as I can, is ridiculously silly.

Then I misunderstood.

Also, while your disdain for Starbucks if very clear, did it occur to you that some people pay the high prices not just to be cool, but because they like it? My father is 55 years old, and far from a 'hipster', and loves Starbucks.

I can honestly say after walking into a couple of them in the Louisville, KY area that thought never occurred to me. Never. So many hipsters I felt poor and rich all at once. We actually call them Hipster Factories around here. That and the Apple stores.


Well-Known Member
How bout turning the hot dog stand on main street into a NATHONS ? ? ? ? or a big Burger King sign.....

I think you're onto something. The Hot Dog Eating Contest Experience, see it every day at 11:30, 2, 4 and 6 -- with a championship round each night at 8:30.


Well-Known Member
Because continued misinformation can be and is a very negative thing. Get upset about something worthy of upset and you have a strong reason to make noise. When it is pointed out that there is no real basis of upset and yet it is ignored and high levels of anger still exist, I am totally befuddled by it. Again I will repeat, there are so many reasons for upset in the current Disney Parks and all you hear is nothing. Change Coffee brands and it is responded too like someone cut off your fingers.

When the communication was unclear and people had a vision of a stark Starbucks Store with big green sign hanging out over Main Street. OK, understandable. Once that theory was dispelled and the "Danger Will Robinson" signal was stopped. The continued discussion of the evil of it all, should have stopped. There was nothing left to be angry about. Yet it goes on and on.

Sort of reminds me of some family member in the recent election build up. "My minds made up, don't confuse me with facts." Just gets a little tedious. Everyone has a right to get upset about reality, fiction is yet another thing. Distortion of facts is even worse.

But this is not just changing the bag of roasted beans that is used. It is making large changes to the menu, atmosphere, and products that will be sold there. Along with that, the cups sold are going to look the same as any starbucks with the addition of a wdw logo. Yes there are other non disney products sold in the parks. But look at coke bottles, they have become ubiquitous because they are sold everywhere. You only get fresh Starbucks coffee in a Starbucks cup at a Starbucks. It is another intrusion in the parks.

If all they wanted to do was just switch to beans over-roasted in South Carolina, that is fine. And if they wanted to put a dime sized picture of the siren on the cup, no problem. These are the changes that they should have done because it adds to the experience, it does not take away from it. Will this stop me from going to MK or WDW, no. But it will annoy me that Main St is going to look like the areas around autonomous units for mid-mall snacking at my local mall.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Will this stop me from going to MK or WDW, no. But it will annoy me that Main St is going to look like the areas around autonomous units for mid-mall snacking at my local mall.
Yes, the little things matter. Don't be shy to be outspoken about them.

One Starbucks does not spell the end of WDW. But it is a thousand little things, a little bit less attention to detail, a little too much emphasis on retail and F&B, a little too less emphasis on guest experience and immersion.

And then one day, you walk around Potter - and you don't even like that little nerd - and you breathe a sigh of relief, you feel happy, you are transported to another world, fully immersed. And you know you don't get this at Disney all that much anymore, not as much as it could.


Premium Member
Actually, this kind of proves my point about the misconception of why people do not like this move. People are upset for a myriad of reasons, but most of the flamers here are losing it over only one reason. I am not on the other side of the fence. I'd prefer to keep Starbucks out of the parks, and initially it was for several reasons. One of which was was because I did not want the bakery torn out and replaced by a Starbucks with a gaudy sign sticking out over the sidewalk. Then when that was cleared up (right away I might add) I was still upset because I would have preferred Disney keep corporate products out of Disney (or at least Mainstreet USA). Then I realized that was just plain stupid on my part since they have had Coke for forever. But I still do not like it ( and this may sound very childish to some) because of the mere fact that it is Starbucks. What I mean is that you can walk into any Starbucks and you will inevitably see some knit hat wearing, Mac-book using, horn rimmed glasses wearing hipster sitting there. So, for the childish part, I cannot stand hipsters, there fore I do not like Starbucks (they are also severely overpricing that garbage) and I do not like having a Starbucks in Disney. See? Silly, I know, but there it is.

Finally, someone being really honest with an answer about why this is a problem. You just don't like Starbucks because of what it represents to you. Perfectly valid point. These 50+ pages about ruining main street and cheapening Disney by bringing in corporate sponsors was a waste of time. I can't tell you for certain that it won't be a hipster hang out, but like others said I doubt it will. There really is nothing less hip than hanging out at WDW;).


Well-Known Member
Yes, the little things matter. Don't be shy to be outspoken about them.

One Starbucks does not spell the end of WDW. But it is a thousand little things, a little bit less attention to detail, a little too much emphasis on retail and F&B, a little too less emphasis on guest experience and immersion.

And then one day, you walk around Potter - and you don't even like that little nerd - and you breathe a sigh of relief, you feel happy, you are transported to another world, fully immersed. And you know you don't get this at Disney all that much anymore, not as much as it could.

Actually this is Disney stepping up realising their coffee is the worst and doing something about it - JKR wouldn't allow Starbucks because it wasn't written in the books.

It'll be as good as "3 Pigs Cafe" in DCA. Thats it, you should be organising petions for the repairing the broken effects not complaining now that one building on Main Street won't be rotting away.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Actually this is Disney stepping up realising their coffee is the worst and doing something about it - JKR wouldn't allow Starbucks because it wasn't written in the books.

It'll be as good as "3 Pigs Cafe" in DCA. Thats it, you should be organising petions for the repairing the broken effects not complaining now that one building on Main Street won't be rotting away.
Erm, I suppose I should now say that 'You should be organising petitions for repairing the broken effects on Splash not complaining about JKR's opinion of Starbucks etc etc'.
But I won't. Because, what is with that nonsense in this thread all the time? Because there are broken effects on Splash one can't have an opinion on Starbucks? Worse, only a positive one? Can we have an opinion about BoG's menu? Must we lock all threads on this forum and only talk about Splash until that one is fully repaired? And then stop all talk about Test Track until Everest is repaired or something? What sillyness. This is the Starbucks on Ms thread, we discuss Starbucks on MS here, not Splash. Not the civil war in Syria. Nor anything else that is more important in the grand scheme of things. Enough with that lunacy already.

Me, I don't like the look of the Pig café in DCA. I don't like to walk into a Starbucks in an early 20th century setting, not even a Starbucks with an early 20th century theme, nor even a Disney period café with a Starbucks menu. It's a thematic intrusion, an ill-fit. I'm simply not easily satisfied. I don't want the chain, I want the unique, boutique experience. DTD is for outside chains to set up shop. The parks ought to be one step up from that.

I'm all for Disney replacing its coffee for better quality coffee. This is not it. This is one location in each park being changed for marketing purposes. If the goal is to improve coffee in the parks, would be improved in the parks. (Which incidentally WDW is not going to do, because many fans of better coffee are happy to settle for one location, blindly supporting a deal for Disney which in fact decreases Disney's impetus to introduce better coffee across the parks!)

If the goal is better fried products in the park, then the solution isn't one McDonald's marketing location in Frontierland. No, the solution is better oil and better potatoes across the park.


Premium Member
Erm, I suppose I should now say that 'You should be organising petitions for repairing the broken effects on Splash not complaining about JKR's opinion of Starbucks etc etc'.
But I won't. Because, what is with that nonsense in this thread all the time? Because there are broken effects on Splash one can't have an opinion on Starbucks? Worse, only a positive one? Can we have an opinion about BoG's menu? Must we lock all threads on this forum and only talk about Splash until that one is fully repaired? And then stop all talk about Test Track until Everest is repaired or something? What sillyness. This is the Starbucks on Ms thread, we discuss Starbucks on MS here, not Splash. Not the civil war in Syria. Nor anything else that is more important in the grand scheme of things. Enough with that lunacy already.

Me, I don't like the look of the Pig café in DCA. I don't like to walk into a Starbucks in an early 20th century setting, not even a Starbucks with an early 20th century theme, nor even a Disney period café with a Starbucks menu. It's a thematic intrusion, an ill-fit. I'm simply not easily satisfied. I don't want the chain, I want the unique, boutique experience. DTD is for outside chains to set up shop. The parks ought to be one step up from that.

I'm all for Disney replacing its coffee for better quality coffee. This is not it. This is one location in each park being changed for marketing purposes. If the goal is to improve coffee in the parks, would be improved in the parks. (Which incidentally WDW is not going to do, because many fans of better coffee are happy to settle for one location, blindly supporting a deal for Disney which in fact decreases Disney's impetus to introduce better coffee across the parks!)

If the goal is better fried products in the park, then the solution isn't one McDonald's marketing location in Frontierland. No, the solution is better oil and better potatoes across the park.

I agree with you that Splash issues and Starbucks are 2 different things. I think it just surprises some people that within days of announcing the Starbucks location on Main St there was a petition with thousands of signatures going around. You should be allowed to hate the Starbucks idea and still want Splash improved.

I think having 1 Starbucks location per park is pretty smart and less obtrusive than switching all Coffe to Starbucks. Not everyone likes Starbucks coffee, some people love it and a lot of people could care less. Having 1 location per park improves the experience for the people in the love Starbucks category. Not having it everywhere means those that don't like the taste of Starbucks coffee can get a cup of something else everywhere but that 1 location per park. For the majority of people in the could care less category they will have minimum impact to their experience. Most will not even know there was a change. Do you think the average guest could have told you what brand Coffe was served at Main Street Bakery? I know I couldn't before this thread. The group I guess I left out is people who are against Starbucks as a corporate entity or against change in MK. They will not be happy. As a company Disney has to weigh the increased experience for Starbucks lovers against this group's unhappiness. Keep in mind, you can't please everyone all the time. I am sure some Vegans from PETA are unhappy with the steaks served at BOG. Should Disney only sell vegan approved food at all parks to ensure this small group is happy? If they did it would take away from the overall experience of other guests (not to mention the bottom line).


Ah, a newbie comes in and has all the answers. I love it ... of course you being wrong is amusing, but I'm just amused that we have another one! Welcome ... make yourself comfortable, although I have a feeling you won't last.

Just how am I wrong? You seem to "think" you have all the answers as well. Do you have facts, figures, photos, recordings, eyewitness accounts, etc. to back up some of your alleged answers???

I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I just may choose not to chime in every second with my "knowledge" and create a 53 page thread over something that was put into motion long before it was ever even discussed on this site. It's fun to sit back and watch the know it alls duke it out. Fight on. You amuse me.


Well-Known Member
Guess it is just me, but if I was never going back I wouldnt be wasting time with anything related to it.
I didn't say I was never going back. It's just not worth going right now altogether as often as I used too. More of a personal preference with WDW. Nothing with the forum itself. The forum I find is interesting with the buzz on possible projects and what not. But I've been disappointed and am deciding to take " a break" if you may, from the WDW resort. I love Disney don't get me wrong there.:D

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