Main Street Bakery to Serve Starbucks Coffee


Well-Known Member
I can't disagree my only argument would be hopefully there won't be any hipsters there hanging out due to cost

You must not know anything about these people. Hipsters will spend $1000 to make themselves look like they don't care about their clothes. That is the sole reason they go to Starbucks. There are many other cheaper coffee houses they could go to to save money, but those aren't trendy.

Once upon a time I worked as a systems administrator for an ISP and I took care of Helpdesk calls from time to time. 90% of the calls were from Mac users with simple fixes who couldn't figure out how to operate their over-priced computer. That started my hatred of all things hipster right there. Try answering 200+ calls a day from whining babies that should be able to figure out the most basic of functions on their $2000 Macbooks.


Well-Known Member
You must not know anything about these people. Hipsters will spend $1000 to make themselves look like they don't care about their clothes. That is the sole reason they go to Starbucks. There are many other cheaper coffee houses they could go to to save money, but those aren't trendy.
No I try not to frequent the hipster locals, I'm a little too old now, I just go to bed hoping my son never becomes one.


Well-Known Member
And you still don't get it. This must be the 10th time I have posted this and no one is listening. Not everyone was upset, or at least still is, over wrong information. It has to do with other things. I have said this and have been quoted on it a couple of times and the response is right back to the whole "misinformation" issue. My God this is dizzying. Misinformation has nothing to do with why many are still upset by this move. Trust me, you can all get down off the soapbox now. We all know that the bakery is not really changing. We get it. Mission accomplished, message received loud and clear.

OK, as long as you can tell me a justifiable reason why having Starbucks in that location is a bad thing. Frankly, I can't think of any reason why it is a problem. And please don't say because it is a brand that isn't Disney...we have been over that a hundred times as well. Don't say that it's because Walt wouldn't allow outside brands in his parks, that argument is almost laughable and proven incorrect also again and again. Or because Starbucks didn't exist at the turn of the 20th Century. Neither did most of the things sold in there currently. But that said, I will gladly get off my soapbox, if you'll get off yours!

Edit: Sorry I just noticed the post that you had explaining why YOU were upset about it. OK, fine but I was not responding to that, I didn't even know that you didn't like Hipsters. I'm talking about those that have continued to hang on to the "OMG, it's a Starbucks Store running right down the middle of Main Street USA". BTW, the one thing that is not going to be the same as an outside Starbucks and the Hipster connection is that they don't have hundreds of hyper kids coming in with their coffee starved parents screaming for a Mickey Shaped Krispy Treat. I don't think they would find that to be a trendy place to hang out. So again, it all boils down to a place to get a cup of expensive coffee.


Well-Known Member
That you and I would disagree about

Probably. My Samsung Galaxy S III out performs any iPhone that I have found, even the 5. I have 3 friends that worship iCrap and their iPhone 5s are slow in comparison. My laptops are faster than the newest Mac-book, but that is only because I upgraded them and tweaked them.


Well-Known Member
Probably. My Samsung Galaxy S III out performs any iPhone that I have found, even the 5. I have 3 friends that worship iCrap and their iPhone 5s are slow in comparison. My laptops are faster than the newest Mac-book, but that is only because I upgraded them and tweaked them.
No offense but the virtues of Mac vs windows argument is one I don't participate in, I like them both and use both for different tasks on a daily basis.


Well-Known Member
OK, as long as you can tell me a justifiable reason why having Starbucks in that location is a bad thing. Frankly, I can't think of any reason why it is a problem. And please don't say because it is a brand that isn't Disney...we have been over that a hundred times as well. Don't say that it's because Walt wouldn't allow outside brands in his parks, that argument is almost laughable and proven incorrect also again and again. Or because Starbucks didn't exist at the turn of the 20th Century. Neither did most of the things sold in there currently. But that said, I will gladly get off my soapbox, if you'll get off yours!

Why are you screaming?! I'm not screaming! No one is screaming! You still don't get it! I'll leave you to your thoughts, because I have far better things to do with my day than to argue with someone who is clearly intent on arguing! Oh, and I'm not on a soapbox! I'm in a chair!

Still not screaming! :D


Well-Known Member
Why are you screaming?! I'm not screaming! No one is screaming! You still don't get it! I'll leave you to your thoughts, because I have far better things to do with my day than to argue with someone who is clearly intent on arguing! Oh, and I'm not on a soapbox! I'm in a chair!

Still not screaming! :D

I edited my post after I discovered one of your posts, but seriously, screaming? Really? Discussion boards are for discussions not just you state how you feel and it ends there. Sorry, you cannot see that. The secret to getting me to "stop arguing" is to say something I can agree with. :p


Well-Known Member
Edit: Sorry I just noticed the post that you had explaining why YOU were upset about it. OK, fine but I was not responding to that, I didn't even know that you didn't like Hipsters. I'm talking about those that have continued to hang on to the "OMG, it's a Starbucks Store running right down the middle of Main Street USA". BTW, the one thing that is not going to be the same as an outside Starbucks and the Hipster connection is that they don't have hundreds of hyper kids coming in with their coffee starved parents screaming for a Mickey Shaped Krispy Treat. I don't think they would find that to be a trendy place to hang out. So again, it all boils down to a place to get a cup of expensive coffee.

I get that. I know I am being unreasonable about this (ask my wife ;) ) but is is just one of those things that sticks in my craw. It is more of an association thing for me.

And yes, if there are still people saying that the place is going to be gutted and turned into a full on Starbucks, then they're idiots. Correct them once and move on. That is not worth wasting your time.


Well-Known Member
You must not know anything about these people. Hipsters will spend $1000 to make themselves look like they don't care about their clothes. That is the sole reason they go to Starbucks. There are many other cheaper coffee houses they could go to to save money, but those aren't trendy.

Once upon a time I worked as a systems administrator for an ISP and I took care of Helpdesk calls from time to time. 90% of the calls were from Mac users with simple fixes who couldn't figure out how to operate their over-priced computer. That started my hatred of all things hipster right there. Try answering 200+ calls a day from whining babies that should be able to figure out the most basic of functions on their $2000 Macbooks.

While I get what you're saying about hipsters, let's be real. I think what the poster said about the high cost preventing them from going to MK Starbucks meant they are not going to pay for a ticket to an amusement park to sit in a Starbucks with their laptop when there are thousands are Starbucks outside WDW where they can do the same thing. So I'm hoping you misinterpreted the high price quote, because if you really think people are going to pay park admission prices to sit with a cup of coffee, to be as nice as I can, is ridiculously silly.

Also, while your disdain for Starbucks if very clear, did it occur to you that some people pay the high prices not just to be cool, but because they like it? My father is 55 years old, and far from a 'hipster', and loves Starbucks.


Well-Known Member
Dumb question so I make sure I'm on the same page, a hipster is person who wears vintage clothing, skinny jeans, thick rimmed glasses, usually has a degree,objects to mainstream culture and usually a democrat. Am I correct or incorrect.


Well-Known Member
Dumb question so I make sure I'm on the same page, a hipster is person who wears vintage clothing, skinny jeans, thick rimmed glasses, usually has a degree,objects to mainstream culture and usually a democrat. Am I correct or incorrect.

You're right. Although the negative connotations being referred to here are implying they are entitled, self important, and lazy expensive coffee drinkers. But really, regardless if you're preppy, hipster, grunge, hippy or whatever, I think we're all a little self important and entitled to some extent in our teens and early twenties! Isn't that why we thought we knew everything there was to know and our parents were stupid? lol


Well-Known Member
You're right. Although the negative connotations being referred to here are implying they are entitled, self important, and lazy expensive coffee drinkers. But really, regardless if you're preppy, hipster, grunge, hippy or whatever, I think we're all a little self important and entitled to some extent in our teens and early twenties! Isn't that why we thought we knew everything there was to know and our parents were stupid? lol
I will not comment, it could possibly incriminate me


The Epcot Manifesto
Dumb question so I make sure I'm on the same page, a hipster is person who wears vintage clothing, skinny jeans, thick rimmed glasses, usually has a degree,objects to mainstream culture and usually a democrat. Am I correct or incorrect.

I think that this is a pretty good description, and I'm someone who I think most might think toes hipster line from time to time.

The thing that keeps coming back to me though is that I don't really ever put Starbucks and Hipster together too often. I mean, years ago yes, but these days I think they tend to look for more "local, organically sourced, knowbody knows about this place" types of coffee houses. If I jump the train and head back to my old neighborhood in Chicago that has quite a hipster vibe, I'd find them in 2-3 other places before I'd find them in Starbucks. Starbucks is too mainstream, thus disdained by the current hipster, and would only be consumed ironically, kind of like PBR and Virginia Slims.

Ok, excuse me, I have to go and check to see if the wax in my mustache is holding up. (and don't you wish you knew if I was joking or not)... :D

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
You're right. Although the negative connotations being referred to here are implying they are entitled, self important, and lazy expensive coffee drinkers. But really, regardless if you're preppy, hipster, grunge, hippy or whatever, I think we're all a little self important and entitled to some extent in our teens and early twenties! Isn't that why we thought we knew everything there was to know and our parents were stupid? lol
Yes, but the thing is, one is supposed to outgrow it in one's early twenties, whereas hipsters stick with the self-important entitlement know-it-all act well into their late thirties.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Because continued misinformation can be and is a very negative thing. Get upset about something worthy of upset and you have a strong reason to make noise. When it is pointed out that there is no real basis of upset and yet it is ignored and high levels of anger still exist, I am totally befuddled by it. Again I will repeat, there are so many reasons for upset in the current Disney Parks and all you hear is nothing. Change Coffee brands and it is responded too like someone cut off your fingers.

When the communication was unclear and people had a vision of a stark Starbucks Store with big green sign hanging out over Main Street. OK, understandable. Once that theory was dispelled and the "Danger Will Robinson" signal was stopped. The continued discussion of the evil of it all, should have stopped. There was nothing left to be angry about. Yet it goes on and on.

Sort of reminds me of some family member in the recent election build up. "My minds made up, don't confuse me with facts." Just gets a little tedious. Everyone has a right to get upset about reality, fiction is yet another thing. Distortion of facts is even worse.
Many people were opposed to $bux coming to MS well before the current announcement and any subsequent confusion. And consequently, the same opposition remains after that silly episode, which was only of importance to like three people misunderstanding the press release and in turn a handful of people yelling and getting all worked up about that. But to the rest of the world, that nonsense is of no importance.

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