MagicBands WILL become a thing...

Todd L

Well-Known Member
The rumors/presumptions going around weren't that it was actual facial recognition that could identify a specific person, but rather a tracking system at the entrance area.

In a bit of armchair Imagineering, such a system would have a camera or cameras focused on a specific area (the area around one set of the new gate-free entrances). This area would then be monitored by a CM with an iPad or at a podium.

As a Guest walked into the camera's field of view, the system would start to track that individual by placing a yellow dot on their head on the screen. When it detected that the person had walked over to one of the Mickey head posts and successfully registered a valid entry into the park, their dot on the CMs screen would turn green until the person exited the camera's field of view into the park.
But, if a yellow-dotted Guest kept on walking into the park and reached a pre-determined point without stopping to scan their park admission, their dot would turn red and the CM would be alerted to intercept the Guest and direct them back to the reader post to scan their ticket.

Theoretically the system could take a still photo of the person's face to help the CM identify which Guest they're dealing with.

Such a system would cut down on the number of CMs required to man each of the sections of the new entrances, and would help them keep track of who has and has not actually scanned their tickets, especially when a large group is walking up to the entrance all at once.

This is all theoretical, of course, though Disney Research has been working on systems like this...


I just read that they are using facial recognition in some European transit systems. Seems like a bit of a stretch for Wdw at this point.

They are taking pictures on Iphones in Disneyland and when you pass thru the gates a cast member decided whether its you or not!!

This will definatley cut down on secondary tickets sales.


Active Member
Has the 3 Fast Pass restriction been confirmed?

If so I completely revoke my previous post and will join the torch-wielding mob.

This website reported a couple of days ago that cm's have been briefed that it will only be three. I'm not sure if this makes it "official" but it sounds like pretty solid information and if you check on the Disney World website under "Disney Park Experience Terms & Conditions" you will see that there is "official" information out there on the new fastpass+ system. If you check out this information, make sure you also read the section about converting to paperless. Once you put your new "cool" personalized band on your wrist, you will no longer be able to use the traditional fp system. Light the Torches!


Well-Known Member
Not a resort guest acess to resort transportation...
I know you meant the WDW Resort as a whole, but also know someone will read that and think "hotel" when they see "resort" and worry that they can't use the monorail or the busses or whathaveyou. :)

Anyone who visits Disney is a guest of the WDW Resort and is welcome to use the Disney transportation. You do not need to stay in a Disney hotel to use it! Hotel guests, day guests, everyone can use the Disney transportation! :)


Active Member
So I have an aunt and uncle that I truly love, but they are the cheapest people I know. They have on more than one occasion, criticized my family for the amount of money we spend on trips to Disney. However, they winter in Orlando and love to drive over to Disney World where they park their car and travel throughout Disney often stopping at the deluxe resorts and hanging out at the pool. They have said that they sit there and make fun of the foolish people who have spent so much money to come there. I'm not sure if they qualify as guests since I guantee you they do not spend a penny while they are there. If people like my dear aunt and uncle were kept out of Disney because they weren't wearing the Magicband, it would be the first thing I can think of that would make me happy about the new Magicband.:D
This website reported a couple of days ago that cm's have been briefed that it will only be three. I'm not sure if this makes it "official" but it sounds like pretty solid information and if you check on the Disney World website under "Disney Park Experience Terms & Conditions" you will see that there is "official" information out there on the new fastpass+ system. If you check out this information, make sure you also read the section about converting to paperless. Once you put your new "cool" personalized band on your wrist, you will no longer be able to use the traditional fp system. Light the Torches!



Well-Known Member
i like the idea of the magic bands in place of the tickets, they will reduce the amount of time people spend on lines to get into the parks, and you can use them to as your hotel key, and you can use them for paying for merchandise/food, i think they'll be very convenient to use

I find this hilarious.

You know you just described the Key to the World card they've had in place for well over a decade, right??

This is killing a fly with a sledgehammer.


Well-Known Member
Is this debate still going? Jeezo....

Bottom line is get one or don't. It's up to you. Don't see why people are getting their knickers in a twist over it?!?

Because it appears experiences will be different if you DON'T get one. Why would you expect this debate to have stopped?? Because since it's going to happen we shouldn't talk about it any longer?


Well-Known Member
This website reported a couple of days ago that cm's have been briefed that it will only be three. I'm not sure if this makes it "official" but it sounds like pretty solid information and if you check on the Disney World website under "Disney Park Experience Terms & Conditions" you will see that there is "official" information out there on the new fastpass+ system. If you check out this information, make sure you also read the section about converting to paperless. Once you put your new "cool" personalized band on your wrist, you will no longer be able to use the traditional fp system. Light the Torches!
I know that I griped a bit about the new FP+ system but I have a couple of thoughts on this:

1) We cannot change the path of this out of control snowball no matter how much we would like. So we need to just accept that what will be, will be.
2) We never really used the heck out of the FP system anyway because of the lower crowd levels in September and October. Only having access to 3 FP's will not irritate me as much as I assumed it might.
3) I'll set up my 3 FP+ experiences and make sure that the one ride that does always seem to have a longer than 20 minute line is one of the FP's I get. For example, in MK it is always Splash Mountain that has a 20 to 30 minute wait after 1pm. In AK it is, of course, Everest. In DHS it is TSMM. And in EPCOT it is Soarin'. As long as I can get a FP for those rides on park days 1, 2, 3, and 4 then I am good. Park days 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are "wing it" days anyway so I have no idea where we'll be until that day so I am not goign to commit us to something until that day.


Active Member
This might have already been answered, but i don't have the time to read the 20 pages of post to see if has so here it is...once the bands are put into place will Disney contact you if you already have a vacation booked and ask what color you want or will it be random?


Well-Known Member
With the huge investment Disney made you gotta think they are gonna utilize this band to regulate transportation, tickets, hard ticket partys, Pool access, ect,ect.

To install a reader at a bus terminal, Pool, Bar, Gate or parking lot is very easy and I gotta think they have very big plans for this rfid technology .

This thing could be the digital Cop of wdw and while I dont have a problem with it i think many people would.

It could keep people out of Anything that the wdw management deems not accesable to the user....

Not staying at Akv...No access To the pools.

Not a resort guest acess to resort transportation.

Im being specific but I think you get the drift...

It's not as easy as just sticking readers anywhere... They also have to be STAFFED. That's an ongoing cost. And a significant one, I might add.

They'll add this where they have to in order to protect profits. Park entrances, DQ, parties, maybe mini golf or golf courses. They're not going to spend tens of thousands of dollars a year gating locations they don't collect revenue from directly, like resort pools or buses.


Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
Imagining self with wide farmer's band tan on arm....;). I do not want to wear one but can envision linking onto my travel purse somehow if required to carry....


Premium Member
This might have already been answered, but i don't have the time to read the 20 pages of post to see if has so here it is...once the bands are put into place will Disney contact you if you already have a vacation booked and ask what color you want or will it be random?

Zero info available about how Disney will transition existing bookings once their system goes online. Once it does go live.. I expect the availability will be transitioned in as well. I would guess.. Disney will not proactively go after all existing reservations once they turn the system on, but rather let people opt-in and participate by contacting Disney. New bookings would collect that info at time of booking, etc.

Maybe Disney sends a postcard or something to let you know you can join in.. but I would not expect some blind package in the mail. They can't do it because not everyone form the past has agreed to the new Terms of Service associated with this system.


Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
My other thoughts are when my children were younger they would have resisted wearing anything on wrist....I can see them removing them and/or losing them....and me having to carry them around....vs flat cards in my purse......still prefer that option....options must exist because this simply isn't for everyone....


Well-Known Member
This might have already been answered, but i don't have the time to read the 20 pages of post to see if has so here it is...once the bands are put into place will Disney contact you if you already have a vacation booked and ask what color you want or will it be random?
FWIW, I was told by the CM explaining it that you'll get to pick your color. They haven't really explained it yet, though.


Well-Known Member
I know that I griped a bit about the new FP+ system but I have a couple of thoughts on this:

1) We cannot change the path of this out of control snowball no matter how much we would like. So we need to just accept that what will be, will be.
2) We never really used the heck out of the FP system anyway because of the lower crowd levels in September and October. Only having access to 3 FP's will not irritate me as much as I assumed it might.
3) I'll set up my 3 FP+ experiences and make sure that the one ride that does always seem to have a longer than 20 minute line is one of the FP's I get. For example, in MK it is always Splash Mountain that has a 20 to 30 minute wait after 1pm. In AK it is, of course, Everest. In DHS it is TSMM. And in EPCOT it is Soarin'. As long as I can get a FP for those rides on park days 1, 2, 3, and 4 then I am good. Park days 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are "wing it" days anyway so I have no idea where we'll be until that day so I am not goign to commit us to something until that day.

The issue folks like you are going to have a problem with (I'm surmising) will be the false value added to the system in the form of FP on attractions that don't need it. You currently vacation during an off-peak time (if there's even such a thing anymore) and probably don't stand in much of a wait for anything other than premiere attractions. How will you feel when the crowd levels during your vacation haven't changed, but the wait times at secondary attractions have increased due to FP+ being offered?

That's where I think this is going to rub people the wrong way. The impact it will have on wait times for attractions that currently don't have FP or don't need it because of capacity. And if the limit of 3 FP's per day is accurate, there will be absolutely no way to get around those new, longer standby lines.


Well-Known Member
The issue folks like you are going to have a problem with (I'm surmising) will be the false value added to the system in the form of FP on attractions that don't need it. You currently vacation during an off-peak time (if there's even such a thing anymore) and probably don't stand in much of a wait for anything other than premiere attractions. How will you feel when the crowd levels during your vacation haven't changed, but the wait times at secondary attractions have increased due to FP+ being offered?

That's where I think this is going to rub people the wrong way. The impact it will have on wait times for attractions that currently don't have FP or don't need it because of capacity. And if the limit of 3 FP's per day is accurate, there will be absolutely no way to get around those new, longer standby lines.

Great point. And that's what I was thinking too, technically we get 3 FPs per day (allegedly) but really it's only one because we pick from tiered groupings ... and the lower tiers are irrelevant FPs.

Three FPs a day great! 1 for Splash, 1 for Dumbo, and 1 for Stitch ... yay?


Well-Known Member
The issue folks like you are going to have a problem with (I'm surmising) will be the false value added to the system in the form of FP on attractions that don't need it. You currently vacation during an off-peak time (if there's even such a thing anymore) and probably don't stand in much of a wait for anything other than premiere attractions. How will you feel when the crowd levels during your vacation haven't changed, but the wait times at secondary attractions have increased due to FP+ being offered?

That's where I think this is going to rub people the wrong way. The impact it will have on wait times for attractions that currently don't have FP or don't need it because of capacity. And if the limit of 3 FP's per day is accurate, there will be absolutely no way to get around those new, longer standby lines.

I don't think it will have the impact on lines that you do. But I can only wait, hope, and see later if I am right. Speculating on the increase of standby lines at this point isn't something I want to do. However, no offence, but I truly hope you are 100% wrong. ;)


New Member
Most replies here are so focused on FP+ that you are missing the broader purpose and implication, making it more likely that you will spend more money at the parks. They monetize this investment through direct marketing based on your activities and purchases. When you buy the monorail playset, offers to complete the set with the polynesian playset expansion are not far behind. The magic band along with improvements to integrating systems and data engineering creates a huge opportunity for the company to better understand its customers and determine how best to satisfy and squeeze them. Just look at the disney careers page and you will see where this is headed. Count the number of openings for data analytics types of positions. I'm not suggesting its wrong or malicious, I admire them for their savvy.

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